This is the Message Centre for Vestboy

Part-time heroes

Post 21

Fate Amenable To Change

The quality of the opposition seems to be very very poor at the moment - a TRED who is so gullable it's really hardly worth the effort and a Manboy who, well, not exactly filled with the fight of the good fight hmm?

Part-time heroes

Post 22

Evil Giraffe

I know exactly what you mean, Fate. Egads, we don't want to deal with these second rate sidekicks. TRED, Manboy ... do your worst! Fate, prepare to be mildly amused by their confused flapping about!


Part-time heroes

Post 23


Although I am currently an innocent civilian, I think I'd like to join the forces of evil. Especially because I think Evil Giraffe is a very original name for an evil giraffe.
Is it true that you have chocolate digestive biscuits on the Dark Side? And do you drive mopeds (evil mopeds, of course. Painted black, with spiky bits on the wheels, as to injure the shins of superheroes)?

Part-time heroes

Post 24

Discordia Man

Manboy draws his mighty scissors and runs about aimlessly. He pokes Evil Giraffe in the eye.

Part-time heroes

Post 25

Fate Amenable To Change

Nice name! Truly evil!
Welcome to the evil side!
(Yes it's true about the biscuits, but not about the scones)
We were in dire need of some other evil doers,
Evil G had best ask the evil questions of you

Part-time heroes

Post 26

Evil Giraffe

Any type of villainous vehicle (spiked on unspiked) is welcome here in Evil Inc.

Scumpit, a few questions. Just how evil are you? What are your evil powers? What was your last dastardly deed? Do you have a maniacal laugh (not required, but preferred)?

Bwaaa-haaa-haaa-ha-h ... h ... hooo!

Part-time heroes

Post 27

Evil Giraffe

Sorry, Manboy, but I was wearing Anti-scissor-stab-eye-protection-goggles!

Part-time heroes

Post 28

Discordia Man

Okay, yes. I was just wondering if I could join both the forces of Good and Evil? Like I flip a coin when I wake up or something?

Part-time heroes

Post 29

Evil Giraffe


Part-time heroes

Post 30

Fate Amenable To Change

Are you Good or Evil?
It's a question of life choices, life styles, attitude etc, not like deciding wether to have cornflakes or shreddies for breakfast
You can't be both, (had trouble with that sort before).
You must know in your heart which you really are

Part-time heroes

Post 31

Discordia Man

Hmmm... (flips a coin) Evil it is! (Ties a black cape around his neck)Hail Discordia! Gwahahahahahahaha!!!

Part-time heroes

Post 32

Discordia Man

However, this is subject to change, depending on who has the best insentives, and the best tea.

Part-time heroes

Post 33

Evil Giraffe

Is that orange discordial?

Part-time heroes

Post 34

Discordia Man

Ummm... Orange doesn't seem very Discordic... I'd have to go with yellow Discordia, which is almost as good.

Part-time heroes

Post 35

Fate Amenable To Change

We have the best tea, ask TRED,
Mwa mwa mwa

Part-time heroes

Post 36

Discordia Man

Also, how is this for a Manical Laugh: "Gwahahahahahahahaha! Yah yah yah! Bffffffffffffffffffffffft!"
I've been working on it for a while.

Oh, and from now on, I'm Discordia Man

Part-time heroes

Post 37

Evil Giraffe

Lemon discordial?

Part-time heroes

Post 38

Discordia Man

Well, yeah, I guess. Want some of my Discordial?

Part-time heroes

Post 39

Discordia Man

It is very good. Gwahahahahahahahahaha! Yah yah yah! Bfffffffffffffffffffffffffft!

Part-time heroes

Post 40

Fate Amenable To Change

If it's lemon discordial we've got Vestboy nailed

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