A Conversation for The Disassociation of Floating Voters

Me too!

Post 21


Put me down as a floater. smiley - erm Actually make that a floating voter. I'm sort of torn between two candidates at the moment.


Me too!

Post 22



Me too!

Post 23


Hey sprout smiley - smiley Long time no see.
What can I do to put you in an Ozark today? To start out with, I wish to give you a lego model of the Lincoln memorial, a magical pair of scissors and a blue bouncy ball.

And Nevada. You can have Nevada.

smiley - blacksheep

Me too!

Post 24


Hi Jodan

I like lego. Good choice of bribe smiley - ok.

However, I shall not be swayed. I intend to float for a little longer, and then either vote for your good selves or Gnomon and Master B.

Best of luck with your campaign - I shall be observing developments keenly.

smiley - cheers


Me too!

Post 25


Well, will you at least put Hyp up high on the preferences if you end up voting for those sensible folks? smiley - smiley Have you seen our platform? A1341109

Take your time smiley - tea

smiley - blacksheep

Me too!

Post 26


Sure. If they're first, you'll be second. Or vice versa. Nice platform by the way - some good points in there.

smiley - cheers


Me too!

Post 27


can you bild me a lego castle ?
A5889261 to vote fo 2legs smiley - stout

Me too!

Post 28


That's not true, I know something for certain!

Me too!

Post 29


yore free to vote for the othes aswell smiley - love

smiley - cheerssmiley - boingsmiley - roflsmiley - boingsmiley - blush

Me too!

Post 30


Have unfloated myself and voted. Civic duty accomplished etc. The campaign has been fun, I have to say.

smiley - cheers


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