A Conversation for Aces' Code of Conduct


Post 1321


so if ur sayin posts can only be yikesed if they break the houserules, y r posts which havent gettin yikesed to? i had 2 posts from other day got yikesed, altho theyr back now, get yikesed when theres nlthin in there that breaks the rules, i was rpelyin to a post to me n since i was right sum1 didnt like n tried to hide!!
so no, u dont have to break rukles to get a post yikesed


Post 1322


Re: post 1309

so basically what your saying is, if they dont like your face you can bleep off, if you dont play the games you can bleep off, if you dont join a clique you can bleep off, if you dont suck up to the aces and say they are ALL doing a great job you can bleep
off..pointless following any rules then if they are going to make them up to suit themselves every 5 minutes? pointless complaining cos they all turn on you, pointless looking for proof of allegations cos they hide the evidence..pointless bleepin thread then if they are gonna sit here and only pretend to play the game, as i have not ever had any acknowledgement of the emails i sent regarding this thread to h2g2, i realise they dont give a bleep and have no intentions of pulling any aces cos they are are corrupt as they are..would that be a fair assumption??

smiley - fullmoon


Post 1323


Re: post 1312

im beginning to sound like who?
i dont want to argue with you but if you could answer a few questions, not an unreasonable request surely?

oh i get you now, you think im Awol? lol please, we're all getting a bit fed up of him being used as a convenient excuse to cover up whats going on here

smiley - fullmoon


Post 1324


careful what u say......that cold be breaking "todays" rule


Post 1325


That's about right I.V. You've probably missed some categories though and I think you are wrong about the face thing since I don't believe they have webcams everywhere! However, failing to turn up to meets and therefore not having a face might be a problem. You are right about them not replying to emails - even though that appears to break another of their own rules.


Post 1326


Re: post 1320

how convenient Ideno/Mina left that out of her previous comment! lol unbelievable! so if she dont like a post/or wish anyone else to see it, she sends it to the moderators, she is a moderator, must it be approved by all moderators or can you just whip them through without having a vote on it? lol what a cushy job!

smiley - fullmoon


Post 1327

Researcher 542516

This post has been removed.


Post 1328


maybe they just dont wanna admit theyre wrong?
or maybe they dont mind what happens amongst theyre staff n theyre proud on how they run this site???

summat to be proud of eh?


Post 1329


Re: post 1325

i was asked by h2g2 to take my issues to email, so i presume as nobody else could see a thread like this dragging on, i chose not to do that at 1st because i thought it was a fair thread which everybody should have the right to see/contribute, though seeing as there was so many problems with the SSO i decided rather than let people think 'id run away' due to lack of evidence id email h2g2, (1st for help with the SSO problem, which i got no reply to theres a surprise! and then to explain why i had posted this thread - no reply, no acknowledgement, no nothing), clearly they are not bothered as it would appear since they have backed up the aces on their personal little venvendetta's they have no intentions of acknowledging any wrong doing as they are not prepared to admit they are as corrupt as 'some' of these ace

smiley - fullmoon


where have you gone? getting your mod hat on? smiley - winkeye lol


Post 1330


The moderators will be whichever are on duty. They can hide it immediately or not. If contentious it will say referred. However, in either case the in-house staff are supposed to see it. How much attention they pay to a post or, significantly, to whom signs off on a given post is a moot point. It would seem obvious that the person complaining, yikesing, being yikesed or being the subject of the yikesed post should not be allowed to sign off on that post. However, judging by previous lack of attention to detail demonstrated by the staff (even on this thread!), I doubt such precautions are in place.


Post 1331


maybe theres too many posts to yikes at once smiley - smiley


Post 1332


I really don't believe SSO was designed to dispose of digibox users. It looks much more like incompetence on the part of the software team than maliciousness (making well-known mistakes and not being updated on specific digibox issues). However, it may have been very convenient for the staff who should then have been sorting any problems out to ignore emails from certain people. One of the main things SSO did reintroduce was having a valid and validated email address. That makes it even more disgusting to then ignore incoming emails and just use it unidirectionally to spam and abuse people.

It is not necessarily the case that all the staff are corrupt. Earlier in this thread Natalie demonstrated that she just didn't comprehend how the staff contributed to the problem - making out that it was easier to be fair while it actually takes more effort and cross-checking. Of course she could have been feigning ignorance. You'd have to decide for yourself how believable each staff member is. However, whichever is the case, it still means that nothing is being improved.


Post 1333

I'm not really here

SEF, you are wrong. I do not moderate any DNA site. I have not made any moderation decisions on any DNA site since I left the h2g2 staff. I do not work on DNA on a day to day basis anymore, I have a new job. Giving people the wrong impression of what I do on this site is only confusing for them. The day that you sit next to me and look over my shoulder at work is the day that you will know what I do. At the moment you are simply trying to guess.


Post 1334

I'm not really here

Actually I wasn't talking about AWOL.


Post 1335

I'm not really here

I'm not, and never have been, a moderator. If you choose to believe someone who has a well-known vendetta against the staff of this site, them more fool you.


Post 1336

Researcher 542516


well all i see is a cover up by h2g2 and there staff..or ex staff

this site isnt as good as youd like t believe itis..christ its run by chimps..smiley - laugh


Post 1337

Researcher 542516

Community haha smiley - biggrin


Post 1338


This post has been removed.


Post 1339


"I do not work on DNA on a day to day basis anymore"

Someone was logged in as Mina U290 earlier today as well as Ideno being online.


Post 1340


smiley - musicalnotesmiley - musicalnoteAmazing Grace,
How sweet the sound
That once saved
A poor wretch like meeee,
I once was BLIND
But now i seeeesmiley - musicalnotesmiley - musicalnote

or at least beggining too...woah dunno what come over me then, must be cos its Sunday smiley - biggrin


its not a question of believing what i want, im just looking at whats been said by all, and whats not being said/admitted till someone else says it for them..theres too much going on behind the scenes involving loads, not just my issues but many to take you at your word Ideno/Mina cos whether you know all about it or maybe just some of it, you certainly dont come over as lacking intelligence so i think you are either holding back on something whether you are involved in any site dispute, (even indirectly), or are just aware of certain things i dont think your being completely straight with us - thats not in any means a direct accussation, im just coming to conclusions by whats being said in this thread and learning along the way things on this site are most definately what we would be lead to believe

smiley - fullmoon

Key: Complain about this post