A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Have you experienced something nice today?

Post 1

Milla, h2g2 Operations

Yeah, ok, this might be on the sappy soul feelgood side. But I could use some good things on my conversation list.

Today's nice thing in my world:
A friend came over, we had lunch followed by tea and ice cream. And had about three ideas about how to best crochet a holder for a smart phone...

Small, but nice.

What's been nice in your world?

smiley - towel

Have you experienced something nice today?

Post 2

Icy North

I went out at lunchtime to buy some small Easter gifts, and the local cake shop had some very pretty yellow chocolate ducks. (yes, I know chicks are more traditional) They'll enjoy them.

Have you experienced something nice today?

Post 3

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

We had an electrition come round, and he didn't condem the entire wiring in the house, but did fix a couple of bulb holders/light fittings, disconnect/make safe some live anchient plu/sockets/wiring and did it all with a smile smiley - zen
Oh, and we got another quote through for painting and decorating smiley - 2cents
and had a loverly walk out, into town and bought some tasty food things and chatted to a few people en-route smiley - zensmiley - magicsmiley - zen The sun earlier was loverly too smiley - drool

Have you experienced something nice today?

Post 4

Rev Nick - dead man walking (mostly)

I woke. That seems to please my bride and pair of smiley - catsmiley - cat.

I will shortly be out for a sheep-sheer of my winter hair (it does get ugly), pick up some tailoring that I dropped off for said-bride, and perhaps give away a really classy gown she wore once (our 25th anniversary) and hopes that a school graduate will enjoy this season.

The nice part of it all? It's a small town and I get to chat comfy and friendly with all sorts of people that know and like us.

And just putting a grin on a clerk's face is special.

Have you experienced something nice today?

Post 5

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I went for a refreshing hour of laps in the pool, and then enjoyed chicken cordon bleu at IHOP. I've just gotten home for a Danish pastry, and plan smiley - zzz for an hour or two. Then, tonight I'm off to see "Zootopia."

Have you experienced something nice today?

Post 6


I had a rather nice steak and patatas bravas in Spain.

Have you experienced something nice today?

Post 7

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Had a gorgeous chorizo and mushroom risotto, with salad, and didn't have to do the washing up... and after the statary post-dinner cup of tea, and a shower, there maybe a pub... and the pub has beer... smiley - alesmiley - zen

Have you experienced something nice today?

Post 8

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

If the pub didn't have beer, would that be not nice? smiley - huh

Have you experienced something nice today?

Post 9

Gnomon - time to move on

I cooked a lovely potato and pea korma which we had for our dinner.

Have you experienced something nice today?

Post 10

Wand'rin star

Money I have been waiting for has arrived and the exchange rate was in my favour so I've been looking through the catalogue for new saucepans and a nutriblender and I'll buy a pair of shoes while I'm in Grimsby smiley - starsmiley - star

Have you experienced something nice today?

Post 11

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

We went to the pub... pub had rather nice beer, so I drank some... chatted to the American girl we seem to know there now, which was good, and also to the barmaid, and she giggled most ... goodly with my ... rude comment about the shape of the beer glass being... phalic... smiley - laughsmiley - rofl - what is it with all these new-fangled slightly odd shaped beer glases? smiley - weirdsmiley - alesmiley - stoutsmiley - magic nice evening outside, fresh but not cold smiley - magic

Have you experienced something nice today?

Post 12

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

"I'll buy a pair of shoes while I'm in Grimsby" [Wand'rin Star]

There's a movie about Grimsby in the theaters now. Doesn't seem awfully complimentary, though.

Have you experienced something nice today?

Post 13

Milla, h2g2 Operations

This thread makes me happy - another good and nice thing to start my (very slow) day.
I shall attack my Chinese homework shortly. Which is also nice - it's so different to anything I knew before, and very very interesting. But hard! smiley - laugh I can read and understand the pinyin so far, and recognize a number of characters, write a few (very few!). But making up my own sentences? Not so much smiley - biggrin

smiley - towel

Have you experienced something nice today?

Post 14

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

The best thing today, so far was the cheddar and salad sandwichs I had for breakfast... but then again, anything at that point would seem quite good as I'd not sleept all night yet again smiley - laughsmiley - sleepy William waking up and coming down was a major high point of having sat up all night on the sofa, listneing to teh wireless and drinking cup after cup of tea smiley - teasmiley - zen I predict the real highlight of the da will be later though, when I get to ... confuse a medical person smiley - laugh

Have you experienced something nice today?

Post 15

Milla, h2g2 Operations

Maybe the tea is a part of the sleeplessness? Try something herbal instead?

I'm looking forward to the leaves on the trees now. Almost there, but needs a little more warmth...
smiley - towel

Have you experienced something nice today?

Post 16

Still Incognitas, Still Chairthingy, Still lurking, Still invisible, unnoticeable, missable, unseen, just haunting h2g2

After my trapeziumectomy(thumb op) in January I've just about got the top bit of my thumb to bend about ten mm under my own will power..
smiley - bubbly

I don't think I'll managed a punch this side of Christmas though..smiley - erm

Have you experienced something nice today?

Post 17

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Incognita - keep practising that movement, it will inperceptibly learn again how to move; I can now rotate my left ankle, and feel it move! - I couldn't about a month or two ago - oddly, the left one that had the problem now seems to move easier than the right, that didn't seemingly get affected by the neuropathy; so maybe I've taught the left one how to move better than any bad habbits the right foot/ankle can remember from its uninterupted ability to move smiley - laughsmiley - zen - simularly and perhaps more ienticle/simular to yours; my fingers till have bad neuropathy, but even though I can't always feel where they are, I can type better now than when I first go teh neuropathy, and simularly they play guitar just as badly as ever they did when I had feeling in them smiley - laughsmiley - zen which is good I guess smiley - musicalnote even if I can't any longer touch the tips of my two forefingers together as each itn't aware of wehre the other finger is smiley - weird ghost hands smiley - ghostsmiley - ghostsmiley - vampire

Had a nap, woke spoke to DWP had chicken soup and soon off to see eye doctor peoples for an unknown reason smiley - weird I assume related to my lack of tear production to see if they can dymo-rod my tear ducts I guess smiley - cool days like this I feel like some kind of experimental disease model smiley - laughsmiley - mouse - payback perhaps for all the experimental mice I read pappers about and wrote about when I was doing research smiley - laughsmiley - mouse

Have you experienced something nice today?

Post 18


Finding beautiful silver and enamel ear-rings for my partner at a craft stall in Alltea today. A lot of money but well worth it for genuine craftsmanship, not tourist tat.

Have you experienced something nice today?

Post 19

Wand'rin star

paulh: I haven't yet seen the movie as (surprise, surprise) there is no longer a cinema in Grimsby, but local people who have seem to think it's funny,
I actually bought three pairs of shoes! smiley - starsmiley - star

Have you experienced something nice today?

Post 20

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

we went to the pub. the beer was smiley - drool

At one point, one of our fav fun barmaids, poured me the stout, into the 'right' glass for that given beer (horrible new trend IMO but... whatever...), and... I commented, -
"It tastes so much better out of the right glass".
She replied...-#
"only because I've licked the rim"...
I made a very lude licking my lips gesutre towards her... and she fell over in a fit of giggles smiley - laugh (OK I may have made a slightly ... r rude commenting about .... rimming too at the same point as my ... riskee lip licking ... gesture... but... even so... ) - yeh... I've sitll go the touch smiley - laughsmiley - snorksmiley - zen Got the cute barman seriously embarased too... in a highly amusing way, when he overheard a comment about my proposed idea for wearing my leather corset wiht the ... D-rings and O-Rings for W and I's wedding smiley - laughsmiley - snork (this pub is holding our reception mind) smiley - laughsmiley - alesmiley - stoutsmiley - zen

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