The Second to Last Frontier (Taken from the Captain's Log, December 10,1999, 22:30:46)

1 Conversation

While I am a avid space fan and am in total suport with the space program, I cannot seem to understand just one little thing about the whole exploration thing. I don't understand why we don't go under water and form colonies there. Not only whould it be a wonderful preview to space colonies we will eventually have, it would also greatly increase the living space on the surface (or should I say, uder the surface) of the earth. We currently have the technology to pursue an underwater living environment and could very easily construct a dome underwater that could not only create a living space bu a gigantic underwater bridge to another continent. It could make it very easily so that one could simply drive right across to Europe from America. I, Michael Boratko, have taken it upon myself to create a separate living space for anyone who is smart enough to realize the great mistake that the world is making in not setting up an underwater sea base for such usage as described above. If you wish not to be swept along with the rest of a dying world, enter this forum before December 31st, 1999. Anyone interested in coming aboard after that date will have to contact me PERSONALLY with their proof-of-use aboard my life colony.
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