A Conversation for The Café


Post 381

Something Witty

*grins feebishly*

That didn't come out right. There is a spy Somewhere in our midst. Not Comewhere.


I don't know. Now this decaf coffee has made me sleepy.

*begins to lay down on the floor*

This floor always could use a rug I suppose.


Post 382

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

Next time I get around to editing the front page, you'll be on it! In the meantime, have a cup of cocoa c(_)


Post 383

Adela the Happy Pagan

Yummm... the best cocoa I've ever had. My compliments to the cook(s). smiley - smiley

Wind Trouble!!

Post 384


~Greebo wanders over to the inflatable sofa...~... Hmm doughnut crumbs... this could be the place to sit and look pathetically hungry... ~grin~

~Jumps onto sofa... slips a little... claws out to steady herself...~


~Greebo blown off sofa by hurricane of wind from punctered Ikea sofa~

~Greebo flies through the air... where she lands... nobody knows~



Post 385

kats-eyes (psychically confirmed caffeine addict)

*wanders in, all business, dumps plate of hot spam next to tibetan toaster*
hi, Adela, want another one? smiley - winkeye
*opens cupboard, gets brightly coloured rug and straightens it out on the floor*

nice furniture we got in here smiley - winkeye


Post 386

Mrs V

Hellos. how are we doing?? I take it you people will want waiting on now, and It couldn't have been me in the fountain, I was spending a very enjoyable wieekend with my wand and my cat. Its just that Zaphod spreading malicious rumours.


Post 387

TechnicolorYawn (Patron Saint of the Morally Moribund)

Arg.......2 hours sleep last night...............

Brain not working


need str
ong coffee plea


got lab soon
can't think


Could you do me another with the spoon standing up?
Make it sit up and bark.

Strong Coffee?

Post 388

Something Witty

I'm sure Irving wouold give you one. Here C(_|_). I wonder where the washer is? He could clean many things now. I know he would be very happy to clean every speck of anything off anything. Here C(~) | .__. (____) and C(_) can all be cleaned. By the way, thank you Irving, for putting me on your page and all. I wonder where that greebo could be?


Post 389


I haven't been about lately because I went to the London H2G2 meeting, and when I was there, talking to Peta, she said that she saw Douglas Adams on Friday, and showed him around some of H2G2 - and one of the places he saw and was impressed by was The Aroma Cafe - and he thought it was BRILLIANT!!! smiley - smiley So congratulations Irving!
(He also liked my beach too, but sadly did not enter the bikini competition...)
I feel like washing all the smiley - coffee up to celebrate!


Post 390

TechnicolorYawn (Patron Saint of the Morally Moribund)

~Suddenly there is a crash, and a large portion of wall followed by a sizeable volume of water erupts from the swimming pool side of the cafe~

*flying through the hole propelled by the water*


*crashes into a table*

Oofff! Sorry about that, Bluebottle's fault.

*Gets up and staggers back towards the pool through the new hole*


Post 391


No it wasn't...

cocoa and fruit

Post 392

Adela the Happy Pagan

Hi, I'm just popping in for my daily cocoa. smiley - smiley

And here's a shipment of fruits for the week:

Jonathan apples
Gala apples
Golden delicious apples
Red delicious apples
Valencia oranges
Navel oranges
a couple bunches of ripe bananas
some plantains (you can always use a few plantains)
Bartlett pears
some kiwi (please shave the fuzz off before you serve them to me!)
a bunch of nice dark red cherries
a few coconuts

and fruit products (all homemade!):

apple butter
cinnamon applesauce
regular applesauce
strawberry jam
raspberry jam
grapefruit juice
apple juice
orange juice
cherry juice
cran-raspberry juice
rhubarb jam (a family recipe)

and strawberry-banana milkshakes all around! smiley - smiley

cocoa and fruit

Post 393

Roasted Amoeba

I'm glad to see that you're not trying to compete with my blackcurrant jam... smiley - smiley

Here's the toasted spam that somebody asked for... get it away from here before I pass out...

By the way, I heard a rumour that Greebo is currently in the vicinity of Alpha Centauri, although she's expected back shortly... smiley - smiley

cocoa and fruit

Post 394

kats-eyes (psychically confirmed caffeine addict)

how do you make apple butter???? sounds deli!

cocoa and fruit

Post 395

Roasted Amoeba

Apple butter on toast... mmm.... smiley - smiley

The Aroma Cafe

Post 396

Something Witty

Very impressed is a good way to describe this place. Exactly what I put on my website. Extremly exquisite in looks and in taste. By the way, I really like your site Irving. May I have a cup of tea please? By the way, Blueblootle, this floor is very dirty. We had to put a rung on it to keep it clean.

The Aroma Cafe

Post 397

TechnicolorYawn (Patron Saint of the Morally Moribund)

That'll be the wreckage from the wall.

Wind Trouble!!

Post 398

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

Poor Greebo! Here, kitty, have some milk!

*pours some of the warm chai milk into a saucer for Greebo, carefully not including a straw this time*

Enjoy! smiley - winkeye And here, sit on this NON-inflatable couch...

*scatters doughnut crumbs and leftover bits of fried spam to keep Greebo happy*

smiley - smiley

The Aroma Cafe

Post 399


Hi chaps - I'm back! Oh no! Is that my bean bag under that wall???

Your artwork is running around outside of it's lead by the way... Do you want me to bring it in?

One coffee and soyamilk please Irving (ta muchly). So, anyone seen Greebo yet? We really should suggest she gets herself declawed for her own safety...

The Aroma Cafe

Post 400


*Beeblefish stalks in ... sees the rumpled remains of the Ikea couch in the corner ... frowns -- leaves again, thinks better of it pops head back in*

That Hot Chocolate sounds really good, could I have some?

Oh, and while Im getting the chain mail .... read this:

http://www.h2g2.com/A227143 (not because Im a terrible brilliant writer, but becasue everyone should know about this)


*Beeblefish leaves with purpose again*

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