This is the Message Centre for paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Paul's Pumpkin Soup Bowls, Pumpkin Plates, and Pumkin Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3441

Lady Scott

I think when he realized he wasn't alone on here it scared him away...

Paul's Pun-kin Soup Bowls, Pun-kin Plates, and Pun-in Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3442

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Well, ya got me, for a few minutes.
Hello from the White Mountains, where I am
getting a good rest. smiley - tongueout

Paul's Pun-kin Soup Bowls, Pun-kin Plates, and Pun-in Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3443

Lady Scott

smiley - cool

I was wondering where you could have gotten to this weekend... will you be gone long?

Paul's Pun-kin Soup Bowls, Pun-kin Plates, and Pun-in Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3444

Avenging Washcloth, An unhurried sense of time is, in itself, a form of wealth.

Hey, that's where I was trying to get to last year when I wound up at Niagara Falls. It was cold, raining and miserable weather last year during my vacation. I hope you're having better luck, Paul!

Have a great time, whatever the weather! smiley - hug

Paul's Pun-kin Soup Bowls, Pun-kin Plates, and Pun-in Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3445

Lady Scott

Is it beautiful up there?

I sure wish the leaves were pretty here in the fall, but all we seem to get is yellow and murky brown. smiley - erm

Paul's Pun-kin Soup Bowls, Pun-kin Plates, and Pun-in Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3446

Avenging Washcloth, An unhurried sense of time is, in itself, a form of wealth.

Ohio blazes with all the fall colors in October. smiley - bigeyes It's pretty much my favorite time of year.

Paul's Pun-kin Soup Bowls, Pun-kin Plates, and Pun-in Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3447

Lady Scott

smiley - wah

I wanna see pretty fall colors!

smiley - cry

Paul's Pun-kin Soup Bowls, Pun-kin Plates, and Pun-in Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3448

Avenging Washcloth, An unhurried sense of time is, in itself, a form of wealth.

smiley - hug There, there. This is the price you pay for living in Pennsylweenia, Lady Scott. smiley - tongueout

Paul's Pun-kin Soup Bowls, Pun-kin Plates, and Pun-in Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3449

Lady Scott


smiley - sadface

I still miss the fall colors. They're so ugly here.

Paul's Pun-kin Soup Bowls, Pun-kin Plates, and Pun-in Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3450

Avenging Washcloth, An unhurried sense of time is, in itself, a form of wealth.

smiley - sadface I'm sorry Pennslyweenia is so poopy.

smiley - tongueout

Paul's Pun-kin Soup Bowls, Pun-kin Plates, and Pun-in Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3451

Avenging Washcloth, An unhurried sense of time is, in itself, a form of wealth.

Punnsylveinous, whatever. smiley - nahnah

Paul's Pun-kin Soup Bowls, Pun-kin Plates, and Pun-in Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3452

Lady Scott

But it's such a wonderful place, otherwise...

*rolls eyes*

Paul's Pun-kin Soup Bowls, Pun-kin Plates, and Pun-in Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3453

Avenging Washcloth, An unhurried sense of time is, in itself, a form of wealth.

When one isn't *lost* somewhere on your roadways. smiley - tongueout

Paul's Pun-kin Soup Bowls, Pun-kin Plates, and Pun-in Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3454

Lady Scott

You must be taking too many turns then, because as much as I've traveled on back-roads in Lancaster county, if I just stay on the road I'm on, I know I'll come to something familiar eventually.

Paul's Pun-kin Soup Bowls, Pun-kin Plates, and Pun-in Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3455

Avenging Washcloth, An unhurried sense of time is, in itself, a form of wealth.

Obviously, you've never been to Pittsburgh. You can get in, but you can never leave. I wonder why the Eagles didn't record, "Hotel Pennsylvania" ... it would have made more sense.

smiley - winkeye

Paul's Pun-kin Soup Bowls, Pun-kin Plates, and Pun-in Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3456

Lady Scott

smiley - laugh

No, never been to Pittsburgh.

Why in the world would I want to go there, anyway?smiley - huh

Paul's Pun-kin Soup Bowls, Pun-kin Plates, and Pun-in Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3457

Avenging Washcloth, An unhurried sense of time is, in itself, a form of wealth.

They have a really smiley - cool Carnegie Museum. There's a fantastic diplay of dinosaurs there ... and slabs of gem encrusted rocks, magnificent geodes with gorgeous crystals inside ... some the size of boulders. smiley - bigeyes ... and lots of other way smiley - cool stuff.

I was in heaven. It's a regular science-fest. Can you tell I like museums? smiley - bigeyes

Paul's Pun-kin Soup Bowls, Pun-kin Plates, and Pun-in Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3458

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

Darn geologistssmiley - winkeye

Durham's full of autumn leaves at the moment...they keep on blocking all the drains so it gets a bit messy when it rainssmiley - erm

Paul's Pun-kin Soup Bowls, Pun-kin Plates, and Pun-in Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3459

Lady Scott

We are finally getting some rain here.... it was a long drought!

Paul's Pun-kin Soup Bowls, Pun-kin Plates, and Pun-in Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3460

tacsatduck- beware the <sheep> lie

I don't know about you but I had enought rain this weekend to last me for a while...

smiley - chick
(smiley - cuddlesmiley - bunny)

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