A Conversation for Ask h2g2
Has one of your dreams ever came true?
Zak T Duck Posted Sep 9, 2005
I've had dreams that I'd like to come true, but haven't yet. On a semi related note, on occasions I've thought about things which then later happened.
Has one of your dreams ever came true?
Yael Smith Posted Sep 9, 2005
There is another explanation for dreams coming true:
the brain calculates a lot of odds that get filtered through the conscious (sp?) mind when you're awake. Add to that the concept that dreams represent hopes and fears, and the 3 boys dreaming of catching the ball in the game basically have calculated this to be quite probable, and hoped that they would each catch the ball. Having the same plot to the dream doesn't make it the same dream, though, simply 'coz they each have a different brain. The dream about the birth, again, calculates the probability of your friend giving birth by signs that you don't really know you notice, but your brain does, and adding to that the hope that your friend would her (overdue) baby gives you the dream. These dreams are very common in close groups, such as good friends are close family. I knew when my aunt was going to have her baby though I haven't seen her in months, and I was right, too.
Has one of your dreams ever came true?
pffffft Posted Sep 9, 2005
I think this is a dream, although I always considered it a memory. I had vivid numerous memories as a child of visiting my mums sister and her husband in their farm shop. I had a lovely idylic time running around their farm and chasing chickens. As I got older I was confused to be told that my Auntie didn't live on a farm during the time I grew up, she only lived on farm when she first got married, way before I was even born, I could never of visisted her, nor would I of known that she 'used' to live on a farm either.... dee dee di dir dee dee di der
Has one of your dreams ever came true?
Mu Beta Posted Sep 9, 2005
Literally, "deja vu" means "already seen"
Has one of your dreams ever came true?
Pink Paisley Posted Sep 9, 2005
Surely it must only be a valid "dream come true" if the dream has been reported to another person prior to the event of the reallity.
Deja vu is a fairly well understood trick of the mind. I wonder if some of these "dreams come true" are actually complex deja vus.
Me I've never had a dream come true. I've had a number of DVs. I remember dreams rarely and they are usually nonsense. On the whole the sort of dream that you wouldn't want to come true.
Has one of your dreams ever came true?
Swodahs Neetriht Posted Sep 9, 2005
The worst is when you have a deja vu about having a deja vu. You think, "Hey, I feel like this exact situation has happened before. Wait a sec, I feel like I've had a deja vu about this situation already, and now it's happening a third (or more?) time!"
Makes you want to throw something.
Has one of your dreams ever came true?
(crazyhorse)impeach hypatia Posted Sep 9, 2005
i dreampt about the first space shuttle disaster before it happened
Has one of your dreams ever came true?
saintfrancesca Posted Sep 11, 2005
I've had a couple of dreams come "true".
One dream was a very vivid one about an Aboriginal elder, who I met some time after this dream. He was a remarkable man.
Another quite recently. I was in an aircraft that seemed to be military. We were coming in to land, there was a big hill on our right and a smallish airstrip below us. Then we all realized that something was wrong, the aircraft was approaching the ground too fast and we were going to crash. The next day on the news it was reported that an Australian military aircraft had crashed on landing at an airstrip in Indonesia. Hmmm.
Has one of your dreams ever came true?
DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! Posted Sep 11, 2005
Has one of your dreams ever came true?
Yael Smith Posted Sep 17, 2005
And I don't think dreams are nonsense, they are a way for your brain to process you thoughts and feeling alongside the things that happen to you in reality.
The reason we mainly remember nightmares is because they work like a shock treatment, when something is really wrong and we suppress it in reality, the brain tries to alert us, by extreme visual experiences, to the fact that we need to do something about what's bothering us.
A common nightmare with pregnant women is that their baby is still born, or is born an animal, like a kitten or a puppy.
Has one of your dreams ever came true?
saintfrancesca Posted Sep 18, 2005
All I can say is that I goggled at the poor man in a Very ill-bred manner. It still gives me "pause for thought" about the nature of the universe and human experience ...
Most dreams seem to be pretty mundane, if weird. A device for processing the events of the day and also for expressing hopes and fears.
I remember once becoming aware that I was dreaming (whilst I was dreaming ... umm), and so decided to turn around and re-enter the hall I had just left. It was very strange, something like coming to a "blank wall ... go back" area in a computer game. I could get no further and had to turn back and join the crowd.
What's that Sufi saying?? Something like "a man dreams he is a butterfly, but is he a butterfly dreaming that he is a man??"
Has one of your dreams ever came true?
Baconlefeets Posted Sep 18, 2005
I have this dream where I'm driving a bus. My teeth start falling out. My mum is in the back eating biscuits. Everything smells of bacon.
Has one of your dreams ever came true?
saintfrancesca Posted Sep 18, 2005
Hmm. Can't help you with too much insight, but I seem to remember from first year psychology that Freud related "the falling out of teeth" to the emission of semen.
Hope this helps.
Has one of your dreams ever came true?
IctoanAWEWawi Posted Sep 18, 2005
"I remember once becoming aware that I was dreaming (whilst I was dreaming ... umm)"
Thaty's a lucid dream, where you are aware and awake within the dream. You have have control of the dream too. I've had two such dreams and a couple of almosts. Interestingly, I found the 'nearlys' increased once I started writting my dreams down. So I guess I must be having more than I think. Very weird stuff, and nothing particularly supernatural about it, but a fascinating occurrence nonetheless.
Has one of your dreams ever came true?
(crazyhorse)impeach hypatia Posted Sep 18, 2005
i have used astral projection in my dreams to take me places...kind of like remote viewing
Has one of your dreams ever came true?
abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein Posted Sep 18, 2005
I have had very specific moments come true.
The moments were very ordinary or slightly confusing at the time. They were nothing I would think of making a note to rememeber.
In each case a life changing sort of day was happening and in the midst of the day the seemingly mudane scene from the dream was played out exactly the same in real life.
It has happened several times.
Without getting too far into it ,I take it as an afirmation of the dream world being connected and important to all aspects of life.
Dreams are as real and neccesary to humans as the awake hours IMO.
Has one of your dreams ever came true?
smartkasese Posted Sep 18, 2005
I am an extrodinarily vivid dreamer. I often wake up in a jolt in the middle of the night and find myself reacting or re-inacting what I was dreaming about. For example- diving into a pool, wakeing up and finding myself in the dive position. Dreams are supposedly a view into the subcontience. My dreams seem so real that I often can't seperate reality from fiction (dreamhood?) I have often dreamt about my husband passing away and our children left with nothing other than anger. That dream did come true this spring when he committed suicide. some dreams are better left forgotten. k
Has one of your dreams ever came true?
DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! Posted Sep 19, 2005
Dreaming of teeth falling out, is, according to a book I picked up in the library, an indication of one's subconcious knowledge of having told untruths... I don't know what Freud would have made of a *woman* having such a dream...
Has one of your dreams ever came true?
Swodahs Neetriht Posted Sep 20, 2005
You know what else I hate? Let's say you're falling asleep, but you're not quite there yet, and your thoughts are drifting, getting dream-like. Suddenly, someone in your little psuedo-dream throws a rock at your head. In the dream, you instintively raise your hands up to protect yourself, but since your body hasn't fallen asleep enough to relax all of your muscles, you jump in real life and wake up expecting to get a rock to the face. Happens all the time.
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Has one of your dreams ever came true?
- 21: Zak T Duck (Sep 9, 2005)
- 22: Yael Smith (Sep 9, 2005)
- 23: pffffft (Sep 9, 2005)
- 24: Mu Beta (Sep 9, 2005)
- 25: Pink Paisley (Sep 9, 2005)
- 26: Swodahs Neetriht (Sep 9, 2005)
- 27: (crazyhorse)impeach hypatia (Sep 9, 2005)
- 28: saintfrancesca (Sep 11, 2005)
- 29: DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! (Sep 11, 2005)
- 30: Yael Smith (Sep 17, 2005)
- 31: saintfrancesca (Sep 18, 2005)
- 32: Baconlefeets (Sep 18, 2005)
- 33: saintfrancesca (Sep 18, 2005)
- 34: Baconlefeets (Sep 18, 2005)
- 35: IctoanAWEWawi (Sep 18, 2005)
- 36: (crazyhorse)impeach hypatia (Sep 18, 2005)
- 37: abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein (Sep 18, 2005)
- 38: smartkasese (Sep 18, 2005)
- 39: DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! (Sep 19, 2005)
- 40: Swodahs Neetriht (Sep 20, 2005)
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