A Conversation for Sere's Agony corner.

I think I've got a problem

Post 1

F F Churchton

There is a researcher on h2g2 who really getting on my nerves smiley - grr. It's not as though he/she/it is saying anything nasty it's just that he/she/it is selfish, immature and talks nonesense (more so than your average researcher) smiley - grrsmiley - grr. Not only that but it seems to me that I'm the only one who is annoyed by him/her/it, everyone else seems to like he/she/it. smiley - grrsmiley - grrsmiley - grr

I think I've got a problem

Post 2


I'd take no notice n just avoid the person as best you can smiley - ok

I think I've got a problem

Post 3

F F Churchton

Alright then, thank you Serephina!

I think I've got a problem

Post 4


Without really knowing the situation theres not a lot I can say. Trying not to let someone get to you can be easier said than done. Have you thought about exploring other areas of the site?

I think I've got a problem

Post 5

F F Churchton

Yes, I'm going to do exactly that. I think it's probably because I thought I could try and ignore him/her/it in the threads which probably did'nt help matters.

Oh well h2g2 is a big place, you can lose yourself quite easily in all the societies and entries!

I think I've got a problem

Post 6


It is huge, and most people tend to stick to their little groups n areas.

Have you written any guide entries? Thats always fun

I think I've got a problem

Post 7

F F Churchton

I've just written one today, it's the first one I've submitted to be peer reviewed!

I think I've got a problem

Post 8


I'll have to have a looksee.

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