A Conversation for The Mother of All Gooses
The Contrary Garden
Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence Posted Feb 20, 2003
Wake up, Pansy!
*aside* I was just wondering what happened to her...
The Contrary Garden
Pansy Ffing Posted Feb 20, 2003
*Pansy opens her eyes sleepily and yawns. Looking around, she blinks and stares
Where am I?
*Pansy stands up. She is dressed in a short frilly pink nightie trimmed with pink lace. Her legs are bare but she is wearing a pair of large pink fluffy slippers. Her face is covered with a thick layer of face cream and her hair is tucked inside a night cap, although wisps of pink can be seen peeking from it.*
Ooh! It's been a long time since anyone has seen my in my night attire. No peeking at my legs!
The Contrary Garden
Robyn Bankes Posted Feb 21, 2003
What's that behind you, Pansy, is it another egg?
The Contrary Garden
Blue-Eyed BiPedal BookWorm from Betelgeuse (aka B4[insertpunhere]) Posted Feb 21, 2003
The Contrary Garden
Pansy Ffing Posted Feb 21, 2003
I'm not sure what you're sniggering about. I was told that this was the place for the pretty maids to stand all in a row. I shall be off and get changed so that I can take my place.
*Pansy flounces out*
The Contrary Garden
Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive Posted Feb 22, 2003
The Contrary Garden
Blue-Eyed BiPedal BookWorm from Betelgeuse (aka B4[insertpunhere]) Posted Feb 22, 2003
The Contrary Garden
Cinders Posted Feb 22, 2003
Oh dear, I do hope Miss Pansy isn't too upset.
*peers at the egg*
It is a multi coloured one. Have we had one of those before?
The Contrary Garden
Blue-Eyed BiPedal BookWorm from Betelgeuse (aka B4[insertpunhere]) Posted Feb 22, 2003
I know WE haven't "had" one of those before, though it appears that Miss Pansy may have...
The Contrary Garden
Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive Posted Feb 22, 2003
The Contrary Garden
Titania (gone for lunch) Posted Feb 22, 2003
Ah - don't worry Amy - poor B4 even had to explain one of his comments in detail to me (well, you can't expect me to be familiar with all the brand names of certain US products...) - I wonder who was blushing most, him or me...
The Contrary Garden
Blue-Eyed BiPedal BookWorm from Betelgeuse (aka B4[insertpunhere]) Posted Feb 22, 2003
[B4 declines to elucidate on the grounds the 'simple' explanation could lead to another bout of 'politically incorrectness'.]
The Contrary Garden
Three Blind Mice Posted Feb 23, 2003
*from the branch of a nearby tree the mice do a dance routine with hats and canes, a la Fred Astaire*
They say the egg has many hues.
We can't see it but the news
Is good for all of us who choose
to move along for higher views.
1: Did you hear who's playing the Pied Piper?
*all giggle*
2: Did you hear about the ...
3: Hush! Not in mixed company! There are not-mice here.
The Contrary Garden
Thistle Howl - a frighteningly cute Critter of the Night Posted Feb 23, 2003
So we need Gladys to give us our riddle?
She's sucha cute spider, I wonder if she'd mind if I petted her? Perhaps a little scritch between her head and abdomen? The big spider in my basement likes that a lot.
The Contrary Garden
Little Miss Muffet (featuring Gladys the Spider) Posted Feb 23, 2003
*swerves around Thistle Howl, giving her a sideways look* climbs up the rock face* addresses the crowd*
*holds up a piece of paper to read* furrows brow* notices a typo and decides to busk it*
The time has come to test your Greek
If other eggs you are to seek
You'll clearly never be a loser
If you know the word 'empusa'
Key: Complain about this post
The Contrary Garden
- 61: Coniraya (Feb 20, 2003)
- 62: Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence (Feb 20, 2003)
- 63: Humpty Dumpty (and Chicken Little, his chicken) (Feb 20, 2003)
- 64: Pansy Ffing (Feb 20, 2003)
- 65: Robyn Bankes (Feb 21, 2003)
- 66: Blue-Eyed BiPedal BookWorm from Betelgeuse (aka B4[insertpunhere]) (Feb 21, 2003)
- 67: Pansy Ffing (Feb 21, 2003)
- 68: Coniraya (Feb 21, 2003)
- 69: Pansy Ffing (Feb 21, 2003)
- 70: Humpty Dumpty (and Chicken Little, his chicken) (Feb 21, 2003)
- 71: Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive (Feb 22, 2003)
- 72: Blue-Eyed BiPedal BookWorm from Betelgeuse (aka B4[insertpunhere]) (Feb 22, 2003)
- 73: Cinders (Feb 22, 2003)
- 74: Blue-Eyed BiPedal BookWorm from Betelgeuse (aka B4[insertpunhere]) (Feb 22, 2003)
- 75: Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive (Feb 22, 2003)
- 76: Titania (gone for lunch) (Feb 22, 2003)
- 77: Blue-Eyed BiPedal BookWorm from Betelgeuse (aka B4[insertpunhere]) (Feb 22, 2003)
- 78: Three Blind Mice (Feb 23, 2003)
- 79: Thistle Howl - a frighteningly cute Critter of the Night (Feb 23, 2003)
- 80: Little Miss Muffet (featuring Gladys the Spider) (Feb 23, 2003)
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