This is the Message Centre for Something Witty

Hello Something Witty

Post 1

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

Welcome to H2G2, I see you've already found your way about the forums, but feel free to make yourself at home in every way you can imagine! If you need any help drop in on the Assistant Community Editors (ACEs) at their homepage here We're here to help smiley - smiley

And to give you fish smiley - fish


Hello Something Witty

Post 2


Hi - just thought I'd better say hi! It's great to see you about - the pictures didn't seem to be working, sorry smiley - sadface - but I'm sure you'll sort that out soon! And thanks for the link - I'm putting one to your page now, so that will be.
So, where abouts are you from, what do you do etc? Let me know all you wish to!
See you about, my friend smiley - smiley


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