A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Petty Hates

Post 681

Mr. Legion

Montana Redhead:

I know a guy, and he's not a bad guy at all, but...one day during a hard slog at work he claimed he had reached the 'epiphany' of boredom. smiley - laugh

Boy racers. They soup up a Toyota Corolla with spoilers, a huge fender, a 'No Fear' sticker (though this seems to have gone out of fashion) and a stereo system more expensive than the car itself, then they cruise up and down with all the windows open and a stupid 'ncha ncha ncha' beat booming from their speakers. And I do mean 'up and down'. They have nowhere to actually go - but they want to go there in style. Prats.

Petty Hates

Post 682

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

Oh, I'm with that one...we call them boombox cars, because they've replaced the kids walking around with oversized boomboxes blaring!

And what, pray tell, is the epiphany of boredom? That you should get off your butt and do something?!

Petty Hates

Post 683

chickadee (wheee!)

probably already mentioned before, but here goes ...

wrinkled saran wrap

when people get food of their fork with their teeth so it makes a bit of a noise

grudges, especially when people bring up something stupid you said while severely pms-ing

bad commercials

i *think* that's most of mine .. ah yes and judgemental people

Petty Hates

Post 684

Mr. Legion

Sorry, should have mentioned - he meant the 'epitome' of boredom. Though your definition works surprisingly well smiley - biggrin

People who are able to list their own virtues immediately and unashamedly if asked.

People who wear sunglasses indoors.

People who, when handed a form, will fill it out and then put the pen back down on the form, regardless of the fact that I then have to pick the form up, causing the pen to fly off on its own trajectory.
Ye gods that is a *very* petty hate, but when every single person I encounter does it...smiley - steam

Petty Hates

Post 685

chickadee (wheee!)

one littel teeny word of defense for people wearing sunglasses inside -- i did that sometimes going into an u-bahn station because i'm nearsighted, and if i'm wearing my sunglasses then i can at least read the signs, even if things are a bit dim. but in other situations i sooo agree!

teh card game magic

when i mention i'm vegetarian and a person asks, "what do you eat then?"

Petty Hates

Post 686

Citizen S

People who say to you 'I love my meat' when speaking to a vegetarian. Why do they always say it's their meat ?

Petty Hates

Post 687

lazy like panda cat

People who say sangwich instead of sandwich.
Working in a deli I get that a lot. You just wanna say "Sorry I'm not familiar with that word. Could you please spell it?"
Although maybe that's something only Irish people say.

Petty Hates

Post 688

The Groob

Similar to "haiche".
Haiche? What letter's that? I've never heard of it.

Petty Hates

Post 689

bill cullen

i hate people who feel the need to continually butt in, in the middle of sentances with their worthless contributions just at the point in a story when everybody is about to crack up laughing at the hillarity of my little anecdote. i drives me bannanas.mooooooooooooooooooooo.

Petty Hates

Post 690

lazy like panda cat

Ah but isn't it also annoying when people don't seem to understand the nature of A CONVERSATION and refuse to continue talking if someone tries to get a word in edgeways. And them they sulk and throw a tantrum and lie on the ground and cry and beat their fists and then run away dragging their monkey arms behind them, monkey arms I might add which they refuse to use for dancing humerously for my amusement.

Petty Hates

Post 691

bill cullen

there is a thing called manners. its ok when people butt in once in a while with something to add to the conversation, something genuinely to do with the train of thought of the other person but its just plain bad manners to refuse to allow another person room to develop what they were saying-some people, such as myself, deserve this chance. what people like me say is worth its weight in gold and its about TIME I GET THE RECOGNITION I FUPPIN DESERVE.ARGHHHHHHHHH.MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

Petty Hates

Post 692

lazy like panda cat

You're an angry man billy. Or possibly an angry cow. Ever given any thought to an anger management course? I think I'll suggest it to your supervisor. Unless someone already has?????

p.s. You're as gay as a ham.

Petty Hates

Post 693

Citizen S

Yes yes yes - I hate sangwich. It's a Scottish thing too. Along with saying Austraywya..

Petty Hates

Post 694

bill cullen

i am not so i am'nt. ham, isnt gay, its only gay when those wretched deli couner people(oh i dooo hate them) leave it out for days on end.

Petty Hates

Post 695


I second that. Bill, you are as gay as ham.

Petty Hates

Post 696

bill cullen


Petty Hates

Post 697

lazy like panda cat

Hey helly bet you hate people who write am'nt instead of amn't.

Petty Hates

Post 698

bill cullen

shut up panda. anyway you shouldnt be using this forum to conduct a personal chat. get off.

Petty Hates

Post 699


You know me so well! But it's OK, he's a dimwit.

Petty Hates

Post 700

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

People who chew with their mouth open.

Those who are so (insert favorite word for "lazy" here) that they cannot be bothered to pick up their feet when they walk.

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