A Conversation for Aces' Code of Conduct

Regarding the Aces code of Conduct

Post 1261



never winds me up....how can what he says wind u up?

how can anything typed on screen wind u up???

Regarding the Aces code of Conduct

Post 1262

Boxing Baboon 2

well he goes to people spaces under different names chats to them hes a wind up merchent

Regarding the Aces code of Conduct

Post 1263



erm no..he always admits who he is.....

n its all fun....wind up??? y is that a bad thing...u dont come across like u have no soh so whats the prob?
take it with pinch of salt eh....or u tryin to sniff for a badge lol

Regarding the Aces code of Conduct

Post 1264

Boxing Baboon 2

i dont want to be an ace smiley - ok even if the offered me it i would decline .you chat as if you know him .do you chat in email by chance? well hes been to my space under a couple of names .

Regarding the Aces code of Conduct

Post 1265



yer known him for yrs...aint ashamed to admit that..got nowt to hide
u makin notes then? lol

Regarding the Aces code of Conduct

Post 1266

Boxing Baboon 2

does he also send you links? lol i noticed the other night .so is this your only name localised girl?

Regarding the Aces code of Conduct

Post 1267



nah no links....i have no other name cos i dont need to have more than 1

Regarding the Aces code of Conduct

Post 1268

Boxing Baboon 2

must have been thinking of some1 else there never mind on with the wind up games.i didnt mean you

Regarding the Aces code of Conduct

Post 1269



i had other one awhile back but forgot pw n stuff....
n yer ok...lets drop the subject anyway cos it goin off the subject

Regarding the Aces code of Conduct

Post 1270

Boxing Baboon 2

smiley - ok well apart from being yikesed w when i first started .ive had no problems with the <./>aces</.> have you had any bother with them localisedgirl? +am smiley - sorry for mixing you up with somebody else.

Regarding the Aces code of Conduct

Post 1271



not really, altho i never said i had a prob with em, but i have seen sum things on here n in this thread which i have an opinion on as well as others, but i'll keep shtum on that kind of opinion n just focus on relevant opinions for in here smiley - smiley
anyway im off for a bit as been here way too long n need cuppa, fag n bath...weekend off work woohoo (insert wish i could party but im skint stupid face here)

Regarding the Aces code of Conduct

Post 1272

Boxing Baboon 2

smiley - ok bye. im going to unsubscribe now had enough may come back at a later date

Regarding the Aces code of Conduct

Post 1273

KNight BLUENOSELD, landlord and GOD of The Boars Head A1042534 United Friends Minister of Self Rigtheousness

smiley - book

BNsmiley - blue.

Regarding the Aces code of Conduct

Post 1274

Little Miss- Get well soon Kylie.XXX

smiley - book

Regarding the Aces code of Conduct

Post 1275

Jab [Since 29th November 2002]

Oh lawdy, dargnaget sombebody trigger happy with the Yikes button I see.


Post 1276


This post has been removed.

Regarding the Aces code of Conduct

Post 1277

Loup Dargent

Ref: post 1255


smiley - ok I will try to oblige you by _trying_ as much as possible to refrain pasting the parts of your postings i reply to...smiley - smiley

1) About me knowing any of the staff:

Nope, i _don't_ know any of them...

But i do "speak" with some of them time to time on here and some of them in the BBCiTesters Group Forum.

2) Am i up to date with the <./>HouseRules</.>?!...

Unless there have been any changes which haven't been announced, yep i'm fairly up to date with them... But i don't _always_ agree with everyone on how some points in the Rules are interpreted at times...smiley - biggrin



Post 1278


boosmiley - biggrin


Post 1279

Loup Dargent

and another simulpost...smiley - disco


Post 1280

Jab [Since 29th November 2002]

Loup: Why are you, how are you, replying to yiksed post well after they have been hidden?

Key: Complain about this post