A Conversation for Aces' Code of Conduct


Post 1281

Loup Dargent

Jab...smiley - smiley

My first posting was a reply that i didn't have time to post yesterday... Though, when i copied the number for the Ref: post etc.. before posting my reply the post was visible...

The second one i replied to is visible as well...

So no smiley - magic trick there i'm afraid...



Post 1282


The specified post 1255 is not currently hidden.


Post 1283


Oops - slow simulpost! _@o"


Post 1284

Loup Dargent

REf: post 1282

SEF...smiley - smiley

Yep... i went back to check after posting my reply to Jab as my browsers and my PC have a tendency to play tricks on me at times...smiley - smiley

But as i was not using Opera, the chances were that yesterday's post i replied to was not hidden...

With Opera it's a bit different i noticed, the sessions are saved automatically and sometimes when i use it again i get the pages as they were when i left...



Post 1285

Jab [Since 29th November 2002]

Post: 1255 may not be hidden now, or ever but it is a reference to a hiddin post ie. re-direction.

So it's not AWOLs < alternate names > post that was hidden then?

I was wondering what could be gained from replying to them now? smiley - erm


Post 1286

Jab [Since 29th November 2002]

Simulpost smiley - steam...

Ah an 'Opera' browser feature, keeping sessions stored - handy for who said what to whom and in what order. smiley - winkeye


Post 1287

Loup Dargent

Ref: posting 1286

Jab...smiley - smiley

Yep... using Opera could be useful but it only works [i think] with the page visited before going offline so unfortunately whatever has been said between that time and when coming back online is not [if it has been hidden during that time] checkable as far as i know...

Once the refresh button has been clicked things become a bit more difficult as well unfortunately...

Another way though would be to save the convo's page as it is when we've posted... or, if anything happens while we're online, to click on the back button and go to where the page previously visited was before posts were hidden and save it...

Disclaimer: That last paragraph was not an advice of course [smiley - whistle] as the rules regarding storing info from the BBC sites might need to be checked first...



Post 1288


That only works when online of course - sometimes things are hidden while I'm replying to them or I have an old window still open to see them in. The only way to really capture things would be a 24-hour automatic process following posts. It is quite possible but it would require more enthusiasm than I'm prepared to put into it - as well as having the dubious element of copying stuff and the logistical problem of storing it all for whatever length of time.


Post 1289

Jab [Since 29th November 2002]

(Loup) Storing BBCi pages in that way, can't see a problem with it.

Just like video recording a BBC TV channel, for later review - it should be all under acceptable use.

And how it relates to this thread is, it could help in tracking conduct issues. smiley - erm


Post 1290


You could of course not yikes all thl the posts in the first place.smiley - smiley


Post 1291

Loup Dargent

Ref: post 1288


Storing stuff is a problem for me... With the kind of PC i've got there is no way i could store the pages i visit while i'm online... or perhaps i should invest in some CDs and save the infos on them once i have managed to go through the explanations on how to do it [not very feasible right now unfortunately]...

But, even a limited quantity of storage is still better than none i suppose...smiley - smiley

Ref: post 1289


Yep, i agree...

Ref: post 1290


That's a good advice, but it doesn't apply to my situation at the moment as i haven't done any yikesing anywhere on the site for ages and i certainly don't intend to yikes anything on this thread anyway...smiley - smiley



Post 1292

Jab [Since 29th November 2002]

kow I agree, if it ain't broke don't fix it.

smiley - biggrin


Post 1293


just sack whom ever is sat bhind there desk doin nowt about this thread

aka nat jimbo mina smiley - biggrin

im still open t offers if n e 1 of them do get the push smiley - smiley

then again tho i want the TOP spot ..then its out with the old in with the new..this place ill end up b in a different ball game then smiley - biggrin

hey people dont thank me just at the mo..long way t go yet..lol..smiley - smiley


Post 1294

Jab [Since 29th November 2002]

"do get the push."

*clicks* splat.wav on file directory list.

Lemmings? smiley - laugh

*clicks* ohno.wav .... 10 or 20 times...

smiley - erm How about forming a wish-list of changes in ACE conduct first, then present that to the powers?


Post 1295


This post has been removed.


Post 1296


re: post previously hidden

whats offensive about 'fc'? means Football Club smiley - doh lol

the reason he keeps coming back is cos you keep yikesing him, but its not just about playing the game is it? 'some' of your aces are afraid he might actually let researchers know whats really going on in here! scary woooh since your moderation team reply to him a lot and some of your aces are still chatting to him too lol

and before you tell me, i know he is a banned researcher but since 'some' of your aces stitched him up and it appears they had staff backing, right Nats? smiley - winkeye he seems to think he is entitled to be here..and will you be yikesing this 1 too? God forbid anyone see the truth on this site! its a joke, same as 'some' of you yikesing my posts incase anyone should see how corrupt some of you lot really are!

smiley - fullmoon


Post 1297

I'm not really here

It might not have been offensive, but as far as I can see it *was* spam.


Post 1298



isnt 'spam' where its multiple posting in 1 thread/chatroom?
it was only posted once in here

smiley - fullmoon


Post 1299

I'm not really here

That's normally referred to as 'flooding'. Spamming is when something is posted to lots of different places.


Post 1300



oh my mistake Mina, i stand corrected, im not too proud to admit my mistakes..didnt realise you was watching other threads too smiley - winkeye i was only only responding to this 1

smiley - fullmoon

Key: Complain about this post