A Conversation for H2G2 Waterworks: The Swimming Pool

Swimming Pool: II

Post 141


*walks up to Suspect Package*
*kicks it*
It got jammed. Final Countdown started. 10mins to detonation. No, five. No, three minutes to detonation.
*kicks Suspect Package again*

Swimming Pool: II

Post 142

Eomando (it is it is it is 2 years now!!! 8-) )

*positions PP perfectly so he'll be *covered* then hides behind him so she doesn't get covered herself...still making sure that she holds him still*

Swimming Pool: II

Post 143


*sneaks up on PP*
*detatches him from E*
*throws him in the void with FC*
*throws the Suspect Package*
*takes cover*
*goes into the void on subaqua cannon*
Boy, did they get muddy in there!
*Flies out of E's reach*

Swimming Pool: II

Post 144


*Wonders what on Earth is happening to his pool each time he leaves for a day or two....*
*Gives up, and soaks Baldrick again*

Swimming Pool: II

Post 145

Eomando (it is it is it is 2 years now!!! 8-) )

you may have flown out of my reach....but.....................

*slides down the slide & creates a HUGE splash which completely soaks Baldrick*

...you can't get out of the waters reach! smiley - tongueout

Swimming Pool: II

Post 146

Paul Prefect (It's been 2 years now... wow... 8-))

*something very black and wet and muddy appears from the void... Upon closer inspection, perhaps someone would realise it was PP's arm, but no one cares to inspect it closer...*

*gradually, all of PP emerges... Well, all of the mud around him... He's so completely covered with it that it's impossible to see any part of his body...*

Hm... You guys could have made it chocolate instead of mud, couln't you? smiley - winkeye

*...a low voice coming from the middle of the pile of mud says...*

And E... You could have waited with that splash until I got out of there... smiley - winkeye It would have helped me get at least a bit cleaner...Oh well...

*jumps into the pool next to E, making sure that the muddy splash hits as many people as possible & tries to get himself clean...*

Argh... What mud is that? It doesn't seem to come off... E, help me, will you? smiley - bigeyes

Swimming Pool: II

Post 147

Eomando (it is it is it is 2 years now!!! 8-) )

Careful how you say that PP...smiley - winkeye

OK...I'll help...

*E gets out of the pool & aims an extra-powerful watercannon at PP*

Now close your mouth & eyes...smiley - winkeye

*fires the cannon at PP to try & get rid of some mud, grinning evilly*

Swimming Pool: II

Post 148


*decides to have some fun*
*re-muddifies PP*
*muddifies E for the hell of it*
*flies off VERY quickly, dropping another Suspect Package containing pie, set to go off.........who knows when?*
*disappears elsewhere*

Swimming Pool: II

Post 149

Paul Prefect (It's been 2 years now... wow... 8-))

*grins at the pile of mud that used to be E...*

Erm... E... smiley - bigeyes Can you still reach the trigger of that water gun? smiley - smiley

If you can't... then we're in trouble... smiley - winkeye

Swimming Pool: II

Post 150


*the Suspect Package makes an ominous noise*

Swimming Pool: II

Post 151

Eomando (it is it is it is 2 years now!!! 8-) )

Thankfully muds good for the skin...?

*tries to reach for the trigger on the water gun*

Swimming Pool: II

Post 152


*the Suspect Package makes a very threatening noise*

Swimming Pool: II

Post 153

Paul Prefect (It's been 2 years now... wow... 8-))

*tries to get rid of some of the mud by jumping up and down...*

E... Now fire that cannon, will you? smiley - bigeyes

Anyone? Soak me... smiley - winkeye

Swimming Pool: II

Post 154


*a note appears on the Suspect Package*

"Don't you dare soak him"

*the Suspect Package makes an ominous noise*

Swimming Pool: II

Post 155

Eomando (it is it is it is 2 years now!!! 8-) )

*E grins again, then fires the water cannon*

*no...not at PP*

*at the Suspect Package*

*sending it flying up in the air towards Baldrick just as it makes a *very* strange noisesmiley - winkeye*

*THEN she soaks PP*

smiley - tongueout

Swimming Pool: II

Post 156


*in another forum, catches the Suspect Package, hits it, and returns it*
*another note appears on the Suspect Package*

"I warned you".


*pie everywhere*

*Return of Baldrick*
*drops another Suspect Package*

Swimming Pool: II

Post 157

Hopelessly Paranoid

*walks into the complex and changes into his bermuda swimming shorts and Gigantic Inflatible Yellow Duckie Ring (I call him Giydr smiley - smiley )*

Hello swimmy persons...*grins and jumps in, heading for the nearest slide*

*looks over at baldric* I say.. you wouldn't happen to know if there...*watches him run off*...okay...*sees Suspect Package* hello.. whats this..*picks it up* ...Sus..pect...Package...*laughs* well.. thats honesty in advertising for you... smiley - smiley

Swimming Pool: II

Post 158

Fashion Cat

*climbs gingerly out of the black void...* so. you go around letting off suspect packages, pushing innocent people into voids and you -still- want me to help you out B!!!! smiley - winkeye count me in!

hey Trilly! nice to see you made it to the pool! I tend to do strange things, kinda like this!

*creeps up behind E and PP pushing them in, then soaking them with a cannon* smiley - tongueout

*runs and hides behind the slide*

Swimming Pool: II

Post 159


How did you get de-muddified FC?
*fires strong water jet from personal cannon at Trilly*
Welcome to the swimpool!
*considers dropping a Suspect Package near Trilly*

Swimming Pool: II

Post 160

Fashion Cat

well, theres a shower in that void.... didnt you notice it B! smiley - smiley

*sends cannon of water careering into B* hehe. just cos I'm working with you, dont expect any breaks! smiley - smiley

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