A Conversation for Sere's Agony corner.

This is cozy! Right, am i being messed about?

Post 81


smiley - laugh

I know a few of them...

...some of them I've known for a long time (been here a few years smiley - winkeye)

I've known Jonathan since, well, before HooToo was even thought of smiley - yikes

This is cozy! Right, am i being messed about?

Post 82


you sure we're thinking of the samre Jonathan? smiley - erm

This is cozy! Right, am i being messed about?

Post 83


Ask him about EW Too and if he starts going on about the good ol' days, yes, if he hasn't a clue, it's a different Jonathan smiley - laugh

This is cozy! Right, am i being messed about?

Post 84


the one i knows only been here about a year if that n lives in london??

This is cozy! Right, am i being messed about?

Post 85


smiley - whistle

This is cozy! Right, am i being messed about?

Post 86


Well, not sure how long he's been on HooToo to be honest! smiley - laugh

I've been here 4 years now, on and off smiley - yikes

This is cozy! Right, am i being messed about?

Post 87


'throws things at Footbacon'

smiley - laugh

Ive been here nearly 2 years now..poor hootoo

This is cozy! Right, am i being messed about?

Post 88


smiley - biggrin
smiley - erm

Shall i just leave you two alone?

This is cozy! Right, am i being messed about?

Post 89


Theres no need really..smiley - blush

This is cozy! Right, am i being messed about?

Post 90


smiley - laugh

smiley - biggrin

What's she trying to say, like?

This is cozy! Right, am i being messed about?

Post 91


I'll just leave some smiley - bubbly

See you tommorow! ta ta

This is cozy! Right, am i being messed about?

Post 92


glugs the smiley - bubbly ...hic

This is cozy! Right, am i being messed about?

Post 93


I'll have to stick to I'm afraid smiley - erm

This is cozy! Right, am i being messed about?

Post 94


smiley - nahnah

This is cozy! Right, am i being messed about?

Post 95


I have no problem - makes so much blackmail material available smiley - silly

This is cozy! Right, am i being messed about?

Post 96


does it? smiley - bigeyes

This is cozy! Right, am i being messed about?

Post 97


Oh yes!

*Thinks back to the posse's Halloween/bonfire BBQ smiley - bigeyes*

This is cozy! Right, am i being messed about?

Post 98


I had some friends over for drinks etc halloween..Genie made sex on the beach..lovely stuff but not with aftershock chasers smiley - drunksmiley - ill

This is cozy! Right, am i being messed about?

Post 99


smiley - laugh I can imagine!!! smiley - biggrin

I'd be smiley - drunk on the smell alone smiley - rofl

This is cozy! Right, am i being messed about?

Post 100


Speaking of smell..or rather inhaling..the rather strong smiley - puffsmiley - whistle later didnt help ..me n werekittys bf were practically comatose smiley - laugh

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