A Conversation for H2G2 Waterworks: The Swimming Pool

Swimming Pool: II

Post 61


Dang that slow browser!

Swimming Pool: II

Post 62

Fashion Cat

hehe... just making sure it worked huh??? smiley - smiley

*uses the quantum mechanics trick Ming showed her earlier, to disable the cannon... *

dont ask me how it works, it just works!!!

ooh swirly thing alert! smiley - tongueout

Swimming Pool: II

Post 63

Demon Drawer

*DD takes a running jump at the point of the pool where he can soak most people*


Swimming Pool: II

Post 64

Fashion Cat

hehe... *grabs water cannon, and soaks DD....* you're playing catch up now!!! smiley - smiley

Swimming Pool: II

Post 65


*deflects swirly thing*
*hits cannon, comes back on line*
*goes subaqua, stealing underwater goggles*
*enables black cloud*
Find me now!
*enables cloaking device*
*cloaks rain down on everyone*
*shoots up, in amongst the roof*
*goes to sleep*


Swimming Pool: II

Post 66

Demon Drawer

Catch up me.

I've had many adventures in many different Swimming pools. Including a long powerboat race, a trip to jupiter and many water cannon soakings. I just missed the jump to this one, smiley - winkeye

Swimming Pool: II

Post 67

Fashion Cat

that same trip to Jupiter which has recently involved the book of Uch and Gle???

hehe... wonders just how to wake baldrick up if he's down there...

Swimming Pool: II

Post 68

Paul Prefect (It's been 2 years now... wow... 8-))

*comes running in, climbs up the tower & jumps into the pool, splashing everyone a cheerful "Good morning"... smiley - smiley*

Hello everyone... smiley - smiley

Hm... I can't even leave for a couple of seconds without FC getting hold of my balls, can I... smiley - winkeye

Hm... I meant *beach* balls... smiley - winkeye What did *you* think? smiley - smiley

*gets his balls back*

Well, how about a game now? smiley - smiley Dolphin vs tower? smiley - winkeye

*looks around... Thinks it's unusually quiet in the pool... smiley - winkeye*

Swimming Pool: II

Post 69

The Great Luna

*He saunters in, donned in his usual black cloak and such, face obviously hidden by the hood (duh!) and thinks it too quiet about the pools general area. He then grins noticing Paul and runs full speed, slamming into him, picking him up onto his shoulder and preceding to carry him to the pool and drop him in. He then grins at his own handywork and takes his (beach) balls and wanders amlessly looking for some sharp object.*

Swimming Pool: II

Post 70

Paul Prefect (It's been 2 years now... wow... 8-))

*climbs out of the pool*

*gets to a water cannon*

*aims at the (beach) balls TES is holding & shoots them out of his hands into the pool*

*grins* Anything to save the balls, huh? smiley - winkeye

*soaks TES all over... smiley - smiley*

Welcome to the swimming pool... smiley - smiley

Swimming Pool: II

Post 71

The Great Luna

*Turn to, the water cannon effectivly removing his cloak and revealing nothing but a large smiley face underneath which zips through the air in no time and eats the water cannon. After chewing it up and swallowing it, it then turns and eats the beach balls, but spits the remains back out for Paul.*

"Thanks, tasted good." smiley - smiley

Swimming Pool: II

Post 72

Paul Prefect (It's been 2 years now... wow... 8-))

*wonders if he should say "You're welcome, anytime..."... Decides it would be a little too risky after all... smiley - winkeye*

*starts moving the balls away from TES with another water cannon...*

Swimming Pool: II

Post 73

The Great Luna

Ok, for starters, I'm not gay, so no such comments will be made and second, stop with the water cannons!

Swimming Pool: II

Post 74

Hannah (Adrasteia, not fully human yet, but almost)

*soaks TES*
he he he
for starters, I'm not sane, so no such comments will be made.

Swimming Pool: II

Post 75

Paul Prefect (It's been 2 years now... wow... 8-))

*feels he has to take Hannah's side... smiley - tongueout*

*soaks TES again... smiley - winkeye*

*soaks Hannah, too, just to say hello... smiley - smiley*

Swimming Pool: II

Post 76

Hannah (Adrasteia, not fully human yet, but almost)

*soaks PP, just to say, nice to see you again*

*soaks TES, to see how he reacts*

Swimming Pool: II

Post 77

Paul Prefect (It's been 2 years now... wow... 8-))

*climbs up the tower, slides down the black hole slide &, in splashing, soaks both Hannah and TES, thus saying "A little quiet, isn't it? smiley - winkeye"...*

smiley - smiley

Swimming Pool: II

Post 78

Hannah (Adrasteia, not fully human yet, but almost)

*soaks PP just to say yes, it is*

*soaks TES without wanting to say anything*

Swimming Pool: II

Post 79

Fashion Cat

aw... was it too quiet for you guys???

well we cant have that can we? And have you lost your balls again PP??? smiley - winkeye

*walks straight past the nearest water cannon, realises both PP and Hannah were expecting a soaking*

I'm just gonna sit on the lounger doing some revision... first exam tomorrow.... (but you were right PP, cant keep away!!)

smiley - tongueout

Swimming Pool: II

Post 80

Paul Prefect (It's been 2 years now... wow... 8-))

They should be in the pool somewhere, FC... smiley - smiley

*jumps into the pool to prove his point... smiley - winkeye*

*...of course paying good attention to soak everyone... smiley - smiley*

Well... So are we going to play with them or not?

With the BEACH balls... smiley - winkeye

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