This is the Message Centre for paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Paul's Pumpkin Soup Bowls, Pumpkin Plates, and Pumkin Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3341

Avenging Washcloth, An unhurried sense of time is, in itself, a form of wealth.

You'd have to ask Mitch Miller. smiley - winkeye

Paul's Pumpkin Soup Bowls, Pumpkin Plates, and Pumkin Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3342

Lady Scott

smiley - laugh

Silly me... I always thought the polka dots were the little buttons on the opposite side of the accordian!

Paul's Pumpkin Soup Bowls, Pumpkin Plates, and Pumkin Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3343

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

.....and maybe they are!!! YAY!!!

smiley - hug Pauly

Paul's Pumpkin Soup Bowls, Pumpkin Plates, and Pumkin Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3344

tacsatduck- beware the <sheep> lie

ummm the only Polka or whatnot that I know of is smiley - weirdal Yankavich's stuff like "Polka your eyes out" and whatnot

smiley - chick
(smiley - cuddlesmiley - bunny)

Paul's Pumpkin Soup Bowls, Pumpkin Plates, and Pumkin Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3345

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Surely Lady Scott knows the Pennsylvania
Polka, Tac. smiley - winkeye

Or anyone who has ever seen the movie
"Groundhog Day" smiley - laugh

Paul's Pumpkin Soup Bowls, Pumpkin Plates, and Pumkin Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3346

Lady Scott


I've seen that movie so often - seemed like every time I turned on the tv for a month it was on one channel or another smiley - laugh

We have our own groundhog in Lancaster county (Octororo Orphie)... stupid thing still always tells us we've got 6 more weeks..

Paul's Pumpkin Soup Bowls, Pumpkin Plates, and Pumkin Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3347

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I've seen it a few times, too. smiley - smiley

There are other polkas that are kind of fun, too.
There's the "Thunder and Lightning Polka."
There's the "I was not a Nazi Polka."
I went to an "Octoberfest" celebration in a Boston
suburb last month (Octoberfest in September? Well,
it seems to be a tradition with them), and heard
quite a few polkas. There was also some kind of German
drinking song that everyone but me seemed to know
by heart. smiley - flustered

Paul's Pumpkin Soup Bowls, Pumpkin Plates, and Pumkin Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3348

Lady Scott

Maybe you have to be a German drinker to know this stuff?

How exactly would one drink a German?

Paul's Pumpkin Soup Bowls, Pumpkin Plates, and Pumkin Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3349

Avenging Washcloth, An unhurried sense of time is, in itself, a form of wealth.

... first you put him in a blender. smiley - winkeye

Paul's Pumpkin Soup Bowls, Pumpkin Plates, and Pumkin Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3350

Uncle Heavy [sic]

you could put him in a bender...smiley - smiley

Paul's Pumpkin Soup Bowls, Pumpkin Plates, and Pumkin Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3351

Avenging Washcloth, An unhurried sense of time is, in itself, a form of wealth.

... or you could use a juicer, but that would be messier. You'd have to figure out what to do with the pulp.

smiley - tongueout

Paul's Pumpkin Soup Bowls, Pumpkin Plates, and Pumkin Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3352

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Octoberfest was quite interesting.

At precisely 2:00 P.M., everyone stopped what they
were doing, and faced the German flag while they
sang the German National Anthem (music by Franz
Joseph Haydn, lyrics by....I don't know who).
Then the stars and stripes were saluted, while
everyone sang the Star Spangled Banner (in English
this time).

Then we proceeded to load up on German potato salad,
knackwurst, sauerkraut, and rich desserts. smiley - biggrin

Paul's Pumpkin Soup Bowls, Pumpkin Plates, and Pumkin Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3353

Uncle Heavy [sic]

are you in germany? man, i pity you smiley - winkeye

Paul's Pumpkin Soup Bowls, Pumpkin Plates, and Pumkin Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3354

Lady Scott


Unc... read just a little backlog...

smiley - laugh

Paul's Pumpkin Soup Bowls, Pumpkin Plates, and Pumkin Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3355

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

I got given a little spork with a ready meal I ate yesterday. You had to cliup it together as it came in two piecessmiley - smiley

Paul's Pumpkin Soup Bowls, Pumpkin Plates, and Pumkin Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3356

Lady Scott

smiley - cool

A snap together smiley - spork!

Paul's Pumpkin Soup Bowls, Pumpkin Plates, and Pumkin Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3357

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

Yeah...tis only diddy...smiley - biggrin

Paul's Pumpkin Soup Bowls, Pumpkin Plates, and Pumkin Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3358

Lady Scott

smiley - huh Diddy?

What kind of thing did you get it with? We can get snap together spoons here - they're in the caps of some yogurts, but I've never seen a snap together spork.

Paul's Pumpkin Soup Bowls, Pumpkin Plates, and Pumkin Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3359

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

It was in the lid of this weird pasta ready meal...didn't taste very nice, but I get the sporksmiley - smiley

Paul's Pumpkin Soup Bowls, Pumpkin Plates, and Pumkin Salt and Pepper Shaker Fan Club!!

Post 3360

Lady Scott

Hm.... interesting...

Any particular brand? Maybe we have it over here - it would be so smiley - cool to get a snap together smiley - spork, even though I'd probably hate the meal!

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