A Conversation for The Café

Coffee for coffee's sake

Post 101

Doctor John (Patron Saint and Village Physician)

Sounds like you need the ristretto more than I do, BS. smiley - smiley

Coffee for coffee's sake

Post 102

Demon Drawer

BS if you hadn't been around since Oscar night it could be confusing as there three new fora set up that night. smiley - smiley

Coffee for coffee's sake

Post 103


I think I'm going to have to add a coffee from the cafe to my morning Doughnut routine smiley - smiley

Coffee for coffee's sake

Post 104

Demon Drawer

I normally can't face a doughnut before 12. smiley - smiley

Coffee for coffee's sake

Post 105


God dammit give me a coffee, any type i don't care
*Some one hands him a coffee*
*Glup Glup glup*
I just asked Joanna, if we could have drinks here!
im a god damm idiot!
that coffee taking afffect
lalalalalalalaalalla loooo
*fiend starts dancing around the room*

Coffee for coffee's sake

Post 106

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

*avoids dancing fiend on the way in*
Good morning everybody!
*snags apple spice donut*
Can I have my usual breakfast tea please?
I somehow lost track of this forum and didn't stop in here last night. Some ancient threads rose as from the dead and took up 3 of the 8 slots in my forum list.

Can somebody let Greebo know that I gave her a wedding announcement on my home page? I did a lot of fiddling with it last night.

Coffee for coffee's sake

Post 107

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

*Tries to keep head on straight* Alright, so what's the difference between this ristretto and turkish coffee?

*hands coffee to Blues Slider*
Here, this'll help

You know, drip brew coffee has more caffine than espresso? In fact, the stronger it tastes, the less caffine it probably has!

*hands tea to Lil*


Coffee for coffee's sake

Post 108

Ioreth (on hiatus)

Morning all. (for me at least)
Could I get a hot chocolate?
Today I am applying for a job... yuck, w***

Coffee for coffee's sake

Post 109

Garius Lupus

I second that emotion: yuck, w***

Well, actually, w*** is not that bad - that is when I actually do some in between H2G2 sessions smiley - smiley

Coffee for coffee's sake

Post 110

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

Ioreth, here's that hot chocolate c(~)

As far as w*** goes, I suppose it depends on the j*b.

~Irving, who misses working in an RL coffee house

Coffee for coffee's sake

Post 111

Garius Lupus

True. I really do like my job, but I would like being retired and rich better smiley - smiley

At least, I think I would. Anyway, that's what I am working towards.

Coffee for coffee's sake

Post 112


~Grin~... sorry it took me so long to answer... ~another grin~... my significant other is called Stooby... he is a God... ~grin~

Coffee for coffee's sake

Post 113

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

He isn't, by any chance, GOD-Almighty from the Church of the Electric Cross?


Coffee for coffee's sake

Post 114


Nooo... afriad not... Stooby is on h2g2... but under a different name me thinks... though he doesn;t go on anymore as he say's he never gets the chance as me takes over the computer and won't let him have a go...


It's mine me tells you... no go away... buy your own!!!!

Coffee for coffee's sake

Post 115

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

Are we gonna have to guess Stooby's online name? Or are ya gonna tell?


Coffee for coffee's sake

Post 116


Me is trying to get him to come back on line... if he does... me will tell you... and introduce him to you...

Coffee for coffee's sake

Post 117

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

Well we're all anxious to meet him!


Coffee for coffee's sake

Post 118

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Sounds like you two need to get networked, not just married! smiley - winkeye

Coffee for coffee's sake

Post 119

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

That would be interesting...


Coffee for coffee's sake

Post 120

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Incroyable! It's the weekend already. Seems like only a couple of nights ago we were watching the Oscars. I feel great! If I remember right, this feeling is called ... healthy?

Can I try some of that AZOJ Irv?

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