I'm Michael Boratko. If I could find anything else intelligent to put here I would. Since I can't think of anything at the moment, I will just end with a quote.
'Till next time!
Michael Boratko
God put me on earth to accomplish a certain number of things. Right now I'm so far behind, I will never die. -Bill Waterson :-)
<HEADER> The Second to Last Frontier (Taken from the Captain's Log, December 10,1999, 22:30:46)</HEADER>
While I am a avid space fan and am in total suport with the space program, I cannot seem to understand just one little thing about the whole exploration thing. I don't understand why we don't go under water and form colonies there. Not only whould it be a wonderful preview to space colonies we will eventually have, it would also greatly increase the living space on the surface (or should I say, uder the surface) of the earth. We currently have the technology to pursue an underwater living environment and could very easily construct a dome underwater that could not only create a living space bu a gigantic underwater bridge to another continent. It could make it very easily so that one could simply drive right across to Europe from America. I, Michael Boratko, have taken it upon myself to create a separate living space for anyone who is smart enough to realize the great mistake that the world is making in not setting up an underwater sea base for such usage as described above. It wil furthermore be called as "The Second to Last Frontier". If you wish not to be swept along with the rest of a dying world, <link href="" >">enter this forum</link> before December 31st, 1999. Anyone interested in coming aboard after that date will have to contact me PERSONALLY with their proof-of-use aboard my life colony. ~ Captain Something Witty
><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><>
These are those robots that I've been telling everyone to look at. I finally got them up and running on my site (whoppie!) so you can view them and vote on which of them we sould have in our "Second to Last Frontier".<BR/>
<img src="" >"/><BR/>
But if they don't show up, click <link href="" >">here</link>
<header>Quote of the Times</header>
I will also put a quote on my page OTHER that the permanent one above that I will update anytime I am online. The current quote is: <BR/>
My one regret in life is that I am not someone else.
Woody Allen
For all ye who have it, GREAT! I'm #56122258. For all ye who want it, click <LINK HREF="" >">here</LINK>. For all ye who have yet to "chose", shame on ye! Ye shall perish in the 7th ring of hell! (Well, not really . . .) If you don't know what ICQ is, I can't rightfully send you all the way down to the 7th ring of hell now can I? ICQ (meaning I seek you) is a very good communication tool used all around the world. You make up a list that contains all your friends and you can see when they are online/offline. You can talk to them in a "chat" window or just send messages. This great tool can also be used to send files, sounds, and play games over the internet. As you can see it is a great communication device. Now, if you don't click <link href="" >">here</link> I will be forced to send you directly to hell where you will eat not but burning hot coals and drink not but burning hot cola. Where your body will be turnded into confetti and strewn upon a parade of fatherless children and single mothers. Where your tounge will be torn out by ravenous birds . . . (1)
<header>I'm a member of H2G2 Christians Now</header>
<LINK H2G2="" >"> H2G2 Cristians <img src="" >"/></link>
<HEADER>Other Witty Folk</HEADER>
<LINK BIO="U43530">Bluebottle</LINK> <BR/>
<LINK BIO="U94902">Roasted Amoeba who is trying to find Fred who is also a roasted amoeba †</LINK><BR/>
<LINK BIO="U55075">Irving Wastington</LINK><BR/>
<link bio="U53188">Kat's-Eyes<img src="" >"/></link><BR/>
These are for right now. Many more to come, my friends. Many more ...
<header>Just Hangin'?</header>
If you're just hanging around the guide, why not check out some of the coolist sites around?<BR/><BR/>
<LINK H2G2="A202924">The Aroma Café</LINK> - Fortunately I have to say that I personally have never been so surprized at the quality of a café (or forum) in my time at H2G2 (which happens to be about a week). though not only is it in the top 5 list, but has very good reveiws from my friend Roasted Amoeba, who proudly holds the position of "Toaster from Tibet", and Bluebottle who washes everything. Ivrving Washington is the manager. I am just a customer, though I hope to work myself silly to become one of the staff ...<BR/>
<LINK H2G2="A208676">H2G2 Waterworks & Beach</LINK> - A very interesting place (if you'd care to ask me!). You can hang out on the beach or go to Bluebottle's pool. You could be a lifeguard or a waitress. You could meat the great and powerful skeleton, or even hang out in the sewers. There is no end to the fun here!
<Link h2g2="javascript:popusers('users.cgi');">Check who's online right now</link><BR/>
These disclaimers aren't really disclaimers since I only have one so far, but I just wanted to be sure.<BR/>
(1)This excerpt was taken from The Simpsons and I will take it out if anyone is offended by it.<br/>
<center><img src="" >"/><img src="" >"/><img src="" >"/></center>
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Hello Something Witty | Dec 14, 1999 |
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Captains Log (test) | Dec 11, 1999 |
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Dec 10, 1999 | Aug 1, 2014 |
Now Hiring! | Dec 13, 1999 | Jun 24, 2000 |
NM = "No Mercy" for the Birthday Boy | Jan 13, 2000 | May 18, 2000 |
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Christians on H2G2 | Dec 11, 1999 | Mar 13, 2000 |
Something Witty
Researcher U104067
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