A Conversation for Ask h2g2

What film have you seen recently?

Post 5361

Magwitch - My name is Mags and I am funky.

Alice in Wonderland. Thoroughly enjoyed the mash-up. The Cheshire cat is smiley - cool

What film have you seen recently?

Post 5362

psychocandy-moderation team leader

Recently acquired a DVD of "Nun Of That":


Recommended by Christopher, because I'm a fan of nunsploitation films. It was pretty good, for a low budget flick. All of the actors actually acted, the effects and action sequences were over the top but not too crappy. There's a scene near the beginning where Jesus does a musical number about his dad that was worth the cost of the DVD and actually makes the disc worth keeping, to show when company comes. smiley - silly It was quite fun!

What film have you seen recently?

Post 5363


We watched The Curious Case of Benjamin Button yesterday.

Interesting. I can see why it got Oscar nominated and such. Nice film overall. Very moving and very funny at times.

However a bit too similar to Forrest Gump really. Also overlong, I got quite bored in the last hour as it was rather obvious what was going to happen. There was one scene which irritated me quite a bit - without spoiling things too much, Kate Blanchett's character has a life changing occurrence at one point and the scene was full of 'if this person hadn't done that, if the girl in the cake shop hadn't forgotten this...' commentary and I found myself shouting what was going to happen at the screen about 2 minutes before the rather obvious occurrence.

I think I've dwelled on negatives though - overall it was very good and quite clever. A half hour shorter and it would have been superb.

What film have you seen recently?

Post 5364

Magwitch - My name is Mags and I am funky.

Paranormal Activity, the DVD box says 'Don't watch this film alone'

I'd miss off the 'alone' 'twas a pile of crepe, 83 minutes of my life I won't get back, may try 'The Box', though (one of the trailers)

What film have you seen recently?

Post 5365

psychocandy-moderation team leader

"The Box" was OK up to a point and then it was just suck. I can't recommend it- it's one I'm actually sorry we bothered with.

What film have you seen recently?

Post 5366


Watched Frost/Nixon the other night. Quite enjoyed it, it wasn't very flattering about Frost which quite surprised me.

What film have you seen recently?

Post 5367

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Just seen "Kick Ass" and I can say that for my smiley - 2cents it is an aptly named movie.

You know what it migfht not be bergman-esque "Film as Art" but if I spend a couple of more enjoyable hours at the cinema this year I shall be astonished!


What film have you seen recently?

Post 5368

You can call me TC

I am only hearing good things about K-A, too. I wonder if it'll come to Germany and - most importantly - with the original sound track which is supposed to be a real smiley - wow

What film have you seen recently?

Post 5369

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

In fact I loved it so much felt compelled to blog a full review.

http://bit.ly/as5iTG if anyone is interested.


What film have you seen recently?

Post 5370


Film I've been wanting to see for ages called Identity. Stars John Cusack, Alfred Molina, Ray Liotta, Doc Cox from Scrubs among others. Fantastic thriller that leaves you guessing all the way to the end. I'd recommend it to anyone who likes that sort of thing, but particularly to veteran hootooers, and to PC for all of the above and one specific peculiarity. I can't explain any of that without spoilers.

What film have you seen recently?

Post 5371


I now also have to add, if your copy advertises "alternate ending" (via the extended cut), don't bother looking for it. It's only alternate in terms of editing, not how the story ends.

Which itself is another twist in the tale, I suppose.

What film have you seen recently?

Post 5372

Zefram Cochrane

Thanks for that Christopher. Based on your recommendation I just watched Identity (on VeeHD smiley - winkeye )

Excellent. Works on the classic premise of assembling a group of people in one place on a dark and stormy night. Then killing them one by one. smiley - biggrin

What film have you seen recently?

Post 5373

A Super Furry Animal

I watched Bolt on DVD last night. I quite enjoyed it, although not the best animated film I've seen recently, and a bit schmaltzy. Interestingly set (at least in part) in the real world, with recognizable locations for some of the film in New York.

RFsmiley - evilgrin

What film have you seen recently?

Post 5374


Ooooo yes Identity, I remember that one. A nice low budget movie that can take a chance with an interesting concept. The sort of low wages film the actors do because it's interesting then do some higher profile one's for the money. Something I believe John Cusack does.

What film have you seen recently?

Post 5375

psychocandy-moderation team leader

I've seen Identity before, quite some time ago though. I vaguely remember the plot twist. While not mind-blowingly good, it was enjoyable.

Apparently we're on a Star Trek movie kick, streaming the old feature films via PS3. "Pirate Radio" arrived with yesterday's mail, though, so perhaps we'll watch that today.

What film have you seen recently?

Post 5376


McGinley(Dr Cox in Scrubs) is really one of the more underrated actors in Hollywood. I´ve seen him in several movies and he always does very well.

What film have you seen recently?

Post 5377


Pirate Radio was released here as The Boat That Rocked.

What film have you seen recently?

Post 5378

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Dr Cox is particularly good in "Office Space" the, IMHO, criminally underrated Mike Judge film.

Also is he the weasely suck up guy in "Platoon"? Or am I remembering this wrong?


What film have you seen recently?

Post 5379


The Big Lewoski, it was awesome! After i finished watching, this sentence came to my mind: "life is simple"

What film have you seen recently?

Post 5380

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

"The Dude abides!"


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