A Conversation for The Disassociation of Floating Voters

Oh Bagpuss...

Post 21


smiley - ta

Oh Bagpuss...

Post 22


Okay, are you ready to give your support to Hyp? I wouldn't ever mean to pressure you, of course... smiley - smiley


smiley - blacksheep

Oh Bagpuss...

Post 23


Oh, it's tempting. I'll need to think about it before deciding, though.

Oh Bagpuss...

Post 24


How long? smiley - groan

smiley - blacksheep

Oh Bagpuss...

Post 25


Erm, when's polling day?

Oh Bagpuss...

Post 26


Some time in October.
I gotta fill the VVP chair before then though. smiley - erm

smiley - blacksheep

Oh Bagpuss...

Post 27


Oh heck, you're not putting a deadline on this offer are you? How am I supposed to waver when I'm under that sort of pressure?

Oh Bagpuss...

Post 28


Oh, no. Pressure ain't my thing.
I'm just saying that all the good bribes will be used up soon and I'd rather not have all my good titles tied up.

Here, have a yacht.

smiley - blacksheep

Oh Bagpuss...

Post 29


I wouldn't want that. And I'll admit that the oppostition seem to have stopped offering me incentives. But declaring allegiance at this stage would be a major departure from my usual practice.

*sets up deckchair on yacht deck*

smiley - zzz

Oh Bagpuss...

Post 30


I acknowledge your right to float.
It's so much nicer floating aboard your brand new yacht, isn't it? smiley - bigeyes

I think you should try something new.

smiley - blacksheep

Oh Bagpuss...

Post 31


smiley - musicalnoteI am sailing,
I am sailing, smiley - musicalnote
smiley - musicalnote On my yacht,
Across the sea! smiley - musicalnote

Oh Bagpuss...

Post 32


You know, I have a collection of rare German nutcrackers with your name on them if you declare your intention to support Hypatia soonish.

They're Ge-e-e-erman!!

smiley - blacksheep

Oh Bagpuss...

Post 33


Well, I do have some rare German nuts that need cracking...

Oh, go on then, I'll suppout Hyp. I don't think any of the other parties addressed the issue of hamster morale quite so well.

Oh Bagpuss...

Post 34


You won't regret it sir.
Do you want the title of Vice Vice President, or any other campaign title, by the way?

smiley - blacksheep

PS - you're our 31st supporter, which is the total number of votes that won for the last President smiley - bubbly Important, no?

Oh Bagpuss...

Post 35

Trin Tragula

This is our bunny.

smiley - bunny

Do you see his tears? Do you know why our bunny's so sad? What's that bunny?

smiley - bunny

Don't be sad little bunny. Maybe Bagpuss will have a change of heart.

(And possibly a change of yacht. A rather bigger yacht, perhaps).

Oh Bagpuss...

Post 36


The yacht I gave him barely fits through the Suez Canal. It's a big yacht.

Reminds me rather a lot of http://savetoby.com/ Extortionist.

smiley - blacksheep

Oh Bagpuss...

Post 37

Trin Tragula

(smiley - laugh I wish you hadn't posted that smiley - yikes I shan't sleep!)

Well, our party hereby offers Bagpuss a much *swifter* yacht, sleek and responsive to the dulcet winds of the Arabian Sea. You can get stuck in the Suez Canal if you wish.

Oh Bagpuss...

Post 38


We don't try to pick off your supporters. smiley - erm This is underhanded and duplicitous and... mean!

I don't understand why you'd want a small yacht. The point of the yacht is that it's a relaxing thing... and if it has an aquarium, all for more the better of.
If you want a swift thing, try this new ski-boat...

smiley - blacksheep

Oh Bagpuss...

Post 39

Trin Tragula

>>We don't try to pick off your supporters<<

With good reason smiley - wah I don't think we have any pledges at all yet smiley - sadface I'm getting pretty desperate smiley - cry

*Has a sneaky peek to see if he's picked up any sympathy votes yet*

Oh Bagpuss...

Post 40


smiley - hug We'd be happy to take you guys onboard our big boat of support. Really a yacht. smiley - winkeye

The best titles are reserved for candidates who drop out of the race and endorse us. I don't offer those sort ot titles to the normal folks... smiley - ok

smiley - blacksheep

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