This is the Message Centre for Vestboy

Good prevails.

Post 61

The Duke of Dunstable

Ahaaaaaaa-ha-ha-haaaannnggghh! Greater means of communications have been established between yours truly and TRED, via the eminent little gadget ICQ, thus enabling us to act faster upon the evil doings of Evil G and his hordes. We shall keep the erest of the Goodiebunch up to date on this matter. Tremble with fear and juvenile giggling, Evil Hordes!

Part-time heroes

Post 62


You're a real philosopher Duke. Anyway I've just realised that Discordia Man is Manboy. Slippier than a bagful of eels. I have presented him with the teaspoon as Stirrer in Chief and deny him entry to the realms of the good until he does three good things in a row. That is one after another rather than doing them in a straight line.

I would like to suggest we and the villains have separate base forums where we can hatch plots without the other side contributing. I.e they are able to read the forum but not interfere. We can then carry onthe business of trying to do each other in in the current 4, 17, 693 or whatever it is forums but we can get a grip on this somehow.

All in favour say aye.

Part-time heroes

Post 63

The Duke of Dunstable

Right-ho! Aye, say I.

Part-time heroes

Post 64

Discordia Man

Yeah. Aye. Gwahahahahahahahahahaha! Yah yah yah! Bfffffffffffffffft!

Good prevails.

Post 65


Duke, I too am on ICQ. How did you make the arrangements?

Good prevails.

Post 66

The Duke of Dunstable

Well, to tell you the truth; I was sitting there, minding my own business, when this thing suddenly said "Uh-oh!" and there was a message from TRED. Easy, no? You'll find my UIN on my userpage (can't remember it now); add me and I'll connect you with TRED. OK?

Good prevails.

Post 67

Olaf the, er, Hesitant

So here you all are, you bad, bad super-heroes, you.

(Olaf, in full goatskin regalia, puffs out his mighty stomach and yodels the Kebab warcry).


That feels better. How are we all? Up to no mischief, I hope? Not playing with the Evil Hordes, I trust?

Good prevails.

Post 68

The Duke of Dunstable

What's the big idea shouting the swedish word for cardigan? Does it mean anything, anything?

Good prevails.

Post 69

Olaf the, er, Hesitant

It's a type of kebab.

Obviously it would be a cardigan in Swedish. I should have realised!
No doubt DONER refers to a Swedish brassiere and SHISH is the noise Swedish curtains make when they're pulled...

Good prevails.

Post 70

The Duke of Dunstable

Thou art correct. smiley - smiley So, what's up with the evil bunch? They don't seem very active. Have we won, without having to do anything?

Good prevails.

Post 71

Olaf the, er, Hesitant

Evil never sleeps, but I think TRED's messages may have begun to induce a coma. smiley - smiley

Good prevails.

Post 72

The Duke of Dunstable

I've got TRED on ICQ now, he just logged on. He's angry for missing out on the live chat with Douglas Adams...

Good prevails.

Post 73

Olaf the, er, Hesitant

Sorry, TRED. Just joking.

Douglas missed you, by the way.

Good prevails.

Post 74

The Duke of Dunstable

Yes, he did, didn't he? he said he could use a good zippo manager.

Good prevails.

Post 75


We need to plan, plan, plan. That's the only way to beat evil.
And preparation. Right then everyone together: up, down, up, down, up, down. Now the other eyebrow.
Right we have to steal Fate's tea pot. Thus disarmed she will be putty in our hands and then our windows won't fall out.
I need a brave volunteer to keep her occupied while the rest of us sneak in and take her brewing vessel.
Any volunteers?

Good prevails.

Post 76

Olaf the, er, Hesitant

My eyebrow just fell off.

That's the danger with exercise.

OK, I'll grab Fate's teapot (sound weird that).

Good prevails.

Post 77

Olaf the, er, Hesitant

Sentences my sense aren't making.


Good prevails.

Post 78


Stop drinking that carrot brew. It's ok at night but the effects during the day are unpredictable.

Good luck with the tea pot!

What's that caterpillar over there?

*Picks up huge hairy caterpillar, calls after Olaf*

I've found your eyebrow!

Good prevails.

Post 79

Olaf the, er, Hesitant

Thanks, Vestie. Let's hope this conversation doesn't get any more eyebrow...

Good prevails.

Post 80



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