A Conversation for H2G2 Waterworks: The Swimming Pool

Swimming Pool: II

Post 121

Paul Prefect (It's been 2 years now... wow... 8-))

*wonders why it's so quiet at the swimming pool*

*realises he's to blame, too, as he isn't here quite so much as he used to be...*

OK... This will have to change... smiley - smiley

*gets behind a water cannon & soaks everyone in sight... smiley - tongueout*

*gets up the tower & starts to lookout for people, wondering who'll come...*

Swimming Pool: II

Post 122


*sneaks in on flying cannon*
*thoroughly douses PP in grease, he falls into the pool*
*PP gets soaked*
How's that!!!!!

Swimming Pool: II

Post 123


He's down, but not out smiley - winkeye
*Grabs water cannon, soaks PP while he's down, and then fires at Baldrick, knocking him into the pool.* smiley - smiley

Swimming Pool: II

Post 124

Paul Prefect (It's been 2 years now... wow... 8-))

*jumps out of the pool, quickly gets halfway up the tower (why only halfway? smiley - winkeye Well... I'm too impatient, you know... smiley - winkeye) and jumps into the pool, making sure all of the splash is directed towards BB and soaks him... smiley - tongueout*

Hello... smiley - smiley

*climbs out of the pool & gets behind a water cannon again, firing in BB's and Baldrick's general direction just to be on the safe side... smiley - smiley*

*hopes no one will creep up from behind while he's distracted, like FC's used to doing, for example... smiley - winkeye*

Swimming Pool: II

Post 125


*Wonders where FC is*
*Sneaks up behind PP like Fashion Cat used to, and pushes him in, soaking him completely.*

Swimming Pool: II

Post 126


*returns to cannon*
*fires jelly*
*splats Bluebottle*
*fires tickling ray*
Deal with that!

Swimming Pool: II

Post 127

Paul Prefect (It's been 2 years now... wow... 8-))

*decides to help BB escape that tickling ray...*

*gets out of the pool & behind a normal water cannon...*

*shoots Baldrick, soaking him, and making him fall into the pool... smiley - tongueout*

*then soaks BB, too, for pushing him into the pool... smiley - smiley*

*wonders where FC is... smiley - winkeye*

Swimming Pool: II

Post 128


*grabbing cannon in mid-fall and going to sub-aqua*
*turns water completely black*
*creates whirlpool*
*shoots disturbance at PP*
*PP falls into whirlpool*
*invokes Whirlpool Jam Law*
*hides in black stuff*

Swimming Pool: II

Post 129

Fashion Cat

aw.... did you guys miss me???? smiley - winkeye

here you go... *creeps up on everyone one at a time like she used to, then pushes you all into the pool...*

sigh, old habits die hard! I'M BACK!!!!!! smiley - bigeyes WATCH OUT PEOPLE, TROUBLE HAS RETURNED smiley - bigeyes

Swimming Pool: II

Post 130


*appears out of the black stuff*
*fires tickling ray on full power that'll make anyone laugh to death*
*returns to black void*
But you see, my cunning plans are just so CUNNING! Find me once you stop laughing!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahhahahahahahahahahahahhhaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Swimming Pool: II

Post 131

Fashion Cat

hmm.... laugh... oh yes.. hehe! smiley - winkeye

*goes to find Baldrick within the black void* Come out come out wherever you are *gets sucked in....*

Swimming Pool: II

Post 132


*completely ticklerises the void*
Get out of that!
*trains cannon on void*

Swimming Pool: II

Post 133

Eomando (it is it is it is 2 years now!!! 8-) )


Right, PP, you've distracted me with ICQ long enough...where are you.....................

*finds PP the drags him up the tower with her...*

OK...here's the plan...one person makes enough of a splash...so *2* people...well...you get te picture...smiley - winkeye

Swimming Pool: II

Post 134


*greases slide*

Swimming Pool: II

Post 135

Eomando (it is it is it is 2 years now!!! 8-) )

Even better!! Now we'll go down faster!!smiley - bigeyes

Swimming Pool: II

Post 136


I'm placing a Suspect Package at the top-if PP don't go down in 2hrs he'll be covered in mud!

Swimming Pool: II

Post 137

Eomando (it is it is it is 2 years now!!! 8-) )

That's not fair...he won't be on until the morning...

*grins evilly*

then again...he *does* like getting muddy...smiley - winkeye

Swimming Pool: II

Post 138


1hr 20mins to Detonation Sequence!

Swimming Pool: II

Post 139

Fashion Cat

hmm.... well it should have blown by now..... *looks around nervously*

Swimming Pool: II

Post 140

Eomando (it is it is it is 2 years now!!! 8-) )

He'll notice soon enough...smiley - smiley

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