A Conversation for Sere's Agony corner.

This is cozy! Right, am i being messed about?

Post 41


smiley - smiley

This is cozy! Right, am i being messed about?

Post 42


smiley - ill

This is cozy! Right, am i being messed about?

Post 43


are you not very well Silva? my papercut feels fine since that smiley - cake

This is cozy! Right, am i being messed about?

Post 44


Can't eat the smiley - cake at the moment, too smiley - ill

Hospitals! Tut!

This is cozy! Right, am i being messed about?

Post 45


does this have something to do with the flashing lights?

This is cozy! Right, am i being messed about?

Post 46


It has to do with spending a day waiting in a packed casualty department!

This is cozy! Right, am i being messed about?

Post 47


'plays a violin' smiley - tongueout

its a bloody cold man not the plague!

you musrt still be able to eat som nice stuff..cakes not good for you anyway..as my thighs will testify willingly! smiley - sadface

This is cozy! Right, am i being messed about?

Post 48


anyway..glad your finger's better footbacon.. have you spoken to this laddie yet? smiley - bigeyes

This is cozy! Right, am i being messed about?

Post 49


I was just about to come on here again and have another whinge, then i get here and you're here asking me about it already! psychy?

anyway, I've not asked him about if he's bothered about us because after i came on here, he apologised and seemed really sincere. He's not been very well either, so i thought that might be why he's been a bit out of it.
But today, we were supposed to go out to dinner together, but because he's been sick, he said that he didn't think it was fair taking me for a drink and coughing and sneezing all over me, which, i thought was fine, if he didn't feel well, then he won't want to do that.

so i went to dinner on my own, and came back about half hour back, he still hadn't come back, he said he'd just go to fetch something to eat for his dinner and didn't say anything else.

so about 5 to 2 he came back with his mate who works here smiley - groan

but now i don't know whether he's being genuine and doesn't want to embarass himself, not being well around me. or what...maybe i'm just being daft coz i've felt a bit down all day, well, since monday.

I know i should just ask him, but he could just spin something off and say that he does want to go out with me, when really he just wants to string me along...

i feel crap, got anymore smiley - cake?

This is cozy! Right, am i being messed about?

Post 50


I always was a little psychic smiley - winkeye

smiley - cakesmiley - teasmiley - cuddle

You really would need to talk to him to know whats really going on..but then chances are if he is being a shit hes not going to be honest about it! AS a general thing I'd say anyone who makes you feel crappy more than they make you feel good isn't worth the time .

This is cozy! Right, am i being messed about?

Post 51


Thanks Templar smiley - hug

The thing is I had a really good feeling about him when we first started seeing eachother, and i still do when we're together. Its just when I'm on my own and thinking things over that i start getting really pessimistic about everything, i always do it. So i think to myself, you can't even trust your own thoughts, but THEN i think that i'm being too cynical of myself!

So i go round and round in circles thinking about rubbishsmiley - groan

then the third voice doesn't do much either.....smiley - biggrin

OoOoOoOHh smiley - cake

This is cozy! Right, am i being messed about?

Post 52


but sometimes when you're with the person you're sort of blinded..

third voice? smiley - yikessmiley - run

This is cozy! Right, am i being messed about?

Post 53


yeah, he's called Simon....smiley - monstersmiley - weird

i don't know, just going to see what happens smiley - smiley

This is cozy! Right, am i being messed about?

Post 54


Keep your wits about you though ok smiley - hug

This is cozy! Right, am i being messed about?

Post 55


Now, you're sure there's only three voices? smiley - erm

This is cozy! Right, am i being messed about?

Post 56


you still moanig? smiley - laughsmiley - cuddle

chucking a sicky?

This is cozy! Right, am i being messed about?

Post 57


Yes dear smiley - laugh

I'll go back to work tomorrow, if it'll help smiley - rofl

This is cozy! Right, am i being messed about?

Post 58


If it'll help with what? smiley - laugh

This is cozy! Right, am i being messed about?

Post 59


So you can catch up on all the gossip without me interrupting smiley - laugh

This is cozy! Right, am i being messed about?

Post 60


i was only enquiring.. no ones interrupting smiley - laugh

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