A Conversation for The Disassociation of Floating Voters

Oh Bagpuss...

Post 41

Trin Tragula

Again with the bribes! smiley - cross I'm an idealist, I tell you and I'm in this election because of strongly held beliefs, a genuine and sincere conviction that we, the forces of innovation and rectitude (yes!), can make a real difference to the everyday life of all researchers, of whatever nationality, gender or species and furthermore ...

smiley - puff

... we're going to win! Yes!

What do you mean by 'best' exactly?

Oh Bagpuss...

Post 42


*whispers in TT's ear*

*giggles at word 'rectitute'*

Do you really think that researchers want Big Government poking around, trying to make a difference in their lives but really just making them worse? I don't. I think you'll keep the smiley - cake tax around to pay for some of your more lavish 'life improving' programs.

But that's neither here nor there. We at H4P have taken notice of your excellent campaigning style, and a similarly excellent job is open to you if you wish to be on the winning team smiley - ok

smiley - blacksheep

Oh Bagpuss...

Post 43

Trin Tragula

Maybe I want Big Government - I mean, what's the point of holding power if all you get to do is take extended holidays and swan around on yachts? Eh? Eh?

I'm going to have to think about this ... smiley - erm

Oh Bagpuss...

Post 44


Bagpuss, dear friend, I thank you for your support. I am especially pleased that you have become our 31st declared supporter. As such, you will be richly rewarded. I shall have Wolfgang create a special curry and name it after you, for starters and declare that it be served at the inagural dinner. And I shall take the oath of office wearing a flat cap.

Trin Tragula, I wish you and Reddyfrerddy good luck and wish to confirm that should you decide to withdraw from the race, we will be happy to welcome you both and your supporters into our camp.

Oh Bagpuss...

Post 45

Trin Tragula

... oh god that was so dignified ... what a noble president Hypatia would make ... *ggnnnhhh* no ... need to stay focussed ... need to *ggnnnhhh* stay mean ... stay mean ...

Oh Bagpuss...

Post 46


Oh yeah, I probably should mention that Hyp is much more graceful and nice than me. smiley - ok

Luckily, the Vice President has even less power than the Prez. And I *promise* that I'm not going to poison her Bagpuss curry and usurp the throne.

smiley - blacksheep

Oh Bagpuss...

Post 47


Gosh, what a splendid, dignified figure. It makes you wonder why she hangs around with us lot.

Jodan, you asked what title I'd like. Now, Vice Vice President has a certain ring to it, but do you need an Abelian Advisor? I could commute.

... sorry, mathematical joke.

Oh Bagpuss...

Post 48


Oh no, I totally understood that joke smiley - erm

Would you prefer Abelian Advisor to VVP, or were you just using it for the joke that I obviously understood? smiley - smiley Either one's fine with me. We sure do need an Abelian Advisor... if nothing else, to tell me what 'Abelian' is. smiley - ok

smiley - blacksheep

Oh Bagpuss...

Post 49

Trin Tragula

The extent of our party's mathematical ignorance is pretty much limitless. I'm looking at the fingers on my left hand right now and I'm completely lost: six? twelve?

We need you more! smiley - grovel

Oh Bagpuss...

Post 50


smiley - erm A party shouldn't need voters: It is my personal belief that voters need Hypatia smiley - zen

Trin, you could always join the Ozark Party. I think we could help you out.

smiley - blacksheep

Oh Bagpuss...

Post 51

Trin Tragula

All right. How many fingers am I holding up?

Oh Bagpuss...

Post 52


Honestly... smiley - sigh If you can't count the number of fingers on your hand, how are you supposed to know if the answer's correct or not?

smiley - blacksheep

Oh Bagpuss...

Post 53

Trin Tragula

I see. Dodging the question, eh? smiley - erm

Now, that's one more than two so it's definitely four or maybe five - hang on, do thumbs count?

Oh Bagpuss...

Post 54


Trin... I think it would be better for yourself and for the site if you took some time out from ReddyFreddy's campaign for a brief sojourn into the Ozarks smiley - zen

Bagpuss, I keep wanting to put your title up on the page, but it's hard when I'm not sure which one you picked.

smiley - blacksheep

Oh Bagpuss...

Post 55


Whichever you prefer. I'm off to smiley - zzz.

Oh Bagpuss...

Post 56


Hang on, if I'm going with the bad maths jokes, could I be Cartesian Coordinator, please?

Oh Bagpuss...

Post 57


Certainly, Bagpuss. I'm sure Jodan will be happy to change that for you. We aim to please, after all. smiley - angel

And thank you for thinking of a maths coordinator. It is most appropriate for a president named Hypatia to have a maths coordinator.

Oh Bagpuss...

Post 58


smiley - ta I didn't realise I was already up there.

I don't know why I hadn't looked up the original Hypatia before, but I just Googled her.

Oh Bagpuss...

Post 59


She was quite a lady. Not particularly good at ...erm...public relations however. smiley - yikes

I am not as intelligent as the original Hypatia, but I am smart enough to stay out of the way of raging mobs.

I also suspect that my chicken soup is superior to hers. smiley - biggrin

Oh Bagpuss...

Post 60


It's done smiley - smiley

I absolutely get that joke as well smiley - ok

smiley - blacksheep

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