A Conversation for The Café

Catch Greebo!!!

Post 21


~looking pleadingly at The Buzzing One~... Me stuck you know... and there's loads of doughnuts down there... ~forgetting herself reaching out to give The Buzzing One a hug... losing grip on light fixture~


~watch out... watch out... GREEBO IS FALLING!!!!~


Catch Greebo!!!

Post 22

TechnicolorYawn (Patron Saint of the Morally Moribund)

................Got you!

Ouch, mind the claws....

Catch Greebo!!!

Post 23


Opppsss sorry... ~Grin~

Catch Greebo!!!

Post 24

marvthegrate LtG KEA

Glad to see our favorite furline is well and alive then.

Catch Greebo!!!

Post 25


~thoughtful grin~

Think me just lost one of my lives there... have to be more careful... me only got 8 left... ~grin~

Catch Greebo!!!

Post 26


We all knew you would make it - we have faith in you!

You see, cats always land on their feet - and they have 9 lives!
Why were you so afraid? Why didn't you ~grin~ and disappear?

Catch Greebo!!!

Post 27


Me was sooooooo scared me could hardly think straight!!!

Catch Greebo!!!

Post 28

AEndr, The Mad Hatter

*Mad Hatter wanders in from vicinty of kitchen sink clutching whisk amid a waft of wonderful smell of baking chocolate cake.
Spots Greebo and whispers*

(don't tell anyone else, but there is a slice of chocolate cake in the kitchen saved for you to help you get over that traumatic experience)

Catch Greebo!!!

Post 29


Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh... how wonderfully puuuuuurfect... ~grin~ ... Me just adores choccie cake... ~licking lips in anticipation...~

Hey folks... how about helping me prepare for crimbo... need my place sorting out... decorations and such... seats would help to... and a table or three... and some food and drink... ~grin~... and not forgetting the mistletoe... er... and a tree... er... and balloons...
All me got at the moment is a depressed Teddy Bear in the corner... bit of a sad place to visit... please come and make it the biggest crimbo party on h2g2... ~hopeful grin~
TO THE PARTY >>> http://www.h2g2.com/A231760

Catch Greebo!!!

Post 30


Everyone will always support our dear Greebo friend.

Catch Greebo!!!

Post 31

Cupid Stunt

Of course we will.

Catch Greebo!!!

Post 32

Something Witty

I've been away for a while, so I had to catch up on the coming events. Thank goodness that Greebo is OK!

Catch Greebo!!!

Post 33


~Greebo grins at everyone... her whiskers are full of choccie crumbs... and there is a choccie puddle on the floor beneath her chin~

Me is absolutely stuffed... ~biggest yawn ever~... need to sleep though... Is it alright if me curls up by the oven??? Me needs to keep warm after that shock???? ~hopeful smile~

Catch Greebo!!!

Post 34


What a brave puss cat! Here, have a fluffy jumper to curl up on...


Post 35

Frood of the Loons

::stumbles into not hiring, looks around, then decides to go see something else::


Post 36


~Greebo moves over to Fluffy Jumper... snuggles down and proceeds to start snoring quite loudly!!!~

Catch Greebo!!!

Post 37

AEndr, The Mad Hatter

why don't you go visit the log fire at your party - then you can keep an eye on what's going on as well as curl up and get warm...

Catch Greebo!!!

Post 38

Cupid Stunt

Well, if you say so. Meow.

Catch Greebo!!!

Post 39


*Beeblefish trips down off the ceiling and out to the Crimbo party ... *

Tired Greebo!!!

Post 40


~Greebo opens one eye...~ Me a multi dimensional cat... me in several forums at the same time... ~grin~...

~Greebo closes her eye... and snores softly again~

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