This is the Message Centre for Vestboy

Good prevails.

Post 81

Loz, the nimble witted ferret

Despite being impossibly intelligent i am confused, should I join the dark forces of Evil Girrafe or ally with the super dooper super heroes

Good prevails.

Post 82

Discordia Man

Join the forces of Evil! We need another animal, and ferrets have an inherent evilness about them. Plus join now, and you get a peice of Lemon Discordial, and a plastic statue of Eris, the Goddess of Confusion!

Don't be stereotyped

Post 83


Loz, don't be stereotyped! You look a hansome fellow with your pointy snout and beady eyes which are too close together. Come and join the side of good and we'll fix you up with some plastic surgery to put that squint right. And get a good dentist to sort out your overbite.
And, perhaps a personal hygienist to...

Don't be stereotyped

Post 84

The Cauliflower Of Virtue

I will join the Forces of Good, although you do already seem to have enough vegetables on your side...
No matter. I like battling for justice.

**strikes heroic pose, but effect is ruined when belt snaps and trousers fall down**

Don't be stereotyped

Post 85

Discordia Man

Yes, It is the stereotype that Ferrets that have their eyes too close join the forces of good! don't listen to that stereotype! Besides, will they give you a snack and a plastic statue of their god? I think not!!! Gwahahahahahahahahahahaha! Yah, yah, yah! Bffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft!

Don't be stereotyped

Post 86

Fate Amenable To Change

No No!!
Join evil, we have the best tea, (if not, currently, the best tea pot..) I have biscuits too, and we'll throw you in a menacing laugh
Join Evil!

Don't be stereotyped

Post 87

Discordia Man

Yes, her tea is quite good! Gwahahahahahahahaha! yah yah yah! Bfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft!

We are waiting.

Post 88

Evil Giraffe

Loz, You are welcomed into the ranks of Evil. I think that there is a guide being produced to let you know which forum this titanic struggle rages across ... I think it's 5 or 6 now. Someone throw me a frickin' bone.

Evil laughs are becoming de riguer ... is your s something along the lines of "Tp tp tp tp tp"?

There are some standard questions that I am obliged to ask you to establish the extent of your evil.

1. What are your evil powers?
2. What was your last evil accomplishment?
3. Just how evil are you?

You also have to complete an induction mission, a rite of passage if you prefer. You are to sneak up on Vesty and chew through the elastic on his underpants with your super sharp ferret incisor teeth. It's a dirty job, but...

Fate, get the tea ready, Loz is going to need some to take away the taste!


We are waiting.

Post 89

Discordia Man

And the Lemon Dischordial will go nicely with the tea.

We are waiting.

Post 90

The Duke of Dunstable

What you will get, if you join the forces of evil, is amercan made tea, which is of no good use to anybody. They haven't read Douglas Adams' thread about tea on his userpage, and hence they pour not-boiling water on the leafs, thus creating a tea that no man or woman should have to drink. Join the Goodies, who know how to make proper tea! Besides, we might have TWO teapots an a moment...smiley - bigeyes

We are waiting.

Post 91

The Cauliflower Of Virtue

Hello, likkle Vestboy. My, aren't you getting tall. Remember me, your auntie Edna?

We are waiting.

Post 92

The Duke of Dunstable

Ummmm....Vestboy? There's a lady over there who seems to know you. Is that your mum? Are we going to get in to trouble? *Looks worried and walks slowly backwards toward the door.*

We are waiting.

Post 93

Olaf the, er, Hesitant

Be scared, Vestie. Aunts always want to give you horrible wet kisses on the mouth.....euuchh!!

I think Evil Giraffe and his hired minions were a bit previous accepting the ferret on to their side. I didn't catch the bit where a decision was made...but that's evil for you, making an ass out of u and umption.

By the way, Duke...this ICQ thing: wha'appen, my man? I'm all registered...


Post 94

Fate Amenable To Change

I have many types of tea in my various caddies, we have Earl Grey (loose), Pg tips (bags), plus a whole range of exciting and original herbal varities and many others too...
You may have my best tea pot too, but not my huge canteen one, or the silver one, and if push comes to shove I'm more than capable of brewing up really good tea using just boiling water a mug and a tea bag.


Post 95

Olaf the, er, Hesitant

Do you have any of that really disgusting herbal stuff that smells of tomcats? You couldn't brew an entire canteen of that for us, could you Fate?

Now THAT'S evil...

We are waiting.

Post 96

The Duke of Dunstable

Olaf, If you're registered you should have been provided with a UIN-number. Mine, for instance (this goes for you too, Vestie) is 40500911. If you now press the button named "Add" in the ICQ-window, you can insert my UIN in the proper slot and press search. The robot will find my name and show it, and you just double click it. Voila, as they say...

We are waiting.

Post 97

Discordia Man

Wait a minute! We're hired minions?!? I didn't get paid for anything I've done so far!!!

We are waiting.

Post 98

Olaf the, er, Hesitant

That's your true evil for you...

You must realise that to be an evil minion makes you truly dispensible (a bit like being the proud wearer of the red vest in the original Star Trek). Once Evil Giraffe has no more need of're toast (with tea, if Fate has any say in it, which, as a minion, she doesn't, really).

Thanks for the info, Duke: cor..the Twentieth Century, eh?

We are waiting.

Post 99

The Duke of Dunstable

Well, well, well! I believe we can sense a bit of an uprising among the evil bunch. Uproar, protests, berzerk, we might hope? That's the spirit, just play the game right in our hands...*Yummies with pleasure*

We are waiting.

Post 100

Olaf the, er, Hesitant

It's always the same, Duke. Evil never learns. All you have to do is get them to band together (by setting up a Good Forum, for example) and before you know it they're knocking spots off each other. Simple.

Of course, I wouldn't know any of this if I hadn't watched "Buffy, The Vampire Slayer".

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