A Conversation for Ask h2g2
Petty Hates
Teasswill Posted Mar 24, 2016
Oh yes, I have the problem of tights that go through on the toe & heel yet the rest of them is fine. Still they do get a lot of wear & not really that expensive.
I can remember darning tights, or using nail varnish to stop a run or seal a hole. Don't bother now except just to last the rest of the day.
Petty Hates
Baron Grim Posted Mar 24, 2016
I actually threw away a sock the other day and I was saddened to do so. In the last few years, I've purchased most of my clothing from a mail order/internet retailer (Duluth Trading) who supply rugged clothing, mostly work and outdoor clothing. I spend a bit more per item, but they last at least 3-4 times as long as the cheaper merchandise I could get at the local big box store so I'm definitely saving overall. This was the first sock I've had to toss in a couple of years. I used to toss socks quite often.
That said, I probably need to buy another batch soon as I only have two types of sock in my drawer so that batch, the grey mid-thigh socks are all the same age and I may be in for a rash of toe holes.
OR maybe not. Maybe I just needed to trim my nails sooner.
Petty Hates
You can call me TC Posted Mar 25, 2016
BG - if we still had QOTD that first sentence was a sure contender!
I used to hate the way the nail varnish stuck to your leg when you mended tights with it. They also said that rubbing dry soap on the end of a ladder would stop it, too, but I never tried that.
As for washing nylons - used to have to be done by hand, of course. But I am having trouble getting my head round the fact that people had showers in the 1940s. Didn't we only hear of them around about the early 1970s? (Except at public swimming baths, and in the changing rooms at school, where we never used them)
Petty Hates
Sho - employed again! Posted Mar 25, 2016
I "darn" socks if they aren't all thin and yukky in other places, if the toe or heel goes. ("darn" because I actually just sew the hole up)
I also sew tights if it's the toe or at the top. If it's a place that can't be seen I'll use nailvarnish to stop tights forming a ladder. But that means I have to remember that and wear them only with appropriate clothing.
Tights, in general, are a pain in the neck. (ok, I know. If tights are a pain in the neck I'm wearing them wrong)
Petty Hates
ITIWBS Posted Mar 26, 2016
I remember a significant other who used to hang her lingerie (and sometimes articles of mine) over the shower curtain rod after hand washing them in the sink.
I was at first somewhat at a loss as to how to handle such items if I needed the shower.
Sometimes it helps to ask.
Petty Hates
Milla, h2g2 Operations Posted Mar 26, 2016
How about just move them out of the way, and then put them back?
Sorry, I don't really see the problem?
PH: being peckish but not in the mood to cook or prepare a snack. All. The. Time.
Petty Hates
ITIWBS Posted Mar 26, 2016
I try keep at least some chips and salsa and fresh fruit and pastry handy against an eventuality like that, hungry, but not feeling energetic enough to cook... -that and my diabetic's blood sugar monitoring kit.
Sometimes I feel too shaky to risk cooking without a light snack first.
Petty Hates
Teasswill Posted Mar 26, 2016
I keep a few bits in the freezer that will microwave in seconds. As well as dried fruit, cereal & dark chocolate mmmm.
PH: doing needlework - I always stab myself at least once.
Petty Hates
Baron Grim Posted Mar 27, 2016
I'm replacing some bicycle brake cables for a similar reason. I've got some frayed cabled that stab me every time I need to adjust my brakes or remove a wheel.
I hate that. I'd hate to have to monitor my glucose levels.
Petty Hates
Teasswill Posted Mar 27, 2016
PH - changing the hour. Especially as I had to get up earlier than usual today anyway. It's like having jet lag twice a year.
Petty Hates
Teasswill Posted Mar 27, 2016
PH: veg sold by weight with large amounts of eg stalk that's going to be discarded.
Petty Hates
Teasswill Posted Mar 28, 2016
It must be the hour changing - I feel very grumpy today.
PH The 'ideal' people shown in catalogues for clothing, travel etc. I want to see some normal looking people.
PH The unusual healthiness of soap fiction communities - bar the token storylines.
Petty Hates
Bluebottle Posted Mar 28, 2016
It's the kitchens and bathrooms that feature in adverts that are three times the size of your entire house that annoy me...
Petty Hates
Smudger879n Posted Apr 2, 2016
Aye! and them massive suites that they advertise on TV, that would never fit in a standard house!😠
Key: Complain about this post
Petty Hates
- 15921: Baron Grim (Mar 24, 2016)
- 15922: Teasswill (Mar 24, 2016)
- 15923: Baron Grim (Mar 24, 2016)
- 15924: You can call me TC (Mar 25, 2016)
- 15925: Sho - employed again! (Mar 25, 2016)
- 15926: Baron Grim (Mar 25, 2016)
- 15927: Milla, h2g2 Operations (Mar 26, 2016)
- 15928: ITIWBS (Mar 26, 2016)
- 15929: Milla, h2g2 Operations (Mar 26, 2016)
- 15930: ITIWBS (Mar 26, 2016)
- 15931: Teasswill (Mar 26, 2016)
- 15932: Baron Grim (Mar 27, 2016)
- 15933: Teasswill (Mar 27, 2016)
- 15934: ITIWBS (Mar 27, 2016)
- 15935: Teasswill (Mar 27, 2016)
- 15936: Wand'rin star (Mar 27, 2016)
- 15937: Teasswill (Mar 28, 2016)
- 15938: Bluebottle (Mar 28, 2016)
- 15939: Teasswill (Mar 29, 2016)
- 15940: Smudger879n (Apr 2, 2016)
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