A Conversation for h2g2 Freaks
I'm a Freak, dammit!
TechnicolorYawn (Patron Saint of the Morally Moribund) Posted Apr 28, 2000
Saw the Kevin & Perry film yesterday. Brilliant. I'm going to buy the soundtrack tomorrow.
I'm a Freak, dammit!
Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...) Posted Apr 29, 2000
Woo-hoo! thistle and I are dragging Angel (who's already seen it) to Galaxy Quest on Monday. Alan Rickman and Robin Sachs in the same film- bliss.
Is there *anyone* here who likes Woody Allen? I find it very difficult to come across other fans...
I'm a Freak, dammit!
Archangel Zax Posted Apr 29, 2000
OK, here's the deal.. i'm TAKING a membership!
You don't mind, do you? no one ever said i was in... but i REALLY wanna be!!!
Saint Zax*
freaky 'nough for ya?
*one among many
tellin' ya, it's been a WEEK i've been trying to get this to work! someone answer please?? cutlery? Lisa?
I'm a Freak, dammit!
Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...) Posted Apr 29, 2000
Ok, I have no official capacity when it comes to recruiting Freaks but I promise to put in a good word about you with Lis and Cut.
Lisa and Cutlery: here is a good word on behalf on Zax- nothingness.
Well I like it...
I'm a Freak, dammit!
Thistle Posted Apr 29, 2000
we could always go to see kevin and perry since it's brilliant! and yeah, films is just as bad, if not worse!
I'm a Freak, dammit!
Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...) Posted Apr 29, 2000
Yeah and my head would explode in about 5 minutes!
Popcorn and grey matter just don't mix...
I'm a Freak, dammit!
Archangel Zax Posted Apr 29, 2000
how's about popcorn and slightly red grey matter? goes really well on hotdogs....
I'm a Freak, dammit!
Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...) Posted Apr 29, 2000
Cinema hotdogs. Now *those* are the work of the Devil himself...
I'm a Freak, dammit!
Evan Posted Apr 30, 2000
I belong in the Freaks. i AM tnereffid in a different way.
So HA!
Ha ha ha ha ha!
Nabib! Nabob!
Heh. Heh. Heh.
Ha! Ha!
So there. I'm a Feak. Accept me.
I meant, Freak, not 'Feak'.
See what lots of Dorretoes does too yoo?
I'm a Freak, dammit!
Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...) Posted Apr 30, 2000
Yeah. Ok.
Who had Freud last?
I think this guy needs operating on...
I'm a Freak, dammit!
Ming Mang Posted Apr 30, 2000
Sugar? Did someone say sugar?! Mmmmmmmm! Sugar sugar sugar!
OK, sugarness over.
Hello all. According to many people I am a freak. Well, they say freak, but they always say "With a capital 'F'!" after telling me so. Does this count as Freak?
And even if it doesn't can I be one anyway?
Is everyone here getting themselves sainted?
Sorry, lots of questions, didn't mean to write all them, it just happens. Oh, incidentally, see what happens when my brain gets me to type; lf h48936t v14u51 4oiwefy98aef ; 6v89qw45i t; ;AREIYG A'RT tg ay oitG S8FG B94T2PO3GF DE-GW 23=0trh;ethvckl b95=y[ 6y;rtouh
Just thought you'd be interested...
OK, so you weren't. *sighs* (never mind, eh?)
Right, I'm going back to sugar.
Sugar sugar sugar! Makes you happy, makes you hyper! (Then if you're vulnerable, it makes you sick, but who's counting?)
Does anyone else here go absolutely and totally hyper for absolutely NO reason whatsoever? 'Cos I do and I've only found 3 other people in the whole entire world who do too. (Does that make me a Freak?) Hee hee!!
I'm a Freak, dammit!
Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...) Posted Apr 30, 2000
Once again I say uh-huh.
Not everyone here is sainted (are we?) cos it's fun and cool and God's a great bloke
Oh, and yeah, pointless hyperness is a definite constant in my life...
I'm a Freak, dammit!
Gavi'e Posted Apr 30, 2000
yeah being hyper is totally normal for me also
p.s did anyone miss me ? haven't been here in a few days , thought you had got rid oh me ? but it's no that easy but then again it no that hard all you need is three cross of size 1 m by 1/2 m cross an gram of crushed garlic and a pint of of holy water with dap of salt .
I'm a Freak, dammit!
Miss Desinagro (Saint of....) Posted Apr 30, 2000
i pushed a button and lost my thing
Gavi'e, ming, korn bali??? (thats worng aint it?)
u rock
Gavi'e I AM a fellow scot, female, rugby fan, who totally agrees with u
Ming - try 6 sugar lumps, on a ferry, in the night, and that is hyperness!!!!
looks nice donnit
Je suis tres folie!!
et sarah je voudrais voir le TS2 pas le GQ si ca c'est possible, oui?
pardonnez moi tous les autres j'ai des EXAMens!!
I'm a Freak, dammit!
Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...) Posted Apr 30, 2000
Hmmm- out on a limb here but I'll bet you don't have any mirrors in your house then...
Actually I did wonder if we'd scared you off- nice to see you're back
I'm a Freak, dammit!
Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga Posted Apr 30, 2000
Later I will add the new ppl.....
I'm not around these forum much as you will realise..
BTW, Zax, you've been an official Freak for days! I never told you but you are linked.
I will add the new ppl later!
I'm a Freak, dammit!
Gavi'e Posted Apr 30, 2000
really that nice someone missed me and well no you haven't scared me off i have just been busy not studying . hi to you angel
Key: Complain about this post
I'm a Freak, dammit!
- 241: TechnicolorYawn (Patron Saint of the Morally Moribund) (Apr 28, 2000)
- 242: Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...) (Apr 29, 2000)
- 243: Archangel Zax (Apr 29, 2000)
- 244: Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...) (Apr 29, 2000)
- 245: Thistle (Apr 29, 2000)
- 246: Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...) (Apr 29, 2000)
- 247: Thistle (Apr 29, 2000)
- 248: Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...) (Apr 29, 2000)
- 249: Archangel Zax (Apr 29, 2000)
- 250: Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...) (Apr 29, 2000)
- 251: Evan (Apr 30, 2000)
- 252: Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...) (Apr 30, 2000)
- 253: Ming Mang (Apr 30, 2000)
- 254: Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...) (Apr 30, 2000)
- 255: Gavi'e (Apr 30, 2000)
- 256: Miss Desinagro (Saint of....) (Apr 30, 2000)
- 257: Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...) (Apr 30, 2000)
- 258: Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga (Apr 30, 2000)
- 259: Gavi'e (Apr 30, 2000)
- 260: Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...) (Apr 30, 2000)
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