A Conversation for h2g2 Freaks

I'm a Freak, dammit!

Post 201

TechnicolorYawn (Patron Saint of the Morally Moribund)

This is where certain people get annoyed with me, as my bit said, 'I'm surprised your English rulers let you wear those funny skirts.'


I'm a Freak, dammit!

Post 202


where the hell have i been while all this was going on?
but gav; i'm about as average as u can get, height, build, i'm even a visual learner, how boring!!
but i'm here, and i'm staying, whether you like it or not, so there!

I'm a Freak, dammit!

Post 203


yeah it was good , big david he is the man
anyways notice how they said a great vitory for britain and not for scotland . i hate the english

I'm a Freak, dammit!

Post 204


i know some very pleasant english people!

I'm a Freak, dammit!

Post 205


mmm canny leave me be in my wee world all english are bad a part fae louise but that diff

I'm a Freak, dammit!

Post 206

Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...)

Not all English are bad (*thinks* Katie grrr)
*shakes head*
No, they are nice people. But I know what you mean about the British win thing- that really ticks me off.

I'm a Freak, dammit!

Post 207


mmmm you as well uh mmm this isn't going to work you all going to gang up on me all english are bad a part from 1 ok smiley - smiley

I'm a Freak, dammit!

Post 208


I'm a Caulkhead. And British.
Why hate the English so much? Most English people I know are from the south coast, and they only think of the south coast, so Scotland doesn't matter to them as they don't go there, just as Yorkshire doesn't matter as they don't go there. No-one hates the Scottish - the French are considered the enemy. smiley - winkeye
To what extent does the Isle of Wight matter to you?

I'm a Freak, dammit!

Post 209


the french are friends of the scottish but !!!
cause we both hate the english . !!!!
just hate them it's in my blood i mean you lot started it anyone you doesn't hate the english isn't all scottish like they are from somewhere else a long the lines like a half irish or something.

I'm a Freak, dammit!

Post 210

Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...)

I don't hate the English but I do get the impression sometimes that you guys think of us as your poor relation smiley - sadface
BTW- I'm 1/8th Irish and 1/8th Belgium (the rest is pure Scots).
I think that explains a lot...

I'm a Freak, dammit!

Post 211


try, anyone who is prejudiced against any race in general is a moron, a bit strong perhaps but i can't stand people who say things like that, oh, and u don't know what real hate is, ok?

I'm a Freak, dammit!

Post 212


i don't know what real hate is oh sorry do you know me ???? at all ? no i have many veiws on many people and my veiw on the english is that i hate them they all think they are soo much better than us when really they are sooo much worse . if britain wasn't mmm britain as it was scotland would be a lot better off and england a lot worse off .

I'm a Freak, dammit!

Post 213


Why the fuss? People from Scotland are people afterall. People on the South coast of England area normally are much more anti-Yorkshire than anti-Scotland. It's only Scotland that hates England, and for no reason. No-one in England hates Scotland that I know of, so why bother? What has caused this one-way anger?

I'm a Freak, dammit!

Post 214


what do you mean no reason we have reasons stuff that happened so long ago nobody really remembers but the stuff that really gets me is the little things like if a scottish man /woman does somethings it's a british thing , but if it's an english man/woman that does something it's no longer a british thng but an english thing . but not only that the english steal our money they take the money that comes in to the uk through oil etc and they spend most of it on them even though it comes from scotland so what do we get out of being british oh thats right bugger all in fact all you lot do is take from us and then you treat us like shit .

I'm a Freak, dammit!

Post 215


exactly! it's silly, and totally unjustified. give me one good reason for blindly hating all english. and i'm sorry to make generalised statements about u, for all i know u are consumed with hatred for someone!

I'm a Freak, dammit!

Post 216


Me? I don't treat anyone from Scotland badly. ALthough I haven't actually met anyone from Scotland. You tend not to get that many on the Isle of Wight.
Anyway, even if it is true that people say "English" for English achievements and "British" for Scottish achievements - which I doubt is something that can happen always, but I would accept that it may happen often, I don't know either way. Truthfully, if it is either an English or Scottish achievement, they should both be called "British" unless it is an Isle of Wight Achievement, which should be called an Isle of Wight one.
As for England stealing money from Scotland - I don't think that is true. England tends to make more money than Scotland, and a lot of the money is sent to Europe and wasted.
I don't think that this anger towards England is very nice, really.

I'm a Freak, dammit!

Post 217


the english don't really steal but they spend more on them than they do on us and the money after all they wouldn't really have with out us it seems to me the english get more out off britain than scottish welsh or irish do and yes it is silly but i canny help it . as i said it's in my blood .

I'm a Freak, dammit!

Post 218

Cutlery, co-founding Freak and Patron Saint of Cutting Remarks ?¿

If racism against English is in the Scottish blood, then are Scottish babies born able to recognise Engish people and hate them? No.

If your kind of racism is justified, why is it justified? Could those same arguments be used to justify the extermination of 6 million Jews? Could the same arguments be used to justify the 30 years of unrest in Northern Ireland? Could the same arguments justify the Cold war, or the start of a neuclear war? If they could, the world is a sad place, and I want off. smiley - sadface

I'm a Freak, dammit!

Post 219


really you want off the world Mmmm ok don't we all i know i have i have started my own but thats just cause i have nothing better to do with my self mmmm the english thing isn't quite as bad as you make it out to be but i just hate the english ok i mean do i really need a reason ? ( haven't you ever meet someone and you just canny stand them right from the start like !~!~! me !~!~! well thats what i am like with english i dare say i will meet more english folk that i don't hate but for now i know only one that i like and by the way no i don't thing my arguments really count to anyone but me but the fact of the mater is that most scottish people hate the english . the irish thing and the jew thing was all about religion and there for is a totaly different thing all together where as the scottish english thing is about countrys and the only way they are all going to go away is when we are all from the same place and all beleive the same things which isn't going to happen any time soon so .....

I'm a Freak, dammit!

Post 220

Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...)

Ok, here's the thing- I'm fairly liberal on most things but on this I'm not. It is WRONG to be racist, against anyone. And why should people's ancestors pay for their sins? Should we give up equality (ok we're not there yet but getting close) and allow black supremacy just because of what our ancestors did?
No, that's ridiculous and so is the hatred against the English. There is no reasoning for it and it upsets me that someone would say those kind of things.
If you go for this kind of elitist view I suggest you read 1984 by George Orwell and consider the Thought Police. It might give you a different perspective. Otherwise, change the subject and keep your (kind of offensive) views to yourself.

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