A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Has one of your dreams ever came true?

Post 61

The Doc

I had a dream once that literally made me wake up laughing so hard I fell out of bed.............couldnt possibly have come true though!

I had another one recently that again could not possibly come true - unless I found myself locked in a lift with the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders......smiley - winkeye

Has one of your dreams ever came true?

Post 62


Ictoan - thanks for the info. Will try it. However, am a bit hesitant in case I NEVER RETURN (from a dream where a cross between Jude Law and Johnny Depp decides that I am the woman of his dreams and wants to take me off to an architect designed desert island somewhere in the South Pacific, to fish and grow coconuts and stuff like learning Kahuna massage).

I've often dreamed of people who have died, just after their death, and even with animals - usually before the news has reached me, at least. I'm sure there are any amount of explanations for that.

My mum had a dream recently about a friend of hers who has recently died. The friend was in a nursing home with dementia, couldn't recognize anyone etc. In mum's dream, she bounced up to mum and said: "I've had a wonderful rest. Now I can get on with some work". Now that's an interesting one, I feel.

Step 1: Purchase dream diary

smiley - run

Has one of your dreams ever came true?

Post 63

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!


Interesting dream, Francesca! My parents who died six years apart, never appeared together in my dreams until 1998, 24 years after my father died. Then, they told me that they had finally found each other, and were going off on holiday together.

When my brother died last year,I dreamed of all three of them standing together, as if posing for a photograph..

On the main subject, I have lucid dreamed once or twice, but I could never move on to the next step, taking control of the dream...

Has one of your dreams ever came true?

Post 64


Interesting. It really does make you wonder. Reading the posts in this section, I can't help but think that J.W. Dunne maybe had a point. There certainly seems to be more to these dreams than simply sorting out the day's events or wish fulfillment.

The Ancient Egyptians had a whole order of priests whose job it was to either interpret dreams for people or to actually dream 'for' them. A number of traditional cultures have a very different way of approaching the whole subject of dreams.

smiley - magic

Has one of your dreams ever came true?

Post 65


I don't remember my dreams really, but every so often, enough for me to have noticed it, I have deja-vu. It's the strangest. I usually end up embarassing myself and saying "didn't we talk about this yesterday or something"-but all it is really is a queer feeling in the back of my head and sort of knowing what is going to happen-though never about anything important and never when it could be useful-

Has one of your dreams ever came true?

Post 66

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Today has been an interesting day! I woke remembering a dream in which people I don't know, had been tring to get me to sing 'La Marseillaise', and I couldn't remember past the first verse. I told them I'd google the words, and when I woke up, remembered that I already have - the lyrics are in the clutter on this desk.

But, the interesting parts are: I also had dreamed that Hurrcane Rita had been downgraded and changed course. We hadn't seen or heard any news since Friday. I opened up the BBC headlines, and there it was - Rita has been downgraded and changed course!

Then, when we were hanging out the washing this morning, Jim asked who I thought had got pole position for the Brazilian GP. Could it be Kimi? I said, 'Or Alonso'... When I fired up the computer, he asked me to check the motorsport headlines, and we saw http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/motorsport/formula_one/4278862.stm
in other words, Alonso got pole because Kimi made an error! It wasn't a dream, but I was correct..

This is annoying me, because I have always prided myself on my utter lack of pyschic experience and/or ability.

No news on people getting me to sing 'La Marseillaise'...

Has one of your dreams ever came true?

Post 67


" There certainly seems to be more to these dreams than simply sorting out the day's events or wish fulfillment."

Think I'd dispute that. But I don't really want to enter a what dreams are convo cos it'd go on for ages and become the next flame war.
Just want to note that there is another viewpoint and it does include all the weird stuff so far, but it doesn't need any supernatural component.

But the interesting thing I find is how the thread shows that everyone has a different experience of their dreams, and different dreams.

One I also wanted to know, cos I don't think I ever have, is have uou ever dreamt a smell? I mean, I see things in dreams, I hear them, I feel them. But I don't ever recal having had a dream where I smelled something.
Weird huh?

Has one of your dreams ever came true?

Post 68

Fizzymouse- no place like home

I dreamt one night that I was singing the Rolf Harris tune Two Little Boys at the top of my lungs smiley - musicalnote

I was woken up by my own singing of said song smiley - musicalnote...

......so I suppose it was a dream come true thensmiley - laugh

Has one of your dreams ever came true?

Post 69

Ridiculous Chicken† - a very absurd little bird

I can't recall having dreamt a smell, but one thing that I thought was very odd was that I once had a dream where I felt physical pain. It hurt so much that I woke up! Has anyone else had dreams like that, or am I just a bit unusual?

smiley - towel

Has one of your dreams ever came true?

Post 70


I have, yes. And the place of pain continued aching after wards when I was awake, in an almost totally real way.
But the dreams were extremely vivid ones, and very odd too. And they did ocurr during my first year uni exams, which were for me the most stressful. And yes, they did reocurr during my finals as well.

Has one of your dreams ever came true?

Post 71

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

I did once... I dreamed someone I knew (who never would do such a thing in RL) had punched me violently in the stomach. I woke up with severe stomach pain - I suspect I was just about to wake up because of the pain, and my mind rationalised the pain by having me dream what I did...

Has one of your dreams ever came true?

Post 72

Iluvatar(ruler of middle earth and all of Ea and Arda)

S*** I wish my dream last night would come true. Don't even remember it, just remember the characters. And it was good.

Meand my brother have both had dreams in which we found odd polygonal shaped coins under the car...smiley - weird

Has one of your dreams ever came true?

Post 73

Iluvatar(ruler of middle earth and all of Ea and Arda)

When I was little I was bitten by a dog on the back in my dream and it hurt. I woke up and didn't feel anything though...

I don't remember ever smelling in a dream...or tasting for that matter.

Has one of your dreams ever came true?

Post 74

Yael Smith

I did smell, I had this recurring dream in which I chain smoke (never smoked in my life) and the air smelled of cigarettes. No one smokes in my vicinity, so it couldn't have been picking up the smell of smoke from the enviornment.
What I suggest you do, Francesca, is keep the diary and pen right next to your bed, preferebly in a height where you can reach it while still lying down (and if you can tie the pen to the book with a string- even better, so you don't lose it and have to move). Try and move as little as possible and write down whatever you remember of the dream, stressing out the main focus of it (for example, if you're chased by a lion through a forest- which is more important: the lion, which you can see vividly, with a big mane, teeth and claws, or the forrest, which has oak and spruce trees growing in it, and the sun is sheding light on the path you're running on). Try and go back to sleep if it's not time for you to wake up (you may gain another dream to write down) and when you have woken up, try and think what issues were on your mind last night, and through the day yesterday, or better yet, make a bullet list of subjects that are on your mind before you go to bed.
Lucid dreams come, usually, after a period of time of working on your dreams. A great way of interpreting dreams is role playing them with someone. Say you had a nightmare about a worm eating through your clothes, trying to get to your flesh. Either have a conversation in your head, or with a good, open-minded friend, that will be doing your role, while you play the worm. Just start by 'why are you chewing through my clothes?' and go with whatever comes to your head. It's a very helpful tool when you get frustrated with recurring dreams/ nightmares.

Has one of your dreams ever came true?

Post 75

Yael Smith

I really recommend this book, for anyone interested in dream interpretation: Faraday, Ann. The Dream Game. Harper and Row, 1974

Has one of your dreams ever came true?

Post 76

Yael Smith

OK, I'll bite- I've started an entry in the subject, read and comment on A5938248

Has one of your dreams ever came true?

Post 77

Orange A (formerly known as DunlopVolley)

I've been writing mine down for seven nights, not including last night, because i can't for the life of me recall anything about it.

I keep my dream diary by my bed, and I write the date in at night, then make sure the pen is somewhere I can find in the morning. Then, once I wake up properly, I try to remember every single detail. Its funny how you can if you try as soon as you wake, but not later. Som days are really long, as in 3 pages worth, and some are 3 lines worth. it is really interesting how you don't remember parts of dreams you had a while back until you read the entry for the dream.

Yet to have a lucid dream, although I am still kinda unsure what exactly that is. Do you control yourself, or everything? I almost always realise I'm dreaming while I'm dreaming.

Has one of your dreams ever came true?

Post 78

Yael Smith

You control yourself. You can decide where you want to go and what you want to do. Lucid nightmares are very empowering, I find. You take control over a very scary situation, and usually it stops being a nightmare after a while.
Try and write as soon as you wake. It's far more detailed and you remember more that way. Don't stress out if you can't remember at all, just keep going.
Regarding the funny dreams- I had a few of those. The brain has a very quirky sense of humor.

Has one of your dreams ever came true?

Post 79

Orange A (formerly known as DunlopVolley)

I never have nightmares, I kinda wish I could sometimes. smiley - erm

That sounds real odd.

Has one of your dreams ever came true?

Post 80

Yael Smith

What does, the funny dreams, or not having nightmares?
I rarely have nightmares, too.
What about recurring dreams?

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