A Conversation for H2G2 Waterworks: The Swimming Pool

Swimming Pool: II

Post 81

Fashion Cat

later... I'm returning to RL to do some more revision... keep the temperature up for me!! smiley - smiley

Swimming Pool: II

Post 82

Paul Prefect (It's been 2 years now... wow... 8-))

*soaks FC a final good bye... smiley - smiley*

Swimming Pool: II

Post 83


*wakes up*
*fires a ten-foot beach ball down*
*it bounces up and hits him*
*bounces down and lies in the pool*
*comes down*
*turns mind to cunning plans and forthcoming trip to France*
*lazily soaks FC in jelly*

Swimming Pool: II

Post 84


*fires pie at PP's retreating back*

Swimming Pool: II

Post 85

Paul Prefect (It's been 2 years now... wow... 8-))

*wonders if he should try to catch & eat the pie... smiley - winkeye*

*decides just to say hi by soaking Baldrick...*

*does so... smiley - winkeye*

Swimming Pool: II

Post 86

Hannah (Adrasteia, not fully human yet, but almost)

*soaks Baldrick to say, 'Baldrick, hello, nice to see you woke up, how is it going?*

*soaks PP to........ just like that*

Swimming Pool: II

Post 87

Ming Mang

*is back online, not for long...*
Hi Baldrick!
*quitely but effectively removes Baldrick's cannon from pool area without touching it again; quantum mechanics trick*

*soaks everyone within range (that's EVERYONE!)*

*grins and quietly goes back offline*

smiley - smiley


Swimming Pool: II

Post 88


Once again, I'm soaked. Oh well, c'est la vie.
*Jumps into the pool and climbs on the dolphin, then dives off and climbs up the slide backwards for a change, meeting someone sliding the other way.*

Swimming Pool: II

Post 89

Fashion Cat

hehe... you didn't think you'd get away dry did you BB???

*sends stream of water in his direction!* smiley - winkeye

Swimming Pool: II

Post 90

Fashion Cat

*notices PP's online*

hehe... thought you could avoid me did ya??? smiley - tongueout

*grabs cannon, and soaks PP entirely* smiley - bigeyes

Swimming Pool: II

Post 91

Ming Mang

*soaks FC*

smiley - smiley


Swimming Pool: II

Post 92

Researcher 137856

"tries out new tunnel to the pool & shoots out into the water along with several rats (who follow everywhere in hope of scraps)"

"surfaces ~ no-one around ~ slinks back home leaving a brown haze & traces of green slime"

" unnoticed, several rats get sucked up into the water cannon supply pipes"

Swimming Pool: II

Post 93

Ming Mang

*soaks FC again*
Hey look! Rats in the cannon!
Are they tame or friendly, do you think?
*gives rats bonbons*
Apparantly chocolate is poisonous to rats... good thing bonbons aren't!
smiley - winkeye

*evil grin*

*soaks everyone in pool area*
*lots of rats...*


Swimming Pool: II

Post 94

Eomando (it is it is it is 2 years now!!! 8-) )

Oh my, oh my...I've missed a lot haven't i...smiley - smiley

Right...PP...this is for distracting me on ICQ...smiley - winkeyesmiley - tongueout

*soaks PP*

...Oh...and just to male up for all the lost time...

*soaks absolutely everyone else...twice...smiley - smiley*

Swimming Pool: II

Post 95

Ming Mang

Ack! Can't have this!

*soaks Eomando for a long, long time*
*smiley - smileygrinssmiley - smiley*

smiley - smiley


Swimming Pool: II

Post 96

Eomando (it is it is it is 2 years now!!! 8-) )


Ming, you've asked for it...no...don't ask when..I oculdn't really tell you...smiley - winkeye

*soaks Ming for even longer*

Oh my..I've missed this...smiley - smiley

Swimming Pool: II

Post 97

Fashion Cat

grr... I cant remember when I last saw you in here E!!

*tiptoes round behind her and pushes her in!!*

that's for not being around enough!!! smiley - tongueout

*Pushes Ming in too, just for the hell of it!!*

smiley - smiley

Swimming Pool: II

Post 98


*Comes to the rescue of his friends Eomando and Ming, pushes Fashion Cat in the pool, and then soaks her with the water cannon.
Ha! Take that!*

Swimming Pool: II

Post 99

I'm not really here

~wanders in looking for the jacuzzi~

oh, it looks a bit dangerous in here, I'm off for an ice-cream.

~wanders out again~

Swimming Pool: II

Post 100

Fashion Cat

hmph... I'd say I'd give up, but that would be too easy!

*swims to the other side of the pool, turns the wave machine on full so that it sends a huge wave and soaks BB, Ming, PP and E who were all at the other side of the pool smiley - tongueout

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