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When you've got the blues

Post 21

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

I wallow in self pity, listen to 80s Marillion and write a self-pitying journal entry. The replies usually lead me to have a word with myself, cheer up and listen to AC/DC or the like.

Yep, for the last year or so HooToo has sorted the blues. I'm not sure if that's great or means I should get out more!

When you've got the blues

Post 22

Milla, h2g2 Operations

Nice Homer smilie! And in the words of the Indian shopkeeper, saying to Homer:
I have never seen you so sad while purchasing such large amounts of chocolate ice cream...

smiley - towel

When you've got the blues

Post 23

aka Bel - A87832164

You're right, Roymondo, talking to my friends on here usually cheers me up - and maybe I should get out more, but I'm too lazy. smiley - biggrin

When you've got the blues

Post 24

loonycat - run out of fizz

Usually eat smiley - choc or something else sugary.

Drink is not the answer smiley - sadface

When you've got the blues

Post 25

Queeglesproggit - Keeper of the evil Thingite Avon Lady Army and Mary Poppins's bag of darkness..

Music, even when I don't realise I need it. Yesterday I was stomping around and the other half put Queen on, after half an hour of singing/wailing I was far more relaxed.

It's a distraction, something you can do while you're busy stomping around smiley - smiley

When you've got the blues

Post 26


Yeah, music is good. Just avoid country music. Blues and country both have a deep vein of "life's just here to torment us" running through them. The difference is the blues angle on it is often to have a sardonic chuckle, get your ass in gear and get on with it. The country approach seems to be to burn down your ranch, start crying about the loss of all your cattle, dig your own grave and jump in.

When you've got the blues

Post 27

Magwitch - My name is Mags and I am funky.

Oh I comply with senor Bomba! smiley - laugh

Good rocking blues (or indeed 'The Answer') can usually get me out! smiley - ok

When you've got the blues

Post 28


Having been at my lowest ebb recently I found that I haven't wanted to do things I usually enjoy such as visited the guide (perhaps this goes back to what someone else said about feeling you deserve it). In these circumstances I have found giving yourself a list of things to do and working methodically through it to be helpful in getting you moving and giving you a sense of purpose and success. If you're just a little down I find my monty python album will help me through most bad days.

When you've got the blues

Post 29

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

Andreos Picaros, do not give up hope. What I am going to smiley - thepost is going to seem very negative, and probably is, but is also very instructive and useful, from my perspective on life!

As I am currently in that situation, and have been previously, here is my take on things!

Firstly, I don't beat myself up! I've been through more shrinks than a Bri-Nylon shirt!

Weather it, and understand the situation.

Accept it. It is going to get worse!

Work out how you can get out of it. Not easy as all you want to do is spiral downwards. But something will buzz in your head saying what is good.

For me, as HooVooLoo said, it is getting back to nature, or my seriously scrapeing Horse hair over Cat gut! Loud and violently. My moniker isn't MMF for nothing!

Alternatively just a walk, especially by water. Don't forget most therapy CD's include bird sound or water!

The main thing to bear in mind is that depression is a continous downward spiral, and is totally negative, and only you can defeat it. not a shrink, not a counsellor, not a smiley - doctor nor a friend.


Others can give support. smiley - ok Others can give advice, but only you can resolve it.

30 years of experience have taught me this, and I am trying to pull myself out of the current bout, which is difficult as I don't know the cause, or don't want to smiley - sadface, which is another danger. It WILL be resolved.

Or we'll die in the attempt! *Sardonic laughter*

I hope that helps, although I have probably muddied the waters still further!

BTW, alcohol negates all assistance. If you drink, and as anyone on here will tell you, I do, I can assure you that will hinder the healing process.

smiley - sorry

I seriously wish you smiley - goodluck and you can always chat privately by my e-mail address on my PS. Been there, had the therapy, taken the tablets, had the Counsellor, and now treat mysellf!

I sincerely wish you the best! And hope the light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter!


smiley - musicalnote

When you've got the blues

Post 30

Andreos Picaros

... I was only asking, you know.

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