A Conversation for Aces' Code of Conduct

Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct

Post 1181


Effectively stereotypoing all non-digibox-using ACEs as "posh ACEs" is not constructive, relevant, accurate or acceptable, in my opinion.

Rho smiley - 2cents

Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct

Post 1182


Well since it was WB's definition in question, Jab's version shouldn't matter except that it might have been what people were thinking - which is very much part of the same sort of problem. smiley - erm

WB's defn 1 = thinking it's THEIR site. Hmm... them and us. A possible situation but not a very plausible version of "posh".

WB's defn 2 = having better English. "Posh" could stretch to that but I don't think it would be fair to put the divide at digibox users. There will undoubtedly be some PC users who are not good at English and probably some digibox users who put a lot of effort into making the pesky things produce a reasonable semblance of English. Regardless of whether any such division was intended (since it was not specified), I don't think ACEs have consistently discriminated against the textually challenged at all.

NB The standard warning about not using all caps is meant to be a friendly one because non-ACEs on the site might object rather than ACEs. I do know that many people object to "txt spk" (I'm not keen on it myself) and some of those *are* ACEs but there is no simple 1-to-1 correspondance as some of those doing it are also ACEs. smiley - online2long However, I do think it would be a good idea for ACEs (and Gurus) to be capable of posting clearly and accurately (and comprehending other people's posts) because otherwise there seems to be little point in them attempting to do the job. smiley - erm

Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct

Post 1183

Jab [Since 29th November 2002]

My version might be a popular one smiley - winkeye


Anyway, time to be more direct...

99.999999r ACEs that are former LDers are rubbish! It's not so much the *proper* ones that are a problem.

Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct

Post 1184

Jab [Since 29th November 2002]

Hmm 23 minutes, maybe Rho is reading the above link about stereotypes...

Maybe Rho's browser is not so *superior* as it must have failed to display the "smiley - silly" .gif a few post back.

After making a brash statement about LDers I now find the...

< brave > 'stupid face' smiley - brave

Intreastingly enough psycologist say people that draw faces are not to be trusted, and don't follow through on project... Wonder if it applies to the "stupid faces" too?

IKNsmiley - erm

Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct

Post 1185



My post was intended as a reply to #1162 rather than to your post. I used the 'Reply' button on your post merely because that was the last post in the thread just before I posted my reply.

I don't think it's unreasonable to assume that, in "But some of them who were against LDers were the posh aces !!", it is implied that non-digibox users are treating ex-LDers negatively. Such stereotypes can only be harmful, in my opinion.


Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct

Post 1186


The BBC/h2g2 servers may or may not have displayed the silly smiley. Rho's brain may or may not have registered it. However, even as a joke it isn't particularly helpful in a thread full of misunderstandings and about other possible misunderstandings as well as wrong-doings. As far as I've seen it has not been alleged that any bad ACEs are exclusively digibox users *or* PC users - nor that all from either group are bad. So suggesting it merely risks falsely putting that idea into people's minds.

Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct

Post 1187

Jab [Since 29th November 2002]

Ok, a fair few people attempt to make the divide about posting with 'txt speak'

This site has smiley "stupid faces".

I have seen people post complaint about that, OK they are very old threads, but they are there.

It is part of this sites culture to use smilies.

I can't help but wonder if from day one users opted to post with short-cut language then it would be a 'non-issue' today?

When I first looked at a chat site people appeard to be postisg gibberish...

BRB, LOL, LMAO, BBH, PM etc. etc.

So I set-out to learn what they meant, and as new ones apeard, working them out became a simple matter.

Can we get away from how people post, back to what people are trying to say please? Not make that a divide issue _again_ but the divide in ACE standards?

Oh and back at post: 1154

I put "IANAL." It's one of those internet terms ie. I am not a lawer. -Just incase people did not know what it meant. smiley - winkeye

Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct

Post 1188


Oops - simulpost! (1185+1186)

It did look as though you were replying to Jab, Rho. I even used the tree structure to check as well as re-reading the context and finding that to be the closest match. That's why I've been using a lot of post numbers in replies.

Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct

Post 1189

Jab [Since 29th November 2002]

Rho: I agree.

SEF: smiley - bigeyes

CU all L8rs of 2 bed BBH

smiley - zzz LOL Lol lol smiley - fishoo O ooo oo

Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct

Post 1190


[A rather well timed simulpost, after that long! smiley - winkeye]

It was my fault - I should have used the 'Reply' button on the correct post, not on the last post in the thread. I'll try not to do the same thing again if/when I next post to this thread.

Rho smiley - doh

Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct

Post 1191

KNight BLUENOSELD, landlord and GOD of The Boars Head A1042534 United Friends Minister of Self Rigtheousness

smiley - book

BNsmiley - blue.


Post 1192


Lcolised girl.....

So what you are saying do away with all the aces all together and start again.....

what will (a)achive-this thread is about some aces been naught(b)i think before you condem some one you need to prove there guilt first do you not
and there has been no "proof"as yet

the aces in question should resign from the group....

nice try do you not think that the first one who resign`s over this with out the proof there will be i told you so ringing in this thread we have
done nothing wrong untill there is proof of wrong doing and we are asked to leave i think i will stay where i am smiley - ta

ooo was that a dig at the bottom of your last message case of blink and you miss it please leave the insults to other`s you arn`t realy that good at them i have explained what i meant
by them it probably wasnt put across that good but hey what can you do

Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct

Post 1193



im not subscribed to any of I.S messages at all...
ok fair point about subscribeing to my messages i just found it funny that the moment that i sent the message that she sent one to awol telling him i grassed him up so you have to agree she is
1)keeping an eye on my page
2)subscribed to my messages for some unknow reason perhap`s keeping tabs on my messages see if he gets discussed on site by me??

I will never tell any one that they are not welcome on my space every one is welcome on my space and also welcome to leave me a message as well


Insomic vampire dosn`t want any one spying on her or even aces going to her space or posting there etc etc
if vampire is subscribed to mine and any messages about awol is been run back to him dose this mean that she is also spying but on us...
So where dose any one have the right to say you shouldnt do something and be doing it themself`s for there own
gain thats what i also said about it been a slight case of double standards we shouldnt do this this and this but on the other hand vamp is free to do it

ooo just a point about aces doing there job ie welcomeing newbies your post to mort......

After haveing a talk about this the fact that there was so many people welcomeing a newbie and posting "hello" and a couple of links that was to the picture libiary and something to the guide ml
my point was that the links was no good to newbies and links that was better was<./>fiesors</.><./>im new</.> that kind of thing(the links are wrong i know i have been up all nightsmiley - laugh)so a ace has to go around again all the one`s that have been given a "un ace"welcome and give them a more productive welcome but this is fine to some probably its not them who have to search for them ones
and re do them
another point if a ace welcomes them it would save all the hasstle of haveing to do that so i welcome now if the list is huge

Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct

Post 1194


Re: post 1130

should i apply, what do you think my chances might be? would you give me a reference or would you imagine 'certain' researchers havent got a cat in hells chance? lol

just out of interest it would be funny to be in a position to read what everyones had to say about me/other reseachers and how individuals have chosen to act on the opinions of other aces, but then i already know the answer to that dont i lol

oh to all the aces who feel an overwhelming compulsion to respond to this post, it was a joke i have no intentions of 'working with' anyone i dont trust..and before anyone else responds, we are talking about a minority here not all the aces are untrustworthy, devious, manipulating, lying or two faced..can i say that or should i just be thinking that? smiley - whistle

oh by the way Mort, i bet the 'newbie' list makes your heart sink especially when theyres so many and you know they are not all 'newbies'!
granted a few of them may still be having difficulties still(?) with the SSO and i believe Jab informed us that other sites use here to make their accounts? strange? dont they have there own place? but what of the rest? does it hack you off at all knowing that a majority for whatever reason are older users making new accounts for reasons of their own? nevermind i guess as an ace you all have to welcome everyone whether they are new or not

smiley - fullmoon


Post 1195



I suggested that the "aces" are started from scratch again,do you not think that's a good idea then ??

Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct

Post 1196


Re: post 1133

insomic vapire?
lol resorting to name calling are we or can you genuinely just not spell it? i could think of a few names more apt myself but i always give the poster the courtesy of using their name at the top of the post when i am replying to them, or perhaps you think as a mere researcher im not important enough to warrant that lol

i think your going off topic again but i guess the point is obviously very important to you, everybody has the oppurtunity to read the house rules, im just saying as an ace has an example to set when they read them they should at least understand them and not interpret them to suit themselves/a situation..i think this has been covered enough times though and as people keep quoting, seems silly going over it and over it again and again though, either follow the rules and get on with things or dont and face the consequences, simple yes?

i know how LD worked i dont need you to keep reminding me, another subject we keep having to go over again and again, i have already explained this to you! stalking/lurking..2 different words, 2 different meanings..lurking is permissable on this site but following people around isnt, especially when they post with the intention of annoying the other researcher!..believe me im well familiar with this rule as its been pointed out to me enough times!

wish you'd read my posts properly intern, where did i say i was subscribed to your posts? i didnt! and seeing as you spend so much time in my conversations you would already know this so dont mislead people into thinking otherwise! though from the tone of your post it seems you find the idea annoying so perhaps you could see it from my point of view!

smiley - fullmoon


Post 1197


Re: post 1135

im not bothered about aces looking into my conversations, it goes on all the time and as you said lurking is acceptable, but spying on me for other reasons like to see if ill slip up and you can point it out as a link on this page, spying to see who im talking to so as a member of the h2g2 police you can look good, or whats the expression used on this site? flaming/trolling..entering my conversations, knowing me from old having a little pop or a gloat knowing ill have something to say about it IS NOT how a responsible and commited ace behaves, sadly though for you i refused to give you the pleasure the other night of reacting in the way you anticipated so find someone else to bug..your behaviour is not lurking! theres a vast difference to what your doing and what lurking actually is

and yet another little dig in here to have people believe otherwise, some time ago i entered into 1 of your conversations and started slagging you down? lol i have already explained prior in this thread, somebody pointed me in the direction of that thread though i didnt go to the top and see your name there i was talking to another researcher and Mort, it was on her space i believed it was her thread but yeah i said something in that conversation to you for which i still feel justified!, i had a pop about you gloating with 1 of your ace pals on another conversation when you popped up and spoke to me in it

dressed up...
will someone else tell him or will i? lol nobodies bothered how you behave in life off this site, it bares NO relevance

ace forum,,,,
"im not saying every one is as honest as the day is long but i know them and would say they wouldnt do half the things they have been accused of"

firstly, you know them? what all of them? you im assuming would have us believe you are all great friends and know them in real life? i dont think so! you know some aces off this site to talk to, you have known 'some' aces off this site a very long time indeed since LD days, but to know them to talk to on a site and to actually know them isnt quite the same is it..and is it for you to say that because you 'know' them we should all take your word for it that they havent done half the things that have been mentioned in here? who says your words good? who says because some of your posts say so your a good ace?? lol who put you in a position to make sweeping statements based on your personal opinion and not based on fact? SEF's comment about misguided loyalties springs to mind here

"it is a fact if you read the message in 'insomic' vampire's page that awol has got a account where is is a ace he said so him self so it is him that is geting the infomation he is geting if it is true"

think i know what your trying to say here, it is true he posted that, but whether he actually has an account where he is an ace? lol yeah ok whatever so we are to assume now cos Awol says so Awol has an ace hood?
hmmm ok you got me Awol is my 'mole' LOL (im pulling your leg intern)

im not going to quote that paragraph (2nd before last), but fact is information has been leaked, i could tell you who said what, it even has there email address with the post..the purpose of this would not be to point the finger at anyone, it would be to confirm what i am saying and as i have known who said what a long time now, if i wanted to be vindictive i could of gone on all there pages/emailed them asking them to explain why they felt it necessary to say what they did, or ask them what their opinion was based on etc that isnt the point though, as i said i could put names up but i have been asked not too, h2g2 has names, as i cant say anything here it is down to them but IT IS a fact, the aces forum is not strictly for discussing new ideas and stuff before we get to hear about them and stuff like that, researchers are discussed/aces give their opinion of them (whether its an honest 1 or not is debatable or why they said it, their reasons dont have to be


Post 1198



dammit, this digibox dont have enough space!

where did i get to? cant remember..basically aces are entitled to post there opinions of researchers in the forum without having to explain their reasons, even when grudges come from other sites, whether you as an ace, or any other ace admits this fact is another matter....but it does go on, fact!

smiley - fullmoon


Post 1199

Whoami - iD dislikes punctuation

On the subject of having a purge of all the ACEs and starting again wiht new ones:

What would this achieve? The whole thing with the Volunteer Groups is that there is a residual collection of experience of how best to deal with situations. Most of the time, the ACEs act helpfully, responsibly and with care and attention to detail. When they don't, then there needs to be some careful consideration and some action taken.

However, simply forcing people out is not the way forward. I'd far sooner a little effort was spend nurturing the right behaviour than years of experience and good work wasted because a few people didn't strike the right note...

Whoami? smiley - cake


Post 1200

Whoami - iD dislikes punctuation

Just a thought, IV. Is it not illogical to take h2g2 matters regarding yourself and people's conduct so seriously if you belittle the idea that people can form a valid opinion of people's character whilst online from their online discussion? smiley - ermsmiley - cake

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