A Conversation for Aces' Code of Conduct


Post 1221


yay theyre back...told u there was no need for that


Post 1222

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

I am unsubscribing from this thread as i don't think i can add any more than i have already. smiley - smiley

If anyone wishes to get my particular opinion on something then feel free to leave a message on my PS


Regarding the Aces code of Conduct

Post 1223

KNight BLUENOSELD, landlord and GOD of The Boars Head A1042534 United Friends Minister of Self Rigtheousness

smiley - book

BNsmiley - blue.

Regarding the Aces code of Conduct

Post 1224



takecare smiley - rosesmiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - sadfacesmiley - laugh


Post 1225

Jab [Since 29th November 2002]

To think all the duff ACEs are former LD users? smiley - yuk

Well IV's troublesome ACEs are from there, and the ones I'm thinking of, which are NOT the same as IV's are from there...

Anybody else know of ex LDers that have a badge and abuse this sites ACE edict?

Infact, was there ever a move to get LDers to join as ACEs, by other ACEs or staff even to bring LDers more inline with h2g2 thinking? Nah, sceptical about the sudden surge in ACE numbers, disproportional to the arrival of LDers.

smiley - erm


Post 1226


jab...what about cheatin the test 2 become an ace..?

what about the beggin letters ((((not mine)))smiley - laugh
what about the smiley - wahsmiley - wah some people shed 2 become an ace..?


Post 1227



im not sayin theres anything dodgy in there bein ex ld'ers bein aces...but u do have do admit...there r quite a few....i can quote 5 off top of my head...n im sure theres more...altho i will need to be corrected n informed on the others

just a fact tho....no accusation at all!!


Post 1228


just a fact tho....no accusation at all!! smiley - biggrin

accusation accusation accusations u leave them t me hun i dont mind tellin n e 1 n e thin smiley - biggrin


Post 1229


Dodgey ???....never !!smiley - rofl....


Post 1230


Localised Girl
Re: post 1221

dont get too excited, mine was hidden in here the other day, then put back, then removed..you have to watch what you say, if you get to close to the truth or directly point the finger, it'll get yikesed..of course depends how you interpret a post, i guess facts are offensive, especially if your reading a post and you know its about you or a pal, God forbid anyone else read it!

smiley - fullmoon


Post 1231


it's the X FILES all over again smiley - laugh


Post 1232



well thats what i thought n a few others....but that just shows ppl it is seedy....if theres no conspiracy then y hide facts?
n make others wonder in to y theyre bein hidden...u prob read it....it wasnt offensive was it? didnt break rules?
so leaves the obvious

Regarding the Aces code of Conduct

Post 1233


I don't see any reason why a digibox user (from LD or not) shouldn't in principle be an ACE or other volunteer. For a while it was thought that the inability to access Yahoo would be a problem but there is an email route for much of that. Not being able to cut and paste is a disadvantage which is likely to lead to more inaccuracies. However, unless you can prove that digiboxes corrupt people or only corrupt and troublesome people get digiboxes, it seems ridiculous to suggest that LDers are the problem.

Some LDers may be a problem but that would be ignoring those who are not and those PC/Mac users who are. I don't believe any of you have done the statistics to support the idea. You merely have personal anecdotes because of the ones you have met. I have counter examples of both types.

Now *that* is a possibly a significant factor. If digibox users are not paying any more for being online then they might be around the site more than people on dial-up modem computers.

Regarding the Aces code of Conduct

Post 1234



>>>>>>>>If digibox users are not paying any more<<<<<<<<<<

*we*_they_ dont pay extra to come onto this site smiley - laugh its would be a sin t have t pay 4 this and what gets lied about on ere..they call this a family site..

QUESTION ... wheres it say that u must lie 2 yours or n e 1s kids 24/7 just 2 promote a site..? smiley - erm


Post 1235


Localised Girl
Re: post 1232

sorry didnt see your post, but seeing as loads of mine have been removed over time for no good reason, (saying 'other researchers may find your post offensive' is not a reason its part of a standard auto), when i post something that has been offensive i cant say anything about it but when i know there is nothing offensive in a post, i can only conclude it is pettiness

smiley - fullmoon


some ex-LDers onsite have a pc aswell or both..can i ask you something off topic but its just popped in my head now..when i 1st come on this site i pressed the yikes button, (dunno about pc but its at the right of posts on my box), it wasnt deliberate, the keys jumped, (they always do)!, and i wasnt aware of what it was at 1st anyway, back then a msg would come up saying something like..."the moderators have been alerted etc", if it could work for digibox users, how comes it dont now? has the option been taken away from us or do you think cos of h2g2/telewest upgrades it doesnt work anymore?

smiley - fullmoon

Regarding the Aces code of Conduct

Post 1236


The only working theory so far is that the complaints button doesn't work for digibox users because it uses a popup window and the TeleWest software does not support those. That theory fits with other things which don't work such as online, delete and logout. It is possible that there was no popup on a previous version of the site (I only joined mid-December 2002). It is also possible that the 360 trick which people were using before plain skin gave them a non-popup version of the site. It is even possible that TeleWest broke a previously working bit of popup handling in their software! These are not questions I can answer.

I don't believe the BBC were being deliberately anti-digibox users in adding popups to things. However, they *were* being unbelievably careless in the way they were relying on forms and other flash/javascript things in SSO since those were already known to be problematic issues. So I don't regard the lack of digibox yikesing ability as in any way suspicious of being deliberately discriminatory or malicious on the part of the BBC. It is a shame they haven't found a good work round though. Private forums are only going to make the problem worse. smiley - erm

Regarding the Aces code of Conduct

Post 1237

Boxing Baboon 2

smiley - wizard

Regarding the Aces code of Conduct

Post 1238


Re: post 1236

cant remember when i became a regular fixture round here, id have to look on my old space..the possibility of telewest breaking a working bit of the popup handling in their software, from experience, seems very plausible! i wasnt suggesting that it was suspicious or anything, i just wondered as i was in here, remembered something from ages ago, thought id ask smiley - smiley

smiley - fullmoon

Regarding the Aces code of Conduct

Post 1239


SEF posted:
"I don't believe the BBC were being deliberately anti-digibox users in adding popups to things. However they *were* being unbelievably careless in the way they were relying on forms and other flash/javascript things in SSO since they were already known to be problematic issues."

I've never known the yikes button to work for me (that's including the 360 "trick"). Has it been changed? I know if someone type's the URL of a popup it works ok for me, so it makes me wonder why other's don't. Especially in plain skin since that was *done* for us.smiley - laugh Hey, even the <./>online</.> button in the sidebar doesn't work. I suppose they'll get around to it eventually though.smiley - ok

Oh, Mort, I know you've unsubscribed but maybe "someone" will post this to your space. I'd like to say thanks too.smiley - biggrin

Maybe digibox users are around this his site for longer than you are, but then they have to pay for TW and the licence fee (unlike some on here) and I believe that the BBC "has" to conform with "every" available software?

But this thread isn't about digibox users, is it?

Regarding the Aces code of Conduct

Post 1240


I don't believe they were either, or I'd like to think they weren't anyway! But the people who are responsible for the software on this site have also known about the problems for digibox users (for quite sometime), SSO helped.

Sorry about that, the digibox cut me short.

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