A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Suggest a Film Unmake

Post 1


Yes, quite easy. Which movie would you rather had not been made, at all? Let me start it of nice and friendly. I nominate:


Not just the critically acclaimed Jar-Jar-Binks-laden episodes 1, 2, and 3, but also the original series and everything surrounding the franchise.

Your turn...

Suggest a Film Unmake

Post 2

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

We're only allowed one movie? I can think of dozens. [Yes, I'm grumpy. Deal with it! smiley - winkeye]

If I can name only one, I'll go with the movie version of a TV series that I loved. The movie *totally* got the characters wrong, and was not a good movie even apart from that:

"Car 54, where are you?"

I could even offer a list of award-nominated movies that I thought were pretty terrible. What were the folks at the Academy thinking? Strangely enough, there were a few redeeming features of much-deplored bombs like "Ishtar"and "Heaven's Gate," and even "Pan."

Suggest a Film Unmake

Post 3

Pink Paisley

High Fidelity (from the Nick Hornby book of the same name).

I've just looked at the trailer and it is truly cringeworthy.


It always irks me that the story was located in North London but Moneywood got hold of it, stuck an American actor in the lead role and moved it to Chicago.

Just plain wrong.

Like filming 'To Kill a Mockingbird' with Hugh Grant as Atticus Finch.


Suggest a Film Unmake

Post 4

Pink Paisley




Suggest a Film Unmake

Post 5

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Please tell me that somebody didn't do a remake of "Mockingbird" with Hugh Grant as Finch. smiley - yuk Or cast Melissa McCarthy as Peter Pan.

Suggest a Film Unmake

Post 6


OK, I'll unmake all the films you like. smiley - rolleyes

Is there any point to this other than to be grumpy and miserable.

I prefer it when people tell us what they like, not what that don't like.

Suggest a Film Unmake

Post 7

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Grumpy, yes. Miserable, no, provided that there's some scintillating wit and insight. smiley - smiley

But I get your point about talking about we like. smiley - smiley

Suggest a Film Unmake

Post 8


Talking about positive things? Now that's a new concept. I wonder how far the Petty Hates thread would go based on that idea... But hey, I will tell you what I like: Non-STAR WARS movies, for starters smiley - smiley

Suggest a Film Unmake

Post 9

Icy North

Can I stick up for antimatter in this debate? Star Wars fans will tell you that Jedi Interceptor hyperdrive rings utilise antimatter to provide density for the starship to remain in hyperspace. I never heard one of them describe it as grumpy or miserable.

Suggest a Film Unmake

Post 10


Film to unmake? Rocky. All of them. Ugh.

But in the interest of negativity and conversation, I'd say a thread about Unrecording Songs would go far.

Suggest a Film Unmake

Post 11


Oh broelan, don't get me started on songs... smiley - smiley I might have to nominate entire genres.

Suggest a Film Unmake

Post 12

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I might want to do that, too, and I'd be making a mistake.

Live and let live.

Suggest a Film Unmake

Post 13

Mr. X ---> "Be excellent to each other. And party on, dudes!"

The most recent Star Wars. The worst one yet... smiley - wah

But other than that, 2001: A Space Odyssey. Always hated it.

But it does have HAL-9000 go crazy and kill everyone...

smiley - pirate

Suggest a Film Unmake

Post 14

Cheerful Dragon

Any film where you have to read the book to understand what's going on isn't a good film, IMO. (You have to read the book to understand Hal's behaviour.) So I second unmaking 2001.

Suggest a Film Unmake

Post 15

Icy North

2001 is a masterpiece. The imagery is unlike anything that's come before or since. Anyone who rejects it because they don't understand what's going on maybe needs to develop a) their curiosity and b) their attention span.

Alternatively, they can relax in the knowledge that they are slap bang in the middle of the Star Wars demographic.

Suggest a Film Unmake

Post 16


Strangely enough, I didn't care for 2001, either. What does that make me? A STAR WARS rejecting, 2001 disliking, Picard adoring (but only in First Contact) movie non-Buff?

Well, for my money, the Hobbit movies need not have been made, either.

The Alien franchise is fine, though.

Suggest a Film Unmake

Post 17

Mr. X ---> "Be excellent to each other. And party on, dudes!"

"The imagery is unlike anything that's come before or since."

You're right! Everything before and since had at least five entertaining minutes. smiley - devil

Look, I never had trouble understanding it, and 2010 IS worth watching, but 2001 was MIND-NUMBINGLY boring. The actors were freaking robots (which I blame squarely on Stanley Kubrik), and the pacing (or rather lack of it) was at least AN HOUR longer than it should've been.

But the part I hate the MOST is that STUPID and downright PAINFUL sound effect that plays whenever you see the Obelisk. Oh, just talking about it...

"Well, for my money, the Hobbit movies need not have been made, either."

They were a great disappointment. smiley - blue

The first one was good, but after that... smiley - sigh

"The Alien franchise is fine, though."

Coulda' done without 3 though. smiley - erm

smiley - pirate

Suggest a Film Unmake

Post 18

Mr. X ---> "Be excellent to each other. And party on, dudes!"

*Addendum: However, I don't blame anyone for not understanding 2001, because it makes absolutely no attempt to explain itself, and that's also unforgivable.

HAL-9000 is the only good part of the whole thing. And even THAT is only because of how much people have parodied it over the decades. The original HAL-9000 is also boring.

But I do find it amusing that they lost the Academy Award for Best Make-Up to Planet of the Apes because the actors' make-up and performances were TOO CONVINCING. That is legendary.

smiley - pirate

Suggest a Film Unmake

Post 19

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

"But the part I hate the MOST is that STUPID and downright PAINFUL sound effect that plays whenever you see the Obelisk." [Mr. X]

Richard Strauss might be turning over in his grave if he knew that anyone hated his music that much. Not that he had anything to do with selecting "Also Sprach Zarathustra" as part of the soundtrack. Likewise another Strauss whose "Blue Danube" is also used. I liked the scene where the astronaut [Keir Dullea?] is jogging around a circular track using gravity boots so he doesn't float. The end of the movie is psychedelic. The scene where the astronaut stands at the bedside of someone in an 18th-century room, indicating how far apart the two are in their understanding of the universe.

I would unmake "No country for old men," "Django," "The Walk," and the second and third hobbit movies. They should have done the whole hobbit in one movie.

Suggest a Film Unmake

Post 20


I was reminded this morning that I detest Rambo as well.

Actually, with the possible exception of The Expendables, Sly Stallone should have stayed in adult film.

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