A Conversation for Ask h2g2
North Vs. South - No Mindless Bigotry please ;)
Mu Beta Started conversation Nov 27, 2002
An advertising campaign has been launched this week encouraging people to move to the North of the country.
Statistics show that the cost of living is lower, housing prices are much lower, commuting is virtually zero, and the beer tastes better (alright, so I made that one up).
With a London recession predicted for the near future, would any of you Southern nancie-boys relocate to the North if so offered?
North Vs. South - No Mindless Bigotry please ;)
Whisky Posted Nov 27, 2002
More to the point - do the Northerners want these southern nancy boys moving into their neighbourhoods
North Vs. South - No Mindless Bigotry please ;)
Mu Beta Posted Nov 27, 2002
Well, precisely. We'd have to turn all the pubs into Yates' Wine Bars, for staters.
North Vs. South - No Mindless Bigotry please ;)
Narapoia Posted Nov 27, 2002
A friend of mine is moving from Hampshire to North Yorkshire next month.
They are selling their 3 bed Barratt-type rabbit hutch and buying a 4 bed 3 recep bungalow with 1.2 acres of garden, river bank with fishing rights for the same price (think it was about £250k)
It's in a village with reasonable public transport, shops, GP etc; the kids are going to a well-rated local school. Her hubby's in waste management and they're going to a local authority that believes in recycling, waste minimisation and improving the environment generally (and he doesn't get a lease car!).
They can't wait, and I confess I'm a bit jealous.
Would I do it? If it was up to me, possibly yes, if the right opportunity came up. Trouble is my other half is one of those mindless bigots!
North Vs. South - No Mindless Bigotry please ;)
kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013 Posted Nov 27, 2002
It wou7ld be a bit of a commute to reach my potential clients in the thames valley, otherwise I would! Oh and it would have to be to a nice area with good shopping/restaurants/bars/transport. Aren't those sorts of places in the north getting very expensive too?
It's still worth thinking about though, if there is work to go to.
Sadly the boyf's current role with TFL rather demands that he spend a lot of time in L so it is quite difficult to persuade him to move just yet...
North Vs. South - No Mindless Bigotry please ;)
Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like Posted Nov 27, 2002
No. There, was that simple and unbigoted enough?
And remember, the yates' was an invention of the North. (The first one I ever saw was in Get Carter, filmed circa 1972, in Newcastle.)
North Vs. South - No Mindless Bigotry please ;)
Narapoia Posted Nov 27, 2002
Right, BS.
And some of us namby pamby Southerners would die rather than go in Yates.
North Vs. South - No Mindless Bigotry please ;)
Munchkin Posted Nov 27, 2002
As someone who had to move south for work, if I can get work where the life is cheaper I would be there in a shot. Am currently investigating getting back to where I once belonged (Glasgow) as I could afford to buy a house and other disturbingly organised things like that. Not that here in Surrey isn't nice or nothing, and Nodnol is a wonderful place to visit, but it is sooooo expensive.
North Vs. South - No Mindless Bigotry please ;)
BobTheFarmer Posted Nov 27, 2002
I can honestly say I dont think I would ever live much north of Bristol. No offence to you lot, I just dont find it appealing. Its grim enough here thank you very much. Although I would *really* appreciate the cheapness.
As for nampy-pamby southerness, come here and say that!!!
North Vs. South - No Mindless Bigotry please ;)
Toccata Posted Nov 27, 2002
How can you say if an area is worth living in until you have tried it?
As someone who has lived all over the SE corner of this fair land, (moved 12 times in the last 10 years) Some bit of the South are lovely, some bits are absolutely terrible.
Having said that, I can't afford to buy a house here, but could in Glasgow, so fully intend to join the researcher in post 8
I've only visited the North, never lived there, so shall have to see.
North Vs. South - No Mindless Bigotry please ;)
Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk Posted Nov 27, 2002
I am a Southerner who has moved North. My Dad is a Northerner who moved South. I have uncles and aunts who moved:
even further North,
a long way east (Saudi Arabia) and then back to the North (albeit the wrong side of the Pennines),
nowhere, staying in the North.
On the other side, I have an uncle who was born in France and moved North from there.
In general, I would say that I like both places.
North Vs. South - No Mindless Bigotry please ;)
The Fairy Melusine Posted Nov 27, 2002
I am going to cop out too. I like both and have lived in both.
North Vs. South - No Mindless Bigotry please ;)
Mina Posted Nov 27, 2002
If the h2g2 offices moved oop north I'd follow, otherwise I'm happy to stay here, simply because I really like London, all my family are here, and I get upset in the countryside.
North Vs. South - No Mindless Bigotry please ;)
Rt. Rev. Lesley Gentle Posted Nov 27, 2002
London may be more expensive but it is incredibly good fun living there. Why would I want to move to somewhere that has to advertise to convince people that it's not too bad to live there (clearly it is).
We may be southern softies, but that's better than being violent wife-beating alcoholic mechanics.
North Vs. South - No Mindless Bigotry please ;)
Mina Posted Nov 27, 2002
No, I don't like the sky. Too much of it, not enough buildings on the horizon.
North Vs. South - No Mindless Bigotry please ;)
Whisky Posted Nov 27, 2002
Who would ever want to live up north anyway...
Not enough smog, too little traffic, housing is just way too cheap - so's the beer. In fact, living in London is just perfect.... apart from the lack of
North Vs. South - No Mindless Bigotry please ;)
GreyDesk Posted Nov 27, 2002
You can't find the in London?
But there are millions of them. Try hanging around the railway stations and you'll see them all pouring in of a morning. And then all going off the other way in the evening.
North Vs. South - No Mindless Bigotry please ;)
Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences Posted Nov 27, 2002
You strange creature Mina. I have exactly the reverse problem- the second I step off the train in London, I'm nervous, twitchy, I feel caged in, and I *really* violently dislike buildings that have the affront to loom up in front of me, and block the horizon and sky. The length of time required in London to attend a meet is about my limit, I'm afraid.
The tallest building where I live, apart from the church, is four stories ;-/
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North Vs. South - No Mindless Bigotry please ;)
- 1: Mu Beta (Nov 27, 2002)
- 2: Whisky (Nov 27, 2002)
- 3: Mu Beta (Nov 27, 2002)
- 4: Narapoia (Nov 27, 2002)
- 5: kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013 (Nov 27, 2002)
- 6: Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like (Nov 27, 2002)
- 7: Narapoia (Nov 27, 2002)
- 8: Munchkin (Nov 27, 2002)
- 9: BobTheFarmer (Nov 27, 2002)
- 10: Toccata (Nov 27, 2002)
- 11: Toccata (Nov 27, 2002)
- 12: Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk (Nov 27, 2002)
- 13: The Fairy Melusine (Nov 27, 2002)
- 14: Mina (Nov 27, 2002)
- 15: GreyDesk (Nov 27, 2002)
- 16: Rt. Rev. Lesley Gentle (Nov 27, 2002)
- 17: Mina (Nov 27, 2002)
- 18: Whisky (Nov 27, 2002)
- 19: GreyDesk (Nov 27, 2002)
- 20: Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences (Nov 27, 2002)
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