A Conversation for The Disassociation of Floating Voters

Oh Bagpuss...

Post 61


See how efficient he is? *Beams with pride*

Oh Bagpuss...

Post 62


You probably don't have to worry about raging mobs of Nitrian monks in Webb County much, Hyp.

Thanks Jodan.

Oh Bagpuss...

Post 63


True. We do have raging mobs of Pentecostals, however. They are generally annoyed with us for some reason. Harry Potter books, programs about dragons, sponsoring a fantasy book club, that sort of thing. And very annoyed that I don't have every single Christian romance novel ever written. smiley - erm

Oh Bagpuss...

Post 64


I like dragons smiley - bigeyes *gets out a coloring book*

smiley - blacksheep

Oh Bagpuss...

Post 65


Jodan, work now...color later.

Get us some more votes and I'll make you hot chocolate to sip on while you color. smiley - smiley

Oh Bagpuss...

Post 66


Oh, okay.

Hyp... smiley - erm Will you vote for us?

smiley - blacksheep

Oh Bagpuss...

Post 67


Doesn't count. smiley - silly

Oh Bagpuss...

Post 68


Hey, you're the candidate. Get out there and shake some hands, mommy.

smiley - blacksheep

Oh Bagpuss...

Post 69


Mommy is negotiating with the BoA right now for a loan to pay for all of your campaigne bri...err incentives.

Oh Bagpuss...

Post 70


Voting floaters A5889261 andont forget to put your 2legs on the list

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