This is the Message Centre for paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Paul's Pumpkin Soup Bowls, Pumpkin Plates, and Pumkin Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3401

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I'm just hoping that Uncle Vernon and
Aunt Petunia will develop some redeeming
qualities later in the series. There is
*some* reason why Harry is safe from
Voldemort when he is at their home...

Paul's Pumpkin Soup Bowls, Pumpkin Plates, and Pumkin Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3402

tacsatduck- beware the <sheep> lie

yes...well this next book should be rather good...voldemort has just come back and all that...looks pretty dang exciting so far
mabye it has something to do with his eyes

smiley - chick
(smiley - cuddlesmiley - bunny)

Paul's Pumpkin Soup Bowls, Pumpkin Plates, and Pumkin Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3403

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I'm still debating with myself whether
I want to read the last 3 books in the
Harry Potter series as they come out.
They will likely be far darker and more
disturbing than the first 4. smiley - sadface

Paul's Pumpkin Soup Bowls, Pumpkin Plates, and Pumkin Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3404

Mistadrong, (Count vonCount.)the last Gog standing

::Bumps into another Harry Potter posting and backs off.::
smiley - vampire

Paul's Pumpkin Soup Bowls, Pumpkin Plates, and Pumkin Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3405

tacsatduck- beware the <sheep> lie

hmmm I don't think they will get tooooooo dark just dark enough

smiley - chick
(smiley - cuddlesmiley - bunny)

Paul's Pumpkin Soup Bowls, Pumpkin Plates, and Pumkin Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3406

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

They have to be light enough for kids to read them surely?

Paul's Pumpkin Soup Bowls, Pumpkin Plates, and Pumkin Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3407

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

smiley - huh

Mistadrong, why does Harry Potter
bother you?

Paul's Pumpkin Soup Bowls, Pumpkin Plates, and Pumkin Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3408

Lady Scott

I have heard/read somewhere or other that the author planned to make them progressively darker, and more adult in nature as the characters progress through their teen years. That could have been misinformation, though.

At any rate, if that is the case, the books would become entirely too intense and full of subject matter totally unsuited for the young age bracket they originally appealled to, but designed to grow up with the original readers instead.

Paul's Pumpkin Soup Bowls, Pumpkin Plates, and Pumkin Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3409

tacsatduck- beware the <sheep> lie

I think that the idea of the novels getting "older" as they progress is a prety smiley - cool idea and I have read that somewhere to lady scott....I know the author had stated she was going to work on the young adults relationship issues (like the Ron and Hermione thing heating up)

smiley - chick
(smiley - cuddlesmiley - bunny)

Paul's Pumpkin Soup Bowls, Pumpkin Plates, and Pumkin Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3410

Lady Scott

The only thing is, if the kids who are young now and just starting to read them want to progress to the books aimed at an older audience, they're going to have to wait a few years to read them.

Paul's Pumpkin Soup Bowls, Pumpkin Plates, and Pumkin Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3411

tacsatduck- beware the <sheep> lie

I don't think that she is going to put things in it that they wouldn't be able to read...but I think that some of the things it will take an older child or (smiley - silly adult) to get...kinda like the older bugs bunny love em and can watch'em but some of the jokes are aimed at the older crowd and completly go over a young kids head...I am always reminded of bugs starting to go out the plane door and comeing back in with his heart visably beating with a big 4F on it

smiley - chick
(smiley - cuddlesmiley - bunny)

Paul's Pumpkin Soup Bowls, Pumpkin Plates, and Pumkin Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3412

Fluffy Pink Rabbit

smiley - wow

Bugs Bunny is my hero!

smiley - smiley

Paul's Pumpkin Soup Bowls, Pumpkin Plates, and Pumkin Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3413

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

Dangermouse is much better- and overflowing with bad punssmiley - winkeye

Paul's Pumpkin Soup Bowls, Pumpkin Plates, and Pumkin Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3414

Lady Scott

From what I understand that's not what the author had in mind, but I guess time will tell about that.

You think Bugs Bunny had jokes that only adults would get - What about all the puns in Rocky and Bullwinkle? smiley - laugh

Paul's Pumpkin Soup Bowls, Pumpkin Plates, and Pumkin Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3415

tacsatduck- beware the <sheep> lie

Danger Mouse rocks yyyyyyyaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy

Most of your better cartoons and shows have stuff for the kids and of the reasons "Shrek" did so well

smiley - chick
(smiley - cuddlesmiley - bunny)

Paul's Pumpkin Soup Bowls, Pumpkin Plates, and Pumkin Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3416

Fluffy Pink Rabbit

smiley - erm

I'm just an innocent rabbit.
Not sophisticated at all.
What do I know about Rodney Dangermouse?

Paul's Pumpkin Soup Bowls, Pumpkin Plates, and Pumkin Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3417

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat


David Jason is brilliantsmiley - winkeye

Paul's Pumpkin Soup Bowls, Pumpkin Plates, and Pumkin Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3418

Lady Scott

Oh *sure* you're an innocent rabbit.....

smiley - laughsmiley - winkeye

Paul's Pumpkin Soup Bowls, Pumpkin Plates, and Pumkin Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3419

Avenging Washcloth, An unhurried sense of time is, in itself, a form of wealth.

Dangermouse. smiley - bigeyes

I can still hear the theme song rolling through my head.

Penfold! What a sidekick. smiley - laugh

Paul's Pumpkin Soup Bowls, Pumpkin Plates, and Pumkin Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3420

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

He slept nonstop for three weeks on my sofa,
Lady Scott. In fact, he's there right now,
guarding the stuff that I put on the sofa because
I was too tired/lazy/whatever to put where
it belongs (not that there's a real place to
put any of it now). smiley - tongueout

How much trouble could a pink stuffed rabbit get
into anyway?

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