A Conversation for Aces' Code of Conduct


Post 1201


Tartan Totty,

you havent been online for sometime but you are back in this thread now, im just wondering if you have read all of it, all the way through cos it seems to me you are quoting things that have already been said on/off site by personal friends of yours, 1 of which an ace that is 'visible' in this thread

with reference to Localised Girl, perhaps i can answer that for you..the name she is using now is the same as the old 1 because she had SSO problems with her name, but she did have a name before this, might of removed it off my pal list now though..'oojafink' that name was around long before this thread only she forgot the pw like many previous names of mine!

smiley - fullmoon


Post 1202


Tartan Totty
Re: post 1163

"now hang on a minute!!! yes as a matter of fact I DO know whats going on as iv been following this thread from post 1, as no doubt you have, the only difference is that i havent come on this site to back up mates like you have".

you know whats going on? would that be from what youve read or from the perspective of what personal friends (who coincidently just happen to be an ace and ex ace with whom i have had issue with on/off this site), or possibly they are not even your opinions because as you are going for an ace badge? just a thought smiley - smiley
you havent come on this site to back up mates like Localised Girl has? are you suggesting she is here to back me up? lol she doesnt know about half of the issues ive raised in here so how could she back me up? incidentally if this thread was that important to me, dont you think i would of put her in the picture so as she gets all of her facts right in this thread? smiley - doh oh and speaking of backing mates up, the same could be said about you, didnt you and Localised Girl used to be friends aswell? or do aces/aces in the making have to put friendships aside? were anyone to make that allegation of course, im only flipping the coin to what you have said yourself

smiley - fullmoon

Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct

Post 1203


Whoami, the whole thing with the Volunteer Groups is that there is a residual collection of experience of how *worst* to deal with situations. It is ingrained in the culture and fostered by the staff. The problems are not anything new - they go right back in the backlog with the same sort of things happening over and over again. A volunteer does something wrong, other volunteers and the staff back them, hardly anyone sticks up for the right person (now victimised) and anyone who does so is also attacked by the state-sponsored mob. The only people to leave or be removed are those who stand up for truth and justice (and there are far too few of these anyway). Various excuses are used to take this selective action. It is all very dishonest and nasty.

Works well, play's nice with others.

Post 1204

Jab [Since 29th November 2002]

References... I'm holding onto some thread references smiley - flustered

don't want to flame though

Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct

Post 1205

Jab [Since 29th November 2002]

smiley - book

Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct

Post 1206


Re: post 1186

i was gonna ignore the last few posts but i thought perhaps to clarify it might be helpful to mention, re: your responce to Boriyani, he has his own issues with 'some' aces, i have no idea who hes talking about but to go back to a post put previously about some people being in this thread to back their mates up, i know Boriyani online but his points whatever they may be are about another issue, and i dont think, (Boriayni, correct me if im wrong), hes talking about the same things/aces as me but as the issues seems to go back with people along time and are in different areas of the site, hes in the right place to bring up his points....

smiley - fullmoon


by the way, im wondering what you mean by 'posh' aces too lol infact when you said this i was pretty sure we was talking about different aces enough said lol smiley - whistle unless your saying 'some' have ideas above their station? or place too much importance on their titles/badges? just a question people....

smiley - fullmoon


Post 1207

Researcher 234607

Insomniac Vampire

yes, Localised Girl and myself were friends for some time... but that friendship died approx 8 months ago when she didnt bother getting in contact (even tho i tried on numerous times to contact her via email/text but never got a reply) and as iv already pointed out to Localised Girl (and she has acknowleged this in her last post to me) i do NOT have any contact with anyone anymore, the ex-ace and ace you are talking about have not been in touch with me and vice-versa since all this smiley - bleep started!! the last contact i had was an email that was sent to me explaining why the freindship ended, you know about this as u were sent the same email.
i no longer have the same email addresses or mobile phone number so your wrong to assume that im not voiceing my own oppions and that they are the oppinions of an ace... i have no contact with anyone either online or offline so how can i be voiceing someone elses oppinions???
the oppinions ive posted were my OWN based on what i believe...i havent saw any bad conduct from ANY aces on this site!!
i may not have posted on this site in a while but i can still lurk and read whats going on so yes, i have read everything

like i said to Localised Girl, i wont be posting anymore on this thread anyway as people are oviously trying to twist my views
you can say what you want to me vamp cos to tell you the truth it doesnt bother me anyway cos this isnt real. at the end of the day ill turn this off and forgett about what anyone has said. unlike you, im not living for `online chat` iv got better things to do with my life!!



Post 1208


Re: post 1192

to Localised Girl
"so what you are saying is do away with all the aces altogether and start again"

can i just ask are you responding to something that she has said because i only remember Boriyani, post 1150 saying something along those lines

smiley - fullmoon

Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct

Post 1209


Re: post 1193

"im not subscribed to any of 'I.S' (think you mean me), messages at all..."

you dont have to be subscribed to my conversations to be watching my posts or following me around, hardly rocket science though

i point out 1 fact, which isnt in dispute, and which has been explained and now your leading people to believe im following you? lol

"i will never tell any one that they are not welcome on my space every one is welcome on my space and also welcome to leave me a message aswell"

so why are you getting so annoyed about me seeing a post on your conversations, when you are quite happy to do it to me all the time? or perhaps because you have a badge you think somehow your better than me and it is acceptable for you to do this but not vice versa?

"insomic vampire doesnt want any one spying on her or even aces going to her space or even posting there etc etc...."

thats right about spying, dont do it..we have already established the differences though between spying/lurking..or are you not clear on the differences? aces will go into my space whether i want them there or not, they may even post, if anyone has something to say to me, no matter who they are thats their prerogative, i just have issue with anyone who deliberately follows me around or posts to start me off

"if vampire is subscribed to mine"

oh for crying out loud your hard work..how many times do i have to explain things to you? im not, you know this cos you know my page inside out, if i was subscribed to any conversation it would show up on my page, as you have no evidence to the contrary, how can i be? smiley - doh

smiley - fullmoon

Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct

Post 1210


Tartan~Totty, of course you can have an opinion of your own - it is almost impossible not to do so. However, what some of us are trying to explain is that if you have very limited contact on site then your experience is limited and the grounds for holding your opinion are similarly limited. Some opinions simply *are* more valid than others. In this case a failure to observe wrong-doing does *not* mean that it isn't taking place. Many things can only be proved or disproved (and not both!) by specific observations.

Now, since many people appear to be simply (misguidedly) backing up others or posting things they've seen others say, it is quite reasonable to question how first-hand your knowledge was - just as other people are being accused of going by anything AWOL may have said. IV has stated clearly that her concerns are her own and not AWOL's even if they may sometimes happen to match. All you had to do (as you did) was state your grounds for your views - that being the ACE posts which you've seen on site. What I'm asking you to recognise is that what you've seen is almost certainly not the whole of it.


Post 1211


Re: post 1200

if you are referring to my comments about from within the aces forum, is it right to slate people you dont like cos of personal differences/grudges carried over from other sites/or jump on a bandwagon out of loyalty to pals knowing your pals are gonna go with your opinions anyway regardless and then have the audacity to preach to researchers about how to conduct yourself on site? when you slate somebody in the manner that it has been done in the forum, people wander around believing it if its said enough times regardless of whether its true or not, as is evident! as the saying goes mud sticks

smiley - fullmoon


Post 1212

Star Fleet...

smiley - book


Post 1213


Tartan Totty,
Re: post 1207

"i do NOT have any contact with any one anymore, the ex-ace and ace you are talking about have not been in touch with me and vice-versa since all this ..... started! the last contact i had was an email sent to me explaining why the friendship ended, you know about this as u were sent the same email".

that may/may not be so, but doesnt mean your 'opinions' are all based on what you have read, and even if it is true the reason you are no longer friends with the ace/ex ace and other people is because lets face it You are a gossip so who's twisting things? and to keep saying in this thread you have no friends online anymore, what are you hoping to acheive by that? yes i got the same email, so im told, but if aces put their badge before friendship then theres not much i can do about that is there but then as its been pointed out to me, it is offsite and though emails/telephone calls/other sites are half the problem here, people will tell you its not relevant

"i havent saw any bad conduct from any aces on this site"!!

might i remind you of the incident in tea shoppe #4? you was there, did you overlook the comment made by an ace? no need to go into all the details, its been covered before and as you said youve read all all of the posts in this conversation anyway

"like i said to Localised Girl, i wont be posting anymore on this thread anyway cos this isnt real".

ok well thats your choice, but you know you are free to post anywhere on site if you so choose

"at the end of the day ill turn turn this off and forgett about what anyone has said. unlike you, im not living for 'online chat', iv got better things to do with my life"!!

unlike me? lol thats not nice for a wannabee ace is it? actually Totty not sure if you are aware, (though you should be if youve read every post), this isnt a chatsite and trust me there are some good chat sites out there, where even the mods have a s.o.h..if anyones interested feel free to msg me ill give you a few addresses lmao ouch! ouch! i live for online chat do i? lol ok but forgive me if i couldnt care less about your stinging comments, ill get over it wont i, ill not take it to heart lol smiley - biggrin

smiley - fullmoon


Post 1214



Lcolised girl.....

So what you are saying do away with all the aces all together and start again.....

what will (a)achive-this thread is about some aces been naught(b)i think before you condem some one you need to prove there guilt first do you not
and there has been no "proof"as yet

the aces in question should resign from the group....

nice try do you not think that the first one who resign`s over this with out the proof there will be i told you so ringing in this thread we have
done nothing wrong untill there is proof of wrong doing and we are asked to leave i think i will stay where i am

erm....only reply i can say is it wasnt me who said it..so i dont need to answer them commenst haha was WB i think...dont quote me...i said no such thing...try readin who posted msgs 1st eh?

ooo was that a dig at the bottom of your last message case of blink and you miss it please leave the insults to other`s you arn`t realy that good at them i have explained what i meant
by them it probably wasnt put across that good but hey what can you do

hey..waslight humour not a dig...dont say u took offence at it..mind u..what elsse did i expect !!


Post 1215


yes, Localised Girl and myself were friends for some time... but that friendship died approx 8 months ago when she didnt bother getting in contact (even tho i tried on numerous times to contact her via email/text but never got a reply)

just to point out its all my fault for this as i didnt fone her, i admit that, sorry if my issues in my life were more demanding, least i admit i had ur number but u mustve lost mine....!!!!
besides...cos u dont ring sum1 in awhile or dont speak u arent friends anymore?? hmm....oh btw i did reply to an email...

i did say that too...i do NOT have any contact with anyone anymore, the ex-ace and ace you are talking about have not been in touch with me and vice-versa since all this started!! the last contact i had was an email that was sent to me explaining why the freindship ended, you know about this as u were sent the same email.

just out of curiousity how did she know who i am in contact with on this site then? especially if we havent spome for 8 months! how would she know who my offline pals r....n to jump on my throat accusing me on her thoughts of me bein in this thread...whats it got to do with her anyway n wheres the problem of when i was in this thread...yes ive had this name since this convo started....i had other names... go figure!! not my fault i have to restart my names when system messes up my PS's

the oppinions ive posted were my OWN based on what i believe...i havent saw any bad conduct from ANY aces on this site!!
i may not have posted on this site in a while but i can still lurk and read whats going on so yes, i have read everything

Yes but honestly...u may have experienced good nice aces...dont mean to say there isnt none....n course goin for an ACE badge..u couldnt really state otherwise
u have read but may not understand or see....

like i said to Localised Girl, i wont be posting anymore on this thread anyway as people are oviously trying to twist my views

wasnt twistin..was pointin out y u went at me with that msg slating my presence here...i dont care who has a prob with me bein here or my reasons for bein here....im here...so what....deal with it

this isnt real. at the end of the day ill turn this off and forgett about what anyone has said. unlike you, im not living for `online chat` iv got better things to do with my life!!

yer lol try tellin sum ppl on ere that....!!!


Post 1216


This post has been removed.


Post 1217


erm.....no comment....im probably only one to see that heh heh


Post 1218


ok ok what part of them posts were offensive then?

what part broke the rules?????


Post 1219

Boxing Baboon 2

smiley - wizard


Post 1220


LG....I wonder y they got deleted,r we gettin near the truth I wonder er ???.....

smiley - vampire...posh = us & them....r they using this thread then ?????

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