This is the Message Centre for Vestboy

Good prevails.

Post 1

The Duke of Dunstable

This continues the "We need more superheroes forum". Evil giraffes not allowed.

Good prevails.

Post 2

Discordia Man

I wish to enter your league of Heroes. I am ManBoy, the hero with the body of an overweight 45 year old man, but the mind of a six year old child! And I run with scissors!

Good prevails.

Post 3


Welcome Manboy! We need more people with your sort of gut. Guts I mean.
You have scissors. We have cellotape. Most of it has been round my legs but that's another story.
We are on the path of an evil mob led by Evil Giraffe. Known to his friends as... he hasn't got any, so we'll never know.

Good prevails.

Post 4


I've jsut been redirected here from the other forum. Duke that was a clever move. Welcome back Leeloo. You need the love of a good man? Superheroes form a line! Hansomest and most likeable at the front.

Good prevails.

Post 5


Stop pushing in front of me!

Good prevails.

Post 6

The Duke of Dunstable

All she needs to do is take a glance at my pic on my page, and I'm the lucky winner...

Good prevails.

Post 7

The Duke of Dunstable

Manboy, we welcome you too amongst us. We are many now. Meet amongst others Vestboy; the hero of elastic underwear, Olaf; king of vikinghelmets with pointy horns on them, and me; lord of annoying facial hair. I'll let the others introduce themselves.

Good prevails.

Post 8


Hello ManBoy,
To some I am known as others...well, they mostly call me TRED too. I carry with me an amazing Zippo which has come through for me in many pinches and also served me well in lighting some fine cigars and used as a sign of appreciation at a few concerts as well.
It's been a couple days since I was on here, but as I recall last, I was trapped in an evil quagmire by Evil Giraffe and had no way of escaping...and hardly any lighter fluid left in my Zippo...and my trusty towel, Sam, was stolen by none other than the Evil Giraffe himself. Perhaps one of my fellow superhero friends has saved me in the last few days and I was unaware of it... to the other threads I go, to see if I have been saved unbeknownst to myself. Ha Ha Ha! (superhero, I'm-now-leaving-the-room-to-go-see-if-I-was-rescued-without-me-knowing-it laugh)

A choice ...

Post 9


Well, I’ve deliberated, masticated and conjugated and have come to the conclusion that there is but one Good Man worthy of my love. That is the original Super Hero who cast his spell over me weeks ago - Vestboy - are you up to the challenge of filling Brucies underwear? smiley - winkeye


Post 10

Fate Amenable To Change

*thinks* The superheroes appear to be gathering but I can't take them all on at once.
-Beats hasty retreat-

Part-time heroes

Post 11

Evil Giraffe

Hiding will do you no good you motley bunch of part-time "heroes". While you have been doing week-endy type things the plots have thickened and the nooses tightened.

I would sum up for you all, but evil sever summarises!

Bwa-ha-ha yadda-yadda-yadda!

Part-time heroes

Post 12


[hides...attempting to avoid any noose-like objects]

Part-time heroes

Post 13

Fate Amenable To Change

TRED! Are you with this bunch of goody goodys or are you with evil?? It's no good hiding like that, there's a trail of blood leaking from your hand...

Part-time heroes

Post 14

Discordia Man

In response to this threat, ManBoy sits down and cries. He then plays with scissors for a bit, then demands some milk.

Part-time heroes

Post 15

Discordia Man

Even though it wasn't directed towards him.

Part-time heroes

Post 16

Discordia Man

The threat, I mean. Not the milk.

Part-time heroes

Post 17


Okay, wait...pause the program here...since when did I lose a hand? I was merely using a metaphor corellating my situation with that of Luke Skywalker, main character in the best saga of all time. If you examine my situation as is, you will notice how closely it correlates. You all are attempting to drag me over to the evil side while I have inner turmoil trying to convince myself that the good side is better, while the quicker, easier, more seductive evil side...well, seduces me with it's ease and speed. I have not, litterally, lost a hand...yet...though I cannot fully remove it from the realm of possibility by the way things have been happening to me lately. I've been trapped in a quagmire, lost my fluid for my trusty Zippo, and now am drugged beyond my control by a cup of your incredibly good tea.

Part-time heroes

Post 18

Evil Giraffe

Manboy, Evil offers you milk.


Part-time heroes

Post 19

Fate Amenable To Change

It is evilly good tea, mwa.
C'mon, join us you know you want to...

Part-time heroes

Post 20

Discordia Man

No! Don't go with them! I want to borrow your Zippo! And I carry lighter fluid! We could be a team. Think about it: TRED and ManBoy! (Heroic music plays for three seconds and then fades out pathetically)

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