A Conversation for Sere's Agony corner.

This is cozy! Right, am i being messed about?

Post 21


smiley - cry

This is cozy! Right, am i being messed about?

Post 22


awww sorry ...smiley - cuddle

This is cozy! Right, am i being messed about?

Post 23


smiley - hugsmiley - ok

Sweet dreams smiley - magicsmiley - angel

This is cozy! Right, am i being messed about?

Post 24


parp? smiley - yikessmiley - illsmiley - run

what you been eating to have wind like that?

This is cozy! Right, am i being messed about?

Post 25


i didn't realise this was a nurses station too! smiley - erm could you help me?
I've just got a papercut but its killing

This is cozy! Right, am i being messed about?

Post 26


It isn't smiley - erm

I do know a little first aid though!

This is cozy! Right, am i being messed about?

Post 27


do you have a plaster? smiley - sadface

This is cozy! Right, am i being messed about?

Post 28


here..have one with little cartoons on smiley - smiley

This is cozy! Right, am i being messed about?

Post 29


do you have some germoline? don't know where that printer papers been!

the printer? really? well, thats surprising!

This is cozy! Right, am i being messed about?

Post 30


no but i may have some savlon somewhere smiley - smiley

i thought it was just a paper cut? smiley - erm

This is cozy! Right, am i being messed about?

Post 31


It is, but it huruuuurtttts! smiley - wah

This is cozy! Right, am i being messed about?

Post 32


oh come on you big baby smiley - tongueout

This is cozy! Right, am i being messed about?

Post 33


I'll settle for a piece of smiley - cake...?

This is cozy! Right, am i being messed about?

Post 34


mmmmkay... smiley - cake

This is cozy! Right, am i being messed about?

Post 35

Dragon Lord back with avengence

hello serephina, how are you today hun?
smiley - lovesmiley - kisssmiley - roseScott xx

This is cozy! Right, am i being messed about?

Post 36


smiley - drool thanking youuuu!!! would you like some too? smiley - cake

looksmiley - magic pain has disappeared!

This is cozy! Right, am i being messed about?

Post 37


mmmm think i'll def have to get some cake when I go shopping a bit smiley - biggrin

Err Hello Dragon Lord..have we met? smiley - erm ..and what seems to be the prob? smiley - smiley

This is cozy! Right, am i being messed about?

Post 38

Dragon Lord back with avengence

st... you talk to me dad i think lnk lol... problem is the SSO i have to keep re-registering any suggestions babe? xx

This is cozy! Right, am i being messed about?

Post 39


Who's your dad?

There were some digibox friendly sign in links foating around, but apart from that theres not much you can do.

This is cozy! Right, am i being messed about?

Post 40

Dragon Lord back with avengence

thanks babe ill check it out. mwah xx

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