A Conversation for The Disassociation of Floating Voters

Dear Bagpuss

Post 1

Researcher 2028455

Ooh 'eck, it's election time here at H2G2 and many researchers are already declaring their allegiance to one party or another. Well, let me tell you, they've got the wrong idea. Newsflash, geniuses:

When politicians know which side you're on, they stop caring about you.

What's the point in promising stuff to your supporters? They already support you. And why make promises to your rivals' supporters? They're not going to support you.

See, it's the floating voters that everyone tries to woo. We're the ones who matter on polling day. And that means we're in the running for any concessions and bribes that are on offer.

So, say it loud, say it proud:


smiley - erm

Dear Bagpuss

Post 2


Hey, you've linked me, smiley - cool.

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