A Conversation for H2G2 Waterworks: The Swimming Pool

Swimming Pool: II

Post 1


Welcome to the inside swimming pool. Why anyone would want a swimming pool when we have a beach is beyond me, but I was asked to build a swimming pool with water-slides, diving boards etc, so build a swimming pool with that lot I did.
And here it is. We have swimming lanes and the diving area. There's a huge fun pool to your left. You can't miss it - it's got the 30 foot long inflatable floating dolphin you can climb on... The whole complex is over twelve miles long, so you can do a lot of swimming. We have really cool water cannons too, which can soak anyone you point them at.
The smell is probably the chlorine.
So, have a good swim, and see if you can find a smiley - fish
And please don't soak me! I got soaked enough in the last one. smiley - sadface

Swimming Pool: II

Post 2

Fashion Cat

Why not BB??? *sends cannon of water in his direction* smiley - tongueout

Yey!!! I made it to the new forum, without getting lost... pretty impressive, and FTTF as well!!!! Hehe..

*hangs around waiting for everyone else so they can get a welcome soak!!*

smiley - smiley

Swimming Pool: II

Post 3

Hannah (Adrasteia, not fully human yet, but almost)

*soaks FC before she can soak her*
hihi smiley - smiley

Swimming Pool: II

Post 4

Paul Prefect (It's been 2 years now... wow... 8-))

*gets to the new forum & laughs evilly as he soaks everyone, only briefly hesitating before BB... smiley - winkeye*

Hi... smiley - smiley

Sorry, BB... smiley - smiley That's just how I say hi, you see... smiley - winkeye

*soaks him again... smiley - winkeye*

So what about the balls? smiley - smiley I'm game... smiley - smiley

Swimming Pool: II

Post 5

Fashion Cat

Hehe.. I couldn't stay away too long... sigh.. that revision'll never get done, especially since I'm going out tonight...

Sod it. I'll just fail...

*pushes PP into the water*

Someone mention playing with balls??? *innocence*

Swimming Pool: II

Post 6

Hannah (Adrasteia, not fully human yet, but almost)

*soaks PP*
Sorry, but someone had to do that!
Well, I like that tower-dolphin idea.

Swimming Pool: II

Post 7

Fashion Cat


*pops out of the pool. comes back a few minutes later and puts a sign up..

With the impending end of Exams, there will be a PARTY in FC's place NEXT FRIDAY. It will also serve as a Page-warming Party. All are invited and urged to come. Brownies and Poison of choice will be available..





Hehe... you'd better all be there...!

*dives back in the pool*

Swimming Pool: II

Post 8

Paul Prefect (It's been 2 years now... wow... 8-))

Aww... A party? ... I'll come... I'll come... smiley - smiley

*soaks FC to confirm what he said... smiley - winkeye*

And I'll bring lots & lots of sweets... smiley - smiley

Swimming Pool: II

Post 9

Hannah (Adrasteia, not fully human yet, but almost)

I'll come for sure
*soaks PP to confirm what she said*

Swimming Pool: II

Post 10


Is this the same swimming pool, only in another dimension or something? That would be cool, I think. smiley - tongueout

Swimming Pool: II

Post 11

Ming Mang

*had crept in behind PP in an attempt not to get soaked or noticed, and so far it has worked...*
*decides to make her presence in the new forum known*

*tips large bucket of water over PP*
Hee hee hee!

Hey, FC! Would you like the Sweet Shop to sponsor your party?
That basically means we can all pig out on sweets...
H2G2S2: http://www.h2g2.com/A362882
*grins at the amazing way advertising fits in with ordinary conversation...* smiley - winkeye

*finds somewhere convenient to hide from PP and others*
*hides in it*
smiley - smiley


Swimming Pool: II

Post 12

Fashion Cat

hehe... sure Ming! I've already got a link to h2g2s2, but that'd be great!!!

smiley - smiley

tickles PP in case he thought about changing his mind!

smiley - tongueout

Swimming Pool: II

Post 13

Ming Mang

*comes out of hiding place to speak to FC*
Yay!! Someone's linked to it! (anyone who isn't, http://www.h2g2.com/A362882 is the URL) smiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smiley

*thinks maybe it would be a good idea to hide again*
*thinks that hiding in her last place would be a bit obvious*
*spots a new hidinng place*
*dashes madly for it*


Swimming Pool: II

Post 14

Paul Prefect (It's been 2 years now... wow... 8-))

OK... This is going too far... smiley - winkeye I can't turn my back on you for just one second without gettin tickled or something... smiley - winkeye

*stands there for a moment plotting an evil plan for taking revenge... smiley - winkeye*

*suddenly has a brigh idea... smiley - smiley*

*decides to do first things first... smiley - winkeye*

*looks around & sees Ming in her hideout... smiley - winkeye Which is easy, he only has to see where all the bonbon papers come from... smiley - winkeye*

*Gets a water cannon, points it at her & fires, soaking her...*

Well... You managed to avoid getting soaked... smiley - smiley Up to now... smiley - winkeye

*soaks her again, just to make the point...*

*looks around for FC & starts to chase her so he can take his revenge... smiley - winkeye*

Swimming Pool: II

Post 15

Fashion Cat

hehe... I told you I'd look forward to it.... smiley - winkeye

*sees PP coming towards her, and makes a mad dash for the other side of the pool....*

Swimming Pool: II

Post 16

Paul Prefect (It's been 2 years now... wow... 8-))

*races after FC trying to catch her...*

*is surprised how fast a pussy cat like her can actually run... smiley - winkeye*

*slowly gains on her... smiley - smiley*

Swimming Pool: II

Post 17

Fashion Cat

haha!! I'm actually not quite that fast... hehe... grabs cannon as some form of defence and stops running, waiting to see what PP'll do... smiley - winkeye

Swimming Pool: II

Post 18

Paul Prefect (It's been 2 years now... wow... 8-))

*remembers seeing a James Bond movie not too long ago, and in fact even acting in one... smiley - winkeye*

*thinks what 007 would do now... smiley - winkeye*

*No... I don't mean what he would do to the Bond girl... smiley - winkeye*

*jumps ahead, rolls on his side, and crawls & jumps & runs to FC, dodging the cannon... Finally lays his hands on her...*

Gotcha!... smiley - tongueout

Ah... You've been a bad cat, you know that? Tickling me like this... smiley - winkeye

I'd do the same to you, but it would be a little... hm... boring, wouldn't it? smiley - winkeye

*still holding FC under his arm, points the water cannon straight at the sky, puts it on myximum power, puts FC on top of it & fires... She is spurted high up into the air, and the fountain keeps her, slightly wavering, at a height of about 200 feet... smiley - tongueout*

OK... See how you get down from there... smiley - winkeye

Swimming Pool: II

Post 19

Fashion Cat

not a bad move PP.... smiley - winkeye

hmm.... would that have made me a bond girl?? smiley - winkeye I could get used to that idea, even if it means I'd eventually be killed....

oh... have I been a bad kitty?? cant have that can we smiley - tongueout

*looks down on all* hehe... Not a bad hiding place Ming! ok. so how long are your arms gonna be able to keep this water going PP... and you'd better catch me when you stop it!! smiley - winkeye

quite enjoyable actually... reminds me of flying!!

Swimming Pool: II

Post 20

Paul Prefect (It's been 2 years now... wow... 8-))

Hm... You don't think I'll let you come down that easily, do you? smiley - winkeye

*fixes the cannon so it stays in upright position & fires continually even when there's no one to hold it... smiley - winkeye*

*decides to take a relaxing swim in the pool...*

Ah... And FC... One more thing... smiley - winkeye

smiley - tongueout!!!! smiley - winkeye

smiley - smiley

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