Its a beautiful day in the neighborhood...

What's up? Thanks for dropping by, I come here about as often as you do - nearly never...
I just never have anything to do, I try to be included in things, but it just doesn't work well...its pretty bad when I have family in here and they don't even help out much...oh well.
Feel free to take a look around, hopefully I'll get more additions here...eventually...

The only people I know on here...

My man...
Quorthon(Antichrist Svperstar)

She whom I sprung forth from...
Luna(Queen of Hearts)

He who blessed me with my humor...

My finnishian friend...

Several others I know...
Trinity(aka Jeni X)



Some spiffy little places to check out:

The Church of the True Brownie

The Frink's Drinks Lobby

The Aroma Café

The World Wide Jam

Me and my girl in all our fruediness

I am always remodeling, thus this place is always...

HEY! Don't touch that!


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The Great Luna

Researcher U100979


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