A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Researchers Reunited and Prodigal Posters - look who's back!

Post 21

Harry Hayfield

I'm back as well (hoping to provide a Celtic spin on things)

Researchers Reunited and Prodigal Posters - look who's back!

Post 22

Candi - now 42!

smiley - smiley
Couldn't resist popping back - four and a half years is a long time to be away.....

Researchers Reunited and Prodigal Posters - look who's back!

Post 23

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

smiley - bigeyes We're still waiting on nighthoover right? smiley - winkeyesmiley - wow

Researchers Reunited and Prodigal Posters - look who's back!

Post 24


Dear vip,

I thought I had done what I had to do yesterday. but obviously something went wrong.

I had an enormous number yesterday. which I do not have today, I also said that we had spoken the year that I first joined which was in 2001 when I had gone to my first meet in London, regents Park and how Gnoman had taken a photograph of my son Keith and I.

I of course in my wheenchair.
Dare I think that by writing to you you will be able to get my details.? I thought I had given everything to you yesterday.

Oh dear. Please help me.


Yesterday I think I signed in as also Ran 83!!
And previously several other names which I cannot remember.
however I did write a few articles which were accepted for publication and of course a little something yesterday when I said how awful it is to have a stroke and forget who one is.....
Fortunately I do brain exercersies which I believe do help me.

Monday 24th October 2011 11.34 BST

Researchers Reunited and Prodigal Posters - look who's back!

Post 25


I've transferred. Not sure whether I'll do much smiley - erm. Possibly check my old entries for broken links and request updates is a good first step... smiley - ok

Researchers Reunited and Prodigal Posters - look who's back!

Post 26


Also ran

If you can e mail [email protected] we'll be able to help you get your old account back..

Researchers Reunited and Prodigal Posters - look who's back!

Post 27

Deputy Assistant Chief Cook and Bottlewasher

I'm happy to be here, as I need to Not Panic more than I do. I wasn't very active in the previous incarnation of h2g2, but recently I've been finding that the answer to everything is indeed 42, so I should start reporting on that. Or maybe not.

Researchers Reunited and Prodigal Posters - look who's back!

Post 28

Witty Moniker

Hi, Candi! It's good to see you. smiley - biggrin

Researchers Reunited and Prodigal Posters - look who's back!

Post 29

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

I'm back, and having a smiley - lurk around, so pleased to still have my Curator tools, and seeing smileys in Goo I couldn't see before.

smiley - galaxysmiley - pumpkinsmiley - diva

Researchers Reunited and Prodigal Posters - look who's back!

Post 30


Very dear Lil,

how lovely to read your name again.... Well, believe it or not,I am recovering, and most of the time know who I am!!!. Actually the wonderful brain exsecises which I found on this website - I thought it was Count Zero who had given them to us or possibly Icy North - are the ones I practise every day.

I have written to both the prestigious universities to tell them about it, and no-one has bothered to reply. i really think it is a shame, because there is little doubt about the stroke I experienced in my temporal lobe, but no-one seems to believe that the exercises which I do - not only help but have given me back my life again. and this at 83 and a half. !! I now think I shall live to be a 100 years old. !!!

With a great deal of affection and wonderful to talk to you again.


Monday 24th October 2011 11.45 BST

Researchers Reunited and Prodigal Posters - look who's back!

Post 31


Hi everyone.Hope all are well and happysmiley - ok

Researchers Reunited and Prodigal Posters - look who's back!

Post 32

Menthol Penguin - Currently revising/editing my book

Sorry guys, I made it back! smiley - tongueout

Researchers Reunited and Prodigal Posters - look who's back!

Post 33


Ssmiley - cheers

Researchers Reunited and Prodigal Posters - look who's back!

Post 34


Thank you so much mrs. Zen - who lived u Hong Kong I remember. I think I must have done the right things, probably very early on and I seem to now be continuing to do them, So Hoorah! and am now talking to my friends again. I am so happy I could

"dance all night Etc. etc. "

How are you? Are you still in your cottage?

go well,


Monday 24th October 2011 12.01 GMT

Researchers Reunited and Prodigal Posters - look who's back!

Post 35


Hi Galaxie Babe,

Lovely to see you again. I hope you and your family are keeping well. i have made what I think is a dramatic recovery. I am very pleased about it as I really was not ready. !!

Go well,


Monday 24th October 2011 12.14 GMT

Researchers Reunited and Prodigal Posters - look who's back!

Post 36

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Run for cover smiley - run


Researchers Reunited and Prodigal Posters - look who's back!

Post 37

Rev Nick - dead man walking (mostly)

Ye gawds, the knitting and cooking wench!

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>smiley - runs

Researchers Reunited and Prodigal Posters - look who's back!

Post 38


ZenMondo,formally of the FFFF before it went and did what it did while they were doing it. I still run my SETI@HOME on the h2g2 team. I hope we get to update our article as all mine seem to be 10-12 years old. Though some probably need little change such as the Edited Version on the I Ching but on my entry for Metropolis the Film there have been some very exciting reconstructions since the article was written over 10 years ago.

I see little about who is running the show these days, I see the time with the Beeb and the moderation system as a low point, but I hope we have a new renaissance like in the early days back at the Digital Village. But I have to ask what audience the guide is going for in the age of Wikipedia? My guess we will have h2g2 apps for smartphones and tablets faster than you can mix a Pangalactic Garglemaster

Researchers Reunited and Prodigal Posters - look who's back!

Post 39


smiley - laugh

I hope we see some apps and so forth - and I think once bugs are fixed you'll have to hold Pastey back...

smiley - fairy

Researchers Reunited and Prodigal Posters - look who's back!

Post 40

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

Hello. This was Roymondo. Just popping in to say congrats on the new home. I don't think I'll be around much (unless a new skin's in the offing and the moderation rules have been *seriously* relaxed!) but it's good to know h2g2's survived. It means a lot to a lot of very special people.

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