A Conversation for Aces' Code of Conduct


Post 1301


Spam is posting the same thing (usually inappropriately) on multiple forums - like the staff did to the volunteer groups over the Iraq issue. Flooding is posting multiple times to one thread. Sometimes that happened by accident to lots of people when the site software was playing up. The latest software update shoudl mostly have fixed that though.


Post 1302

I'm not really here

well, I said 'normally'. smiley - smiley Some people use spam for everything, including Suday lunch. smiley - laugh

It wasn't until I happened to see exactly the same message on someone's personal space that I went and had a look to see how many others had been posted. There were a fair few in various places.

It's a bit disappointing to see that someone has left you a message, only to find that it's spam. smiley - blue


Post 1303



oh thanks now i understand, when 'staff' spam its perfectly acceptable, they covered in the rules for that then i suppose, smallprint or something? but we dont, right yeah these rules im starting to understand very well indeed now, they clearly say 1 thing but must be taken 2 ways?
the tricky part is how we interpret them, we, as researchers i guess are expected to follow the rules to the latter and 'staff'/'some' aces follow them in other ways to suit a situation, is that right? this is how it would appear anyway

smiley - fullmoon


Post 1304


correct me if im wrong with this but spamming that i know of is when sum1 would post the same post multiple times in this thread....
so if i sent this msg 10 times, thats a spam !! smiley - smiley
not just one post, even if it is posted to different threads...


Post 1305



if it wasnt 4 the joke team aka moderation team..*I* aka awol wouldnt be ermmm what u call spammin all the time on different threads..

im just pointin out what a JOKE some of the yiksed post really are

is thi a sunday tag team on..?

Fc stood 4 football club
sheffield stood for team

ive plenty more comic strips to post into this *wonderful* h2g2 site..
mod/team send em t me via email and im gunna post em back in ere,,these yikes dont bother me really u know..smiley - smiley

im purely comin on n on t show everyone just how sad this mod team is.smiley - biggrin

if your top dogs would ave replied 2 my emails in email we could ave saved all this couldnt we..?


Post 1306

I'm not really here

~~Insomniac.Vampire~~, no that's not true. The staff and all volunteers are bound by exactly the same rules that the Researchers are. If anyone thinks that anyone else has broken the rules, then there is a complaints button on each and every post.


Post 1307

I'm not really here

LocalisedGirl, the name of what it is doesn't really matter. People complained that the definition of 'spam' in the House Rules didn't cover posting the same message lots of times to the same forum, so an extra bit was added.


Post 1308



well maybe u could tell me what the spamming is then? how can u interpret one msg in ere as a spam?


Post 1309


Yes you've got it I.V. It's another example of the double standards round here. The staff repeatedly break their own rules. I just found that they'd flooded my email again - sending multiple copies of the same email about the same post instead of just one.

There isn't specifically a rule which says it is OK for them to break the rules. They just do it and fail to hold themselves accountable. Similarly they fail to discipline underlines (not just ACEs) or even acknowledge that they are wrong. As a victimised researcher you don't just have to follow the rules to the letter but they will even make up new rules on the spot to discriminate against you. The proof that they are new and discriminatory rules is that there is evidence that they weren't applied to other people previously, they are inconsistent and ill-thought out and they won't even be applied to other people (underlines) afterwards.


Post 1310



just a question..did you yikes SEF for explaining the rules to me? 'IF' and im not saying you did, but whoever is running round here acting quite frankly out of pettiness, (or perhaps even stupidity and ignorance)?, at the moment, thats pathetic! 'some' people on this site seriously need to get a life! oh but i was forgetting SEF seems to be pointing out whats right and we cant have that on this site can we?!

smiley - fullmoon


Post 1311


meant to say 'explain the difference between spamming and flooding'..not explain the rules

smiley - fullmoon


Post 1312

I'm not really here


Sorry about this, but you're beginning to sound very like someone else on this site, and I've had this argument 1000 times already. I'm not prepared to have it again.


Post 1313

I'm not really here

I didn't intepret one message as spam. I saw the same message lots of times on h2g2.


Post 1314


i thought yikeseing was for offensive, rude posts....
not for when sum1 points out facts, thats all we've had in here, sum1 will post a thread clarifying things n it gets yikesed..

so idena, how do u explain that as ok n fine to do?

theres nothin bad in it to break the rules, but getting close to the truth n pointing out evidence seems to be breaking the house rules apparently

well either that or just covering up sum info, happened quite a lot on here too


Post 1315



isnt it? this site from what im seeing suggests otherwise..complaints button? thats very helpful of you considering it only works on pc!..oh and i know you can email this place..but since nobody bothers to get back to you seems pointless, wouldnt you agree?

smiley - fullmoon


Post 1316

I'm not really here

It's for anything that someone thinks breaks the House Rules. The Moderators will make the decision.

If you don't like it that I complained about something that broke the House Rules, then I'm not sure what you want me to do about that? The moderators obviously agreed with me, or they wouldn't have removed them.


Post 1317



oh, ok. erm, (baffled)


Post 1318

I'm not really here

That the button doesn't work on digiboxes isn't helpful I agree. Whether or not the staff don't answer emails is something that I can't comment on, as I left the staff of this site over two months ago.


Post 1319


ur aces seem to be flawless,just because they r ur staff or whatever (no need to correct me on that quote, u know n i know what i mean) doesnt mean they all stick to rules n r great n wonderful.
but us, bein merely just researchers, dont seem to have a valid opinion to u when its fetched up about whats really happening, i mean really, no ones interested that some of ur aces r doin what theyre doin. doesnt look good really does it, esp to newbies, maybe thats y our posts r yikesed so the truth is hidden from them too.
i havent been on here long. was a while back earlier in year, then had this name about time this thread started (which according to sum1 means i shouldnt be here lol)i have myeself seen n witnessed the problems in here. so altho i may not have known at beginnig whats goin on, im very much clearer now n cant see y this debate we're havin, gets yikesed when sumthing "they" dont like gets posted, and the head team totally ignore it!!


Post 1320


You are still on the dna sites staff though, Ideno/Mina, and still a moderator. So you not only know what words are best to use to get them to hide something but you can probably even approve it yourself once referred!

Key: Complain about this post