A Conversation for Sere's Agony corner.

This is cozy! Right, am i being messed about?

Post 121


still not feeling too grand...n now i'm full of snot too..'atchoo' smiley - ill that'll teach me not to take the piss
won't it ...smiley - bruised

This is cozy! Right, am i being messed about?

Post 122


smiley - cake? or would a smiley - towel be more approprioate?

This is cozy! Right, am i being messed about?

Post 123


my tummy's still playing up from the other day so i'd better stick to the smiley - towelsmiley - wah

you ok?

This is cozy! Right, am i being messed about?

Post 124


yeah i'm okey dokey pig in a pokey, thanks

hmm, perhaps a piece of dry toast...? thats what my ma always said to have when you have a funny stomach....

This is cozy! Right, am i being messed about?

Post 125


got a cheese sandwich hehehehe

ive not got a bbug or anything..just gave in to some bbq ribs the other day(they sett off my ibs bad) n have been comfortiing crap since smiley - erm
but i'm sposed to be the agony aunt here(one of them anyway) so...

nice weather? smiley - laughsmiley - run

This is cozy! Right, am i being messed about?

Post 126


ohhh the agony! its terrible, i can't stand it anymore please, you must simply help me out of this terrible, neverending kerfuffle...

This is cozy! Right, am i being messed about?

Post 127


smiley - laugh

I'm having enough trouble trying to work out my own 'kerfuffle' at the mo smiley - headhurts

This is cozy! Right, am i being messed about?

Post 128


does the agony aunt need to agonise...

This is cozy! Right, am i being messed about?

Post 129


i'd really best not smiley - winkeye

This is cozy! Right, am i being messed about?

Post 130


Are you sure, if you want to then i'll listen smiley - smiley

This is cozy! Right, am i being messed about?

Post 131


it's ok really smiley - laugh..thanks though

This is cozy! Right, am i being messed about?

Post 132


Did someone mention 'kerfuffle'?

This is cozy! Right, am i being messed about?

Post 133


"Theres not much kerfuffle getting him into the pool, and theres not much kerfuffle getting him out either. he's basically kefuffle free actually"

smiley - erm

i think me and Paul are off. I talked to someone at work today about it and they emailed him, he saidthat he does like me but isn't sure what he wants at the moment...

so thats that done and dusted

This is cozy! Right, am i being messed about?

Post 134


Oh well chalk it up to experience and move on

This is cozy! Right, am i being messed about?

Post 135


I don't want to just experience crap though!

ah well, going to the pub at dinner so that'll cheer me up smiley - biggrin

This is cozy! Right, am i being messed about?

Post 136


at least you know..

This is cozy! Right, am i being messed about?

Post 137


You don't have to go through all the fuss about finding the bits you don't like about him now smiley - silly

This is cozy! Right, am i being messed about?

Post 138


yeah suppose so

This is cozy! Right, am i being messed about?

Post 139


that can be fun though!

This is cozy! Right, am i being messed about?

Post 140


Well, yes smiley - winkeye

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