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kasdog Posted Jan 11, 2015
I loathe all religions, so much hatred, so little love!
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Pastey Posted Jan 11, 2015
Not true. The vast majority of religious people are full of as much love as non-religious people, because they *are* people.
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Superfrenchie Posted Jan 11, 2015
Oh, I'm sure you could find some atheists who do evil stuff too. I've posted a report of the march I was at in my Journal. Please excuse the horrible formatting, it's all ugly but I don't feel like re-doing it again a third time. http://h2g2.com/user/U9937105/conversation/view/F8387085/T8312244/ It was very lively and not angry at all. It didn't last very long, about 2 hours, with 1/2 hour of actual marching. There were families with kids, too.
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Superfrenchie Posted Jan 11, 2015
(Ah, the formatting is fine in Ripley skins, I guess it's just Pliny acting up. Here's a brunel link : http://www.h2g2.com/dna/h2g2/brunel/F8387085?thread=8312244 )
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Bald Bloke Posted Jan 11, 2015
My apologies in advance for re-posting this but...
WTF do they find these ejits.
Warning fox news stupidity / deliberate misinformation.
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Baron Grim Posted Jan 11, 2015
Well, he did say "actually" a lot so it "actually" must be true.
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~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum Posted Jan 11, 2015
Charlie Hebdo fired a guy two weeks ago because he had been charged with making anti-semitic remarks which is apparently against the law in France. He was not there the day the others got shot so there may be a deeper moral lesson to be learned. Damned if I know what it is though. And if I did I wouldn't dare say so in a public forum.
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Bald Bloke Posted Jan 11, 2015
I'm pleased to see the internet responded to the Fox piece in it's usual style.
#foxnewsfacts on twitter for example.
to the extent that Fox news issued an apology.
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Baron Grim Posted Jan 11, 2015
I just checked that hashtag, #foxnewsfacts, and at the very top was a tweet from our fords.
Small world.
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Baron Grim Posted Jan 11, 2015
re: Post: 16583
Maria, I wasn't referring to anyone's post here in particular. I was actually thinking of posts and articles I was reading on another site, reddit. I find it curious that you assume I was speaking to or about you. I wasn't. You do make some assumptions on what posts I'm reading or possibly ignoring. Please don't.
I don't even necessarily disagree with the points you're making on this subject.
You are a very passionate writer and I do appreciate hearing your point of view.
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Baron Grim Posted Jan 12, 2015
Here's a very intimate perspective on this situation. Robert Crumb, if you don't know him, is a renowned underground comic artist. He's THE prototype of underground comic artists. He's famous for Fritz the Cat (which he later killed because of the character's commercial success). 20 years ago he left the U.S. for France where he's lived with his family since. He recently released an illustrated Book of Genesis. He didn't make it intentionally controversial or sacrilegious, he illustrated it very literally (in his own style, so... the women have large derrieres).
He was asked by /Liberation/ magazine for a cartoon regarding the Charlie Hebdo attack.
He made one, not reservedly, but with trepidation.
Here's a link to the image itself.
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Pastey Posted Jan 14, 2015
David Cameron still refusing to join in a political sideshow:
The major broadcasters have agreed to let UKIP (a right wing fringe party) in on the televised debates, but refuse to allow the Greens (an established, growing, left wing party) to partake.
Cameron has stated that unless the Greens can be involved, he's not taking part.
I'm with him on this one. The televised debates are supposed to be just that, yet by only invited the right wing lot they're catering to the a media circus, almost certainly drumming up hatred and bile. Very little politics will be involved.
But the other leaders are still crying foul, saying that Cameron is running scared. Maybe he just doesn't want to take part in what would obviously be a childish slanging match.
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Icy North Posted Jan 14, 2015
Cameron's motivation is that he sees UKIP as splitting the Tory vote, so wants the Greens there to split the left-wing vote. It's nothing to do with inclusivity.
But for all that, I agree that the Greens should get a platform. In our first-past-the-post system, it's extremely difficult for a non-established party to get an MP and have any sort of parliamentary representation. The fact the Greens did this certainly earns them a seat at the table.
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Baron Grim Posted Jan 14, 2015
Here is an excellent defense of Charlie Hebdo for any that care to read it.
To be honest, like many of us, I really didn't know much about Charlie Hebdo in particular and French satire in general before this tragic attack, so I could only offer my general defense of free speech and expression. This article provides much more context.
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Atticus Posted Jan 14, 2015
A message of unity after the terrible events in Paris, especially for those feeling scared and vulnerable, from and for all cultures and religions. http://s1140.photobucket.com/user/Lusus-Saule/media/Walk-512-2c.png.html
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Pastey Posted Jan 14, 2015
Can't see anything in pointy brackets.
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Icy North Posted Jan 15, 2015
How did you know it was there, then?
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Beatrice Posted Jan 15, 2015
I can see the pointy brackets, just not what is inside them.
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- 16601: kasdog (Jan 11, 2015)
- 16602: Pastey (Jan 11, 2015)
- 16603: Superfrenchie (Jan 11, 2015)
- 16604: Superfrenchie (Jan 11, 2015)
- 16605: Bald Bloke (Jan 11, 2015)
- 16606: Baron Grim (Jan 11, 2015)
- 16607: ~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum (Jan 11, 2015)
- 16608: Bald Bloke (Jan 11, 2015)
- 16609: Baron Grim (Jan 11, 2015)
- 16610: Baron Grim (Jan 11, 2015)
- 16611: Baron Grim (Jan 12, 2015)
- 16612: kasdog (Jan 13, 2015)
- 16613: Pastey (Jan 14, 2015)
- 16614: Icy North (Jan 14, 2015)
- 16615: Baron Grim (Jan 14, 2015)
- 16616: Atticus (Jan 14, 2015)
- 16617: swl (Jan 14, 2015)
- 16618: Pastey (Jan 14, 2015)
- 16619: Icy North (Jan 15, 2015)
- 16620: Beatrice (Jan 15, 2015)
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